/fr/ - le fil Français: édition
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pretty much.
apply civil service if you're doing a shit tier degree, you'll prob be forced to do absolute runt work for a year or two, but then you can probably get an internal promotion and tell other runts to do runt work
i only say civil service because they're probably the only place realistically hiring during COVID
je ne pas parler francais lad
The latest new meme
what is the most soy county in the uk?
Prague mentioned
Essex or surrey
Fuck off honestly mate
listening to uncomfortably loud music and screaming randomly
Is this a gp40? I know this train btw. Also foamers call it "blue boy"
Whatever county Brighton is in
fighting for trains rights
essex isn’t soy it’s deano
Any black metal man in?
What about Beginningsex and Endsex aha x
imagine having so much mercury in your bloodstream you can differentiate between various train models
>Katie Price has revealed her son Harvey steals frozen pizzas and eats them raw in his desperate search for food
dont reply to me again
the one where thou currently reside
just had a wank for a half hour and then didnt even cum. just lost all momentum and stopped wanting to wank. that's twice that's happened this past year now. starting to get worried.
if these people are actually schizo
even if they dont clinically have the disorder, they behave exactly the same as genuine diagnosed schizophrenics ergo they are schizos
remember when i was 18/19 and tried to fit in as a normie and failed
do we have anyone as based as him?
i live in oxford and it’s soy boy heaven. at least in london you get business/finance chads, oxford you just get soys
This is a GP40
Also do you have autsim or aspergers
Post Irish train
remember when i was 18/19 and tried to fit in as a normie and it worked
Why build your house that close to a railway?
getting older lad
c'est tout dans l'attitude, lad
I have french-german /r/ but speak neither French or German
real question is why is there sussex (south), essex (east) and wessex (west) but no norssex
t. still an 18 or 19 year old
Which is a separate country from the People's Republic of China you fucking idiot
happens all the time when you are older
Harvey you fat bastard
more like nosex and i live there
spot on lad
wrote a little program in python that will save me an hour of very boring toil every single week lads
chuffed hehe
remember when i was 18/19 and started doing drugs and had the best of both worlds being a normie and not being a normie
Mental how dick chaney made money from the iraq war
The irish shinkansen service as it were
just be yourself bro
>autsim or aspergers
Im not an actual railfan im a railman, so neither
how tall are you lad
how long have you been off them for now then?
theres a really autistic poster in here and he has revealed himself since posting that vocaroo. sounds like a right runt and point out every post of his
underboob is so fucking peng, should be illegal
>wrote a little program in python that will save me an hour of very boring toil every single week lads
>chuffed hehe
don't let toilberg know about it
Mental how this is me, sincerely hope i don't end up like you in the end
speaking of ireland you lads watching the rugby?
what's so based about this clog wearer
why you think they call me mister world wide
could have got another bottle of vodka but i just got beer and fags
this is real willpower
Big fat bastard, proper lad though
wait, people are actually 'into' trains? whats even notable about a bloody train?
thats an old depot they are restoring in Lake Zurich I think, there is an insane neighborhood by an incredibly busy interlocker called JB Tower. You have to wear hearing protection if you within 500 feet of it. Ill find pic
need that hammering my prostate pronto
just remembered that time when normoids would call everything random
tells the truth about islam
stay strong trans is hard job
>mum shouted at me again
Patent it and sell it to the highest bidder
There used to be more about them to admire before it all because generic globalised mass-produced chink/french shite
poor lad must be wasting away
Well done mate
Reward yourself with some voddy!!
overdosed on preworkout
the 30 yo choochoomer.jpg
only 26 fs but its ok i was able to collect myself for a minute and have another go and got the job done
most of these anti-islam parties are unshamed whores to kikes and get israeli shekels. I hate islam too but you have to be consistent.
looks at my paws
Hello /brit/
It's me your Supreme ruler.
Have we learned to defy the fear-campaign yet?
Oh right fair enough
>"far right" leader
>is a Zionist
*le sigh*
A gorilla would absolutely destroy a tiger it wouldnt even be close
Gorilla- more functional strength, higher IQ, more dexterity, more hormonal, wider anger/emotion range. Gorilla is an untested machine but they actually know how to fight when push comes to shove whereas all a tiger brainlet thinks about is muh dinner
Tigoids on pooicide watch
israel is based though
I believe the people who say you shouldnt cum loads when you get older
why the FUCK is my internet suddenly so slow?
the absolute spuds on this fella
zionism is fascism
been cumming one or more times per day for 14 years straight now
>20 years old and already a bona-fide moron
you're joking?
you do realise that masks are just to catch droplets to reduce spread, right?
Sapsan took all the speed
A full strength silver back gorilla can deadlift 2000lbs
Chilled OJ is underrated
who wants to lick my hairless twink arsehole?
I just don't see the suicide-inducing dysphoria
this is coming from someone who doesn't have the esteem to display my genitals (which I'm completely comfortable with) to another human, let alone take a photo to commemorate the occasion
i dont think he does mate
Imagine if we roided up a huge gorilla (like one that was bigger than average to begin with) and put it on an intense workout regimen
How powerful would it end up being
Have come 1108 times this year
>t.Communist virgin
Took me until I was 21
Still don't feel like a normie deep down
I feel like an omega
After everything the kikes did to your country for 10 years you still have their cock in your mouth, embarassing
not as hard as me
*raises paw*
so what is the point of me wearing a mask?
so i can inhale the catched droplets repeatedly
transfreaks are all narcissists. that's a big part of why they do it, instant victim status and attention.
t.fascist nonce
Why is London so Americanised?
I've been over this a million times at this stage. Masks catch droplets when you are speaking/shouting/breathing. Its not 100% foolproof.
Read this and stop posting that shitty image over and over.
Did you, or did you not read the package?
did you know the federal reserve is a private business
It is our duty to support Israel. they are being attacked every day just for living on land that is rightfully theirs.
to minimise spread you idiot
Sounds like a fucking katyusha rocket launcher. Maybe we should finish electrifying our railways
Genuinely so so grateful i'm not like one of these freaks, imagine waking up the morning after getting willy snip surgery and having to face the reality of what you'd done
It wasn't the kikes
It was the Dutch, the German and the nglish and American governments and banks.
Kazuya mishima did literally nothing wrong
priti patel is so fucking fit its literally impossible
>it is literally illegal to tell this lad the truth
leftypol will go down as the greatest villain in history
You have a lot to learn kid
Hi, all
First time poster; long time lurker.
reckon it's the humiliation aspect
they are submissive kinksters, without a shadow of a doubt
the legal protection to be as kinky as they want is just a bonus
Castration would do you a lot of favours honestly
masks don't work
I see them as victims of the social engineers
Yep, nothing federal about it and its not even really a reserve either
Go join the idf then
Junko enoshima did everything wrong
>aisha has twitch now
tinnitusberg going too far today
Fuck this, man can btfo gorrila
For me, its the yugo wars
Hi all
First time lurker, long time poster
what does that do for me though?
wish i could see her naked
full of blacks imitating yanks because they have no identity or culture of their own.
also explains why trannies are overwhelmingly men
higher sex drive, more prone to risk taking and such
Down with central banks!
Not reading all that but i'm sure it's atrocious
I think it's corona
a-are you a cute grill :3
why are they imitating people who also have no identity or culture?
okay thanks for letting us know
Public Service Announcement: Doing LSD/Mushrooms with a person you’re in love with is a life changing experience.
Highly recommend.
less than 60 days before Greta gets a contract to feature in her first BLACKED shoot
you are less likely to inhale infected droplets from somone else, think of it as contraception but not 100% effective
Haha wish it happened
yea but what if the droplets are on my mask????
peak Deano
bought more games on steam that i wont play for a while
proto-gf and I are in love with each other but she's an orthodox christian
>download random onlyfans rip
>girl constantly doing that dumb anime sticking tongue out face
>download a different one
>same shit now with cosplay
>download another
>yet more anime face
How do we stop the weeb menace? Watching these made me realise that they're probably the biggest paypigs for these whores
would give both of you druggie freaks acute lead poisoning
basically shit leaks out of his vagina wound and there's no way to fix it without a colostomy
Not how it works
That place is FUCKED UP, they are all some weird version of the same people who despise themselves and each other
Gagging for some baklava
ever suspect someone you know might be jewish going back even if they're completely non-practicing or necessarily aware themselves?
reckon in hindsight my neighbours might have been at one point. they all had that look and demeanour about them and an ambiguous but perhaps passable Anglo-Irish sounding second name that could have been changed at some point
they were always at mass every sunday though so maybe they weren't as I assume jews immediately burst into flame upon entering a christian church
That’s the world. The Romans imitated the Greeks and early Roman thinkers were all Hellenistic. Now westerners imitate the Romans, we’re all fakers trying to hide it.