Zig Forums is unironically the last website where you can interact with others and it's actually fun

>Zig Forums is unironically the last website where you can interact with others and it's actually fun
>the same zoomers who ruined social media for anyone who isn't them constantly adopt Zig Forums culture while simultaneously condemning it

I hate zoomers so fucking much

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get over it and find somewhere else that you can ruin instead

damn that sucks

notice how both people who don't care are retard english speakers
you ruined social media for everyone. i hope you rot


Pewdiepie destroyed Zig Forums when he sendt a bunch of fagy dumbass zoomers to this site. The humor on this website plumited.
Also I remember when "Hitler did nothing wrong" was a hilarious joke, not propaganda shoved down everybodies throat

Please ruin /brit/

greece is literally the place where all the brown women get fucked by german bvlls while gayreek """men""" watch and get pity gibs

t. germutt who keeps getting owned by based greekposters

using my own joke against me 24/7 won't make it true, Muhammed

You (G)reek of shit mate