
>why yes I do have darjeerling, ceylon, chai, rooibos, lemon+giner, matcha, camomile and dorset tea in my cupboard like my tea merhcant ancestors intended

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Other urls found in this thread:


yea anime and that

i like chamomile tea

this nonce cunt is going to post that literal novel again isn't he

the 18 year old I have started shagging is a little bit blackpilled as she got in trouble for saying the n word

young cunt child toddle off to bed gay child cunt


>no because I was 10 in 2009 boomer

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grrrr no milk for me i am MANLY grrrrr

Yh so lads

I know a gyaldem from my uni days n the yh and a lad

They’re both proper sesh heads and they’re both good looking tbf

So she’s sleeps around yeah and was always with a guy at a rave

There was one time where she saw her current fwb with a girl and she started getting mad as fuck then became a crying mess

So she necked another guy who looked beta as fuck at let’s say 1am but then was with another guy 3:30am and the beta guy was just holding her hand watching looking ashamed (seriously do people do this to themselves what the fuck?)

Yeah anyways the point is she slept around did a lot of drugs and lived with a good looking lad who is now her boyfriend

My question is do you think it’d bother him that the girl she’s with is an absolute sesh head who’s slept around an absolute fuck load, he’s prob heard her banging a lad in her room or do you think he ignores it because she’s pretty?

Idk how I’d be if I was him.

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got the case of the IBS

dunno mate, more interest in knowing what drugs you have done whilst participating in british culture tbqh

women should be plucked ripe from the vine

Think someone is a little bit of a faggot if they ask for coffee instead of tea.

Why are the English so fucking smelly?

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crying with laughter at my own wit

love this

did a poo once tbqh

supreme banter

brain has been proper messed up by lockdown

constantly panicking about non-existent issues

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apologies lad, I shouldn't have made fun of your age, please tell me a story from 2009 Zig Forums, not sure what it was like

Yh so lads

I know a gyaldem from my uni days n the yh and a lad

They’re both proper sesh heads and they’re both good looking tbf

So she’s sleeps around yeah and was always with a guy at a rave

There was one time where she saw her current fwb with a girl and she started getting mad as fuck then became a crying mess

So she necked another guy who looked beta as fuck at let’s say 1am but then was with another guy 3:30am and the beta guy was just holding her hand watching looking ashamed (seriously do people do this to themselves what the fuck?)

Yeah anyways the point is she slept around did a lot of drugs and lived with a good looking lad who is now her boyfriend

My question is do you think it’d bother him that the girl she’s with is an absolute sesh head who’s slept around an absolute fuck load, he’s prob heard her banging a lad in her room or do you think he ignores it because she’s pretty?

Idk how I’d be if I was him.

For me its an earl grey Ceylon tea with no milk or sugar please and thank you.

plenty of pretty birds out there, i'd get rid of her personally. In fact one of my exes was one of the coolest girls I knew but I slowly started figuring out she was like the one in your post so I dumped her

like what

some seething welshoids ITT

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once saw a lad stick a butter knife down his foreskin on the Zig Forums

any very drunk man in the night in ?

eating strawberry laces

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might go creeping on the oneitisgram


thats a nice wall

190 breathing some life into an otherwise stale thread

you can spread the clap that way

tyson furry

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mad. I saw shoveldog on Zig Forums when I first went on it, properly scared me off it for a few months haha

put your trip on

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depressed because i was looking at the toilfus flatmates insta stories last night, they had a small gathering but the toilfu wasn't there, was probably out getting shagged by her ex bf :-(

Ok but we get +2 in summer time while, as you can see on the map, we should be at the +0 or at least +1 like you. Instead of that we end up being +2 like Ukraine. Wtf.

how? a knife cant get an std afaik

Drugs I have done:

Codeine and promethazine is a nice combo.

IMAGINE not doing any drugs all through college.

awful. could never be attracted to a woman like this. laughable that they think their hot. look at the ridiculous nails. plastic fantastic. disgusting.

not him but dusty the cat springs to mind, boxxy, and i think jessie slaughter was around then

you can do better than that mate, no reason to be checking on her flatmates like that. The toilfu isn't going to be more attracted to you the more you stalk her you know

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Very nice, good for the skin as well

bizarre list
weird that you haven’t done hardly any of the absolute basics like ket and mandy

heard of the others, what was dusty the cat?

God I wanna brawl

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the drug junkies are droning on about their various addictions again

I've done AMT, LSZ, AL-LAD, 1P-LSD, ETH-LAD, 5-MeO-DALT, 2C-B, LSD, Shrooms, ketamine, MDMA, Cocaine, Heroin (snorted), Mkat, weed, speed, (dihydro)codeine, alcohol, MXP, zopiclone. Plus over a dozen different benzos in high quantities for a long time.

Yh so lads

I know a gyaldem from my uni days n the yh and a lad

They’re both proper sesh heads and they’re both good looking tbf

So she’s sleeps around yeah and was always with a guy at a rave

There was one time where she saw her current fwb with a girl and she started getting mad as fuck then became a crying mess

So she necked another guy who looked beta as fuck at let’s say 1am but then was with another guy 3:30am and the beta guy was just holding her hand watching looking ashamed (seriously do people do this to themselves what the fuck?)

Yeah anyways the point is she slept around did a lot of drugs and lived with a good looking lad who is now her boyfriend

My question is do you think it’d bother him that the girl she’s with is an absolute sesh head who’s slept around an absolute fuck load, he’s prob heard her banging a lad in her room or do you think he ignores it because she’s pretty?

Idk how I’d be if I was him.

NEED these thighs clamped around my head if I'm honest.

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fucking mood: youtube.com/watch?v=lRVTVB94zTg

thinking about them lads in school who dedicated their life to sport such as football/rugby only to be thrown away at 21 with no qualifications.


>god I wanna brawl

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turns out warwick are actually smart cunts and also sports chads

a teen called kenny glenn was posting youtube videos where he abused his cat, Zig Forums tracked him down and got the authorities involved

Zig Forums loved cats

>Yh so lads
Only parts of that nonsense that has pierced my retinas

>Those nails
Ew, she can't even physically play piano

most of them just became pt’s at puregym

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it's fucked innit, it's like the closer you get to actually making it in an academy the worse it is if you don't make it. That's it, it's back to the fat wife and dead end job for you, only with no quals

i genuinely like 190

Teas I have drunk

Earl Grey
Green and Jasmine
Lemon and Ginger
Camomile and Spiced Apple
Lapsang Souchang

Zopiclone is another one I forgot to mention

Would like to do ketamine. Shit also forgot to mention MDMA.

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Followed-through ant I?
Fucking farted and it followed-through.
Followed through ant I de lads? Is that alright with you de lads?
Fucking followed-through!

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minimised a lot of posts itt

this is an extremely powerful piece of film

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But do you know what's more grim. Since January, we've been waking up each day a little bit closer to authoritarianism.

alri quentin

who dedicates their life to rugby? there’s no money in that except at the very top and even then it’s not that much

I remember it well
very sad

legendary webm


A what

Smart, but still too sceptical. Clearly the best of the bunch though

>Would like to do ketamine
thought Ireland was like here in that ket is absolutely everywhere?

i can see her fanny line

think academies lad, a lot of clubs have those nowadays

I take my Earl Grey with milk.
They say you're not supposed to add milk to Earl Grey.
Fuckem, I like Earl Grey with milk.

petitioning the council to have them change the water in the taps to pepsi max

we shall see how it's received

Wonder what happened to 190 for him to turn out this way?
Not enough attention as a child? bullied in secondary so felt the need to reinvent himself? What makes a man tick and do the things he has and continues to do?

a lil peng bird ting

A whore, very sexist that 190

vsauce, michael here

This is why I imagine they just built a wall to the north of England and then left at the first opportunity

anyone here fucked a prozzie?

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crazy to think what this country once was

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in a perfect world a thread of 300 posts should contain, on average, 85 images of slags

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grim thread

toilfu hasn't hugged me since march due to covid

grim life lad

i miss the empire so much bros

probs bored with zero (0) hobbies.

have sex you freakazoid

would assume most people here have