If you could make any changes to your country demographics what would you do...

If you could make any changes to your country demographics what would you do? personally the only thing I change is have 90 million more east asians.

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Eliminate all argies (except me) and reemplace it with people from devoloped countries.

Remove all blacks, muslims, jew, and indians/pakis.

Remove all Iberians. Leave the Celts descendants plus the Visigoths and Suebi. Rename the country to Portugoth.


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Remove everyone who doesn't want to wörk

I'd deport everyone who has more than 25% native american ancestry. The only ones thst can stay are castizos and white chads

Who the fuck cares about demographics?

deport to where..?

pretty much this, plus gypsies

to hell

alt-right incels do apparently.
The lack of sex does that

>93% swede
>4% Nordic mix
>2% euro mix
>1% non euro

>any blacks at all
>Hispanics higher


based af

the government and people of Kashmir care about demographics
demographics is destiny

60% White
20% Asian
5% Native
15% Other

>italians, spaniards
>white chads

100% Chicanos

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I’d remove the gypsies, everyone else can stay

>turning the US into a massive live leak studio

It is 2020, there are no developed countries, probably only china

Chile is made mostly of people that look like this with zero blacks until recently, and they are the most developed latinamerican country, now if they could have removed the cuck whites out of their country they would be first world for sure

>if they could have removed the cuck whites out of their country they would be first world for sure
what do you mean? do whites vote socialist in latin america? cause in the us they vote right and it's "hispanics" (except cubans) who vote socialist

it's already worse than liveleak

i'd kill every last wh*Te

eliminate all of the following groups:
>women over 40

Force RS, SC, PR, SP, MS to speak Spanish.
Force the others to speak Haitian Creole.

100% me

99% somali
1% 10/10 swedish women for breeding

Kill all North Indians and anyone with more than 20% Aryan admixture, turn India into a Dravidian ethnic enclave

Convert all french speakers and non-whites into flemish speaking aryans