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International #1345
Do white foreigners get violently attacked in your country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
I fucking love tortillas
Kurva anyátok
Wypipo think this is ok
How often to Brazillians travel to Latin America?
Sverigetråden - Roliga frågeställningar till folk i Stockholm-upplagan
Are you going to help Taiwan?
How is the October Revolution remembered in your country?
Is Belgium a nice country?
Dad is blasting brazilian pop music in the living room again
Insult the poster/country above
Percentage of houses with toilets in EU
Are Welsh people white?
This is the natural range of the beaver
Does Zig Forums support the independence of Houthi controlled Yemen?
/desi/-Tamil Dalit unmasked edition
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - le francofil
I would like to visit America
Why the FUCK do they buy their cod from Norway and not from us?
How do Brits defend this?
Why is that Europe doesn't do cool things?
Do you support the unification of Estonia and Finland?
What is your national bird?
/ita/- il filo
The arabs of europe
What's the most underrated city in your country?
I respect Morocco (officially the Kingdom of Morocco)
Taiwan edition
Is this the reason so many Dutch people speak English?
Tribal people hate sushi but love hamburger. Discuss
What do Finns think about clay they lost? Is there any Finnish culture left?
Germans when you call it the toilet instead of the poopenfarten
Lets just take from civilised 1st world countries
/deutsch/ vong Abend her
What really happens here?
This the "Nakasa" or little Burma...
China Moon Rocket Launch
CoMex Zig Forums + /Mex/
Is there any other country in the world where people hate and distrust their government in a massive scale except Iran?
/esp/ - Versión churrasco
Why are MENA posters on Zig Forums so mentally ill?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Describe your countries food with one word
Sverigetråden - Fadersupplagan
Sverigetråden - Akkos upplaga
How does the average person in your imagine Russia/Russians?
Pretend to be a japanese poster in this thread
Post the language the poster above you learns
/danmarktråden/ + /skandi/
How to fix the Middle East. Thank me later
/ישר/ - /isr/
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
/Africa General/
How much interaction is there between Eastern Germans and Western Poles every day...
Why is football so popular in Europe and other 3rd world countries?
/brit/-critical edition
What do you think of your country's shape?
Name one 1 European tech company that's relevant on the global scale
Why are europeans so terrified of nafris? They will literally cross the road if they see one out of fear...
We are all Celts
/ita/ - il filo
Who is your favourite Japanese person?
Do papuans pass as africans?
What's with this British bitch messaging my father
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & FRIENDS
A question to Spain...Since millions of Spaniards fled to the Americas in the last centuries...
The average English girl
Thank you for visiting my country, user. You probably want to freshen up after that long flight...
It's over for the west
Sverigetråden - Djursholmsupplagan
What is Zig Forums's consensus on north Med women?
Russia is a country where Finns and Turks live in the same villages
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
What happens to London look like this? Why is everything Muslim and ugly...
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Does this happen in your cunt?
How common are furries in your country?
Why do europeans have such an aversion to patriotism and national pride?
How do I get a thick voice, guys...
Are women interesting in having children in your country?
In Croatia with my parents
Attack on titan author called Russia scandinavian
/fr/ - le francofil
Hilo latino
My brother wants to go to Brazil with me but i'm too socially awkward. I also do no want to meet brazilian people
Lviv, home
Why do Americans have to tip the servers in restaurants?
90% of historic monuments in my country were burned down by a country that has no history
Latinx Europe
Do any of you westerners pay for pic related? Or any of you here use it at all?
Be poor from a shithole country
Sverigetråden - Väldigt starka upplagan
Going to visit Moscow, Russia
1. country
Post yfw you see another poster with your flag on Zig Forums
/heirat/ ehemals /deutsch/
In Japan we can get only shit tier breads
Why hasn't turkey joined the EU yet?
/ita/ - il filo
Australian mountains be like
Do you wish you had a Kazakh gf?
Why are they so evil?
/med/ - Mediterranean General
Sweden stands with Egypt
What set of circumstances led to undesirable outcomes for the male of asian phenotype?
/deutsch/ und /arbeitslos/
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Be american
Mon ancêtre :)
Why yes I'm weeb
So we just let the USSR keep half of poland? Wasn't that the point of the war? And why is poland travelling west?
Kurv4 anyátok
/fr/ - le francofil du matin
I want to have sex with a finnish biological female
His "language" is only spoken in one country
Imagine a world of 1 billion Swedish women where you are the only man
ITT: Third World Things
What’s the most authoritarian Western country?
Are intimidated by African Americans?
For having a combined population of mere 27 million, they surely are way overrepresented in this board...
Boys how does one go about getting an art hoe gf
Are they germanic or med?
You wake up in Spain
Japan's ruling dynasty was founded 2680 years ago
I like tall woman
How are safety precautions observed in your country?
Did you know India has ghost cities too?
How do Indians feel that Americans kill millions of cows every year?
Why does everyone here want a Japanese gf?
What's your favorite fruit to eat, user?
Do they really?
Imagine a world of 1 billion Swedes
People come to an international board to be racist
Do you remember her?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2460
Is 2020 the year of Korea?
Most BORING part of your country
Do you also live in a fascist state?
Why are you so mean to Japan?
Be german
His """country""" didnt fight for its independence
Okay swedes, ive had enough of her, can you lock her away now?
Tell me about Orthodox churches in Finland?
What country is this the most common?
Do you support unification?
Why are Australians so racist?
Nation you hate the most
During the cold war, Mao offered 10 million chinese women to America
1. Who’s your favorite president or prime minister not of your country or United States?
Abroad in Japan
What is this phenotype?
Literally all of them could pass as locals in Latin America
Thais are rioting because Pornhub was banned
Do you like your language?
/dixie/ Southern US & friends
Why is America the only unironically religious Developed Country?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Sverigetråden - Autismupplagan
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Not living in Arizona
Post your country beauty standard 150 years ago
Which US cities are the most soulless? Which ones have the most SOVL?
Is this true, Zig Forumsbros? Are you my real friends?
Do you love France?
/esl/ English Learning General?
Will i be accepted in your country?
You will never be a based 3rd worlder
I’m terrified of flying
What you expect for Korea in the future?
Fuck shitaly i'm moving to america
Americans, Why?
TFW the German army is actually good without America
Why do people on this board assume I am australian?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
If you had to pick one asian cunt to live in besides japan and China, which one and why?
Vgnmf German women look this beautiful?
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
What kind of funny stuff will you do when you get a gf/bf?
Russian Men
*Makes gay threads*
Mom tells me to dress up nicely and look good
How has your day been Zig Forums?
Do you like Japanese culture?
Dragon Ball Super
Sverigetråden - bögrövupplagan
Ordem e progresso
What makes people in your country suffer?
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Do 4channers really?
The duo of worst posters
Tfw learning another language is literally impossible
How do Latinos feel about the fact that we are now live in a world where the term latinx is commonly used and pushed by...
A foreigner molested me AMA
I'm getting stationed in Japan next week
Do you believe Americans wanted to kill this?
Be Oslo Norway
/balk/ - Εξoplanet Editionu
How can I survive a civil war?
/fren general/
1. Your country
What's wrong with iran having nukes anyway?
Damn, Zig Forums btfo
Zig Forums is unironically the last website where you can interact with others and it's actually fun
For all non-American Zig Forums users thinking of visiting, this is the undebatable ranking of US states
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do Latin Americans really?
What a pretty westoid-eastoid division
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
/reisen/ ehemals /deutsch/ nun auch zur /nachtschicht/
What do Portugeses like? Do they just eat egg tarts all day?
Post only american things
Commie blocks appreciation thread
Reminder third world posters on Zig Forums are better off than you
/Midwest General/
Is reggaeton/spanish trap popular in your country?
What part of the US looks like this?
Is Britain 1st world?
Why are posters from this irrelevant shithole so obsessed with Germany?
What is the age of average Zig Forums poster?
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /isr/- /이스라/ - מהדורת ההורד המבוסס
/homoerotisch/ ehemals /deutsch/
Quick: tell me everything you know about Austria
Which side would win this war?
I fell for the STEM meme but i'm too dumb for it and honestly i hate technologies
Sverigetråden - Gretas näsvattenupplagan
Sverigetråden - Trollade upplagan
/ita/ - il filo
"Turkish" diaspora
What do you think of Lodz?
Swedes have a rich military history
Tfw my native language is becoming a minority language in my own land
What's the ugliest sounding language?
/balk/ - Έκδοσις Δαχτυλίων
/fr/ - le francofil
When was the last time you talked to a black person in your cunt?
Life is too short to be depressed or worry about stupid shit
Meanwhile, in 1900s Louisiana
Apart from sexual thoughts, what are indian minds usually pre-occupied by?
Are there good looking actors and actresses from your cunt?
Why does Turk want in the EU so bad?
Your country
My ancestors
Why are they a German colony?
Nazis would cut each-other's faces up in knife duels and put horse hair in the wounds to keep the scars
Photo thread
/balk/ - Supermassive Edish
Did you know that Spain is not in the G20?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
Why do Americans think Cleopatra, a Greek, was black?
Why are Germans so evil?
Americans and their cultural vassals (esp Brits) think napoleon was defeated at waterloo
Why Lithuania has the highest suicide rate in the world?
Are tradies seen as subhuman in third and second world countries?
/v4/ + friends
Sverigetråden - giltigaupplagan
Have you ever been to Japan?
/ita/ - il filo
Why are firstoids like this?
Post burgerpunk
What are your thoughts on scandinavian women?
/brit /
Based Pajeeta
Japan is over
I’ve always heard the phrase
I want to live in Asia so bad. Why are software engineer salaries so low in Asia?
Do you remember where you were on 9/11 Zig Forums?
Americans and Europeans don’t learn calculus and linear algebra in high school
How Russian is your country?
What kinda porn you watch?
Brazil is the best country in the world
This is a proof why German expansionism is a crime against maths and aesthetics
It's real
So after 1 year of quarantine, how has your life changed?
Do Canadians really?
Do Med women like this exist in current year?
Where were you when Zig Forums became an anti freedom of speech islamist website...
Australia has farms bigger than the entire country of Israel
"Shut up pv Ramirez"
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Be a good President who actually tries to make his country better
Sverigetråden - Vänerns upplaga
/ita/ - il filo
/lat/ hilo latino
How is quality of life in China?
At what age do people loose virginity in your country?
Would you live in a commieblock? Even if they sell a unit to you for a dollar?
List of VERY manly languages. You should learn one of these if you are a high test alpha male
Post countries that hate yours
/fr/ - le fil français
2020 Sexiest INTERNATIONAL "man" alive
/dixie/ - southern us e tfriends
What are cons of living in Canada? Seems to me like a pretty cool place to live, pretty much only pros:
Best culture
I really wonder
Which country?
Breaking News
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2459
You are teleported at the border of these 3 countries
Pay reparations to Poland
What are your experiences with tourists? which country has the best and worst tourists...
/esp/ cafelito edition
Reddit hates china so that means we have to like them now
Bring back monarchy
Sverigetråden - Lugiaupplagan
Map thread
Why do Zig Forums autists love desktops so much?
Two countries, one people
Do weebs actually exist irl?
Handsome Zig Forumsernational men
What triggers you about this map the most?
He killed 40 million Ukrainians
I hear gunshots galore outside my house
Post SOVL from your country
Tfw yugoslavia had a mexi-boo phase
Thank you for so much Poland, stay based
/lang/ Language Learning General - Dom Pedro II edition
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
What was ww1 really about?
Cute Korean girl died in a car accident
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Most Greeks still dream of a Greater Greece
/cum/ general
/med/ - Mediterranean general
How will Americans react when China overtakes them as the largest economy in the world?
According to Japanese TV, these 4 are the new Allies against China in this decade
/ita/ - il filo
Is there a single country on planet earth where housing isn't grossly overpriced?
White people food
/deutsch/ mit dem Zweiten sieht man besser!
How do I stop dehumanizing Muslims...
Is it true that indians that move to the west can convert to christianism or other religion to escape the caste system?
Is slutshaming normal in your country?
Why do europeans hate turkey so much? They are your brothers
Who has the best claim to be roman descendant?
Why is Germany so poor?
Your country
Is this true?
Is walking barefeet a common occurrence in your cunt? what is your cunt's general consensus on feet?
This is an elementary school in France
I suffer in Singapore
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Why do they speak half-Tagalog half-English?
When does she go back to school?
What type of fingerboxes are popular in your country?
/desi/-We Wuz Lemurians edition
Why is this board obsessed with asian women?
Is this the end for our german bros?
Why do latinos have such a unique look? Even the white ones like this one, look so distinct
Mean cunts to your flag
Why do you dislike the USA?
I literally can't tell Pakis/Pajeets apart...
Americans don't have bakeries
Post soulless pictures of your country
Tfw will never be a redneck living in west virginia
There is another Nepali poster on this site
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /isr/- /이스라/ מהדורת חברה אירסופט
Do people in you're cunt shave they're armpits? I do it and get called a fag
After 2 years on int I have come to the conclusion you CANNOT suffer in Southern Europe. Sorry but it's true...
Indian culture is impenetrable
Fucking love Anglosphere
Australia is more classist than people think...
/Balt/ + /ausnz/
Why are they so strong?
Japan's world gdp share in 1990: slightly less than 10 percent
What's like living in LA?
What does Zig Forums think of America's future tallest skyscraper...
Why doesn't the rest of the world read American literature...
What’s it like being a White Brazilian in a PoC-majority area?
There are people who aren't 100% European by blood posting in this board RIGHT NOW. They even have generals
If you could make any changes to your country demographics what would you do...
What is the heart and soul foundation of your town? (local, not city)
What did you smoke today?
Sverigetråden - Rismjölkupplagan
Hey Zig Forums i made a map of the states i do and do not want to visit which of these with a green or purple dot would...
I fucked up, Zig Forums
Why are Finnish posters so mean? I think that Finns are probably the meanest of any flag I have encountered
Why do French people love one piece? What is your country favorite anime?
/fr/ - le francofil
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine