How do Latinos feel about the fact that we are now live in a world where the term latinx is commonly used and pushed by the media
How do Latinos feel about the fact that we are now live in a world where the term latinx is commonly used and pushed by...
Sebastian Davis
James Foster
it’s retarded but I’m not concerned
Aaron Kelly
all i care about is putting my fat cock up his big ass (not gay btw)
Xavier Johnson
>doesn't concern me
Ok latinx user
I don't believe you
Angel Rogers
>How do Latinos feel
How do Latinx peoples feel*
Cooper Green
Ryder Ward
Oh right sorry
Evan Lopez
In what media? I've barely heard "latino" being used on swedish media whatsoever.
Also sex sex sex
Julian Ross
Is that a man?
Nathaniel Evans
This happened yesterday
What makes you think that