Arabs are as far from white as you can get. But Berbers are legitimately white, and I mean this without a bit of irony. Neither the common sense that is geographical proximity, nor factual data adds up with leading to any other conclusion.
In the Last Glacial Maximum, all of western Europe went south into Iberia. Some groups went a little farther into North Africa. The Berbers are a composite group of Near Eastern groups and the Saami of Scandinavia.
It's interesting to note that, in Antiquity, Berbers were known for higher incidences of blondism than southern Europeans. The Egyptians had five world races - they called themselves the Red race. Syrians were the Yellow race, Ethiopians the Black race, the White race were not Europeans but Berbers of North Africa. Pharaoh Ramses of Egypt was a redhead of Berber ancestry. Here is an article on an Egyptian cemetery from Antiquity with a bunch of blondes and redheads (probably Berbers like Ramses):
The isolated Guanche tribes who spoke a Berber language were anecdotally described by Spanish voyagers as light-skinned, fair-haired, tall and robust.
According to physical anthropologist Carleton Coon (in his ''Races of Europe''), Riffian Berbers have the world's fourth highest rate of red hair. Likely the most prominent example being Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco.
In essence, North Africa was an extension of southern Europe, all throughout Antiquity.
This changed only after the Arabs came in. They breached the Sahara for the first time and introduced sub-Saharan Africans as slaves (up until the Middle Ages, North Africa was cut off from black Africa by the massive Sahara, so the two groups didn't contact). As a result of this demographic shift, modern North Africans have about 5% black admixture.
But what happened was the arabs invaded, raped them, imported black slaves, the raped berbers mated with those slaves and now we have modern brown and ape looking berbers that make up 99% of the population of Maghreb and most of them call themselves Arabs not berbers.
Luis Walker
Who cares if they or you are """""""white""""""'. It means nothing now. Skin color is secondary to the colour of your bank balance. There will be only two races: the Rich and then Everyone else.
Christian White
Yes but whites have privileges.
Wyatt Long
Yes, unfortunately. There is an ongoing phenomenon among independent self-identified ethnic groups in the Middle East, with the most prominent example being that of Nassim Nicholas Taleb, to demonize and mythologize Arabs as the root cause for the downfall of their ancient history. In the specific cause of Berbers, this held true.
Noah Bailey
she skullmogs you bro.
Jack Walker
Mohammed VI looks like a Dominican hood preacher.
Luis Sanders
>In essence, North Africa was an extension of southern Europe, all throughout Antiquity. this is correct but your wewuzzery is not. the genes for blonde/red hair didn't even exist in europe back in the last glacial maximum.
Nafris, regardless of their color, often have a "European" look to them that Arabs and Levantines do not. It's very subtle and only occurs in Moroccans/Algerians/Tunisians, not in Egyptians. And it looks most similar to Spanish/Portuguese rather than slavs or nordics. It's a distinctly "west med" look that doesn't happen in Greeks or Egyptians.
They also share in common the localized maxima of Rh- blood, peaks in Basques and Berbers.
Basically Iberomaurusia used to be the genetic western pole of humanity, before they were severely turk'd by eastern steppe populations on multiple occasions throughout prehistory.
Yes, they have different morphology, primarily related to their Cromagnid phenotypes. Depigmented Arabs, more often than not, look ''off'', like albinos. With North Africans, this does not occur. Btw the alleles for blonde hair developed approximately 11.000 BC. By then, Uralic peoples like Saamis probably already had at least a sporadic presence of it.