A question to Spain...Since millions of Spaniards fled to the Americas in the last centuries...

A question to Spain...Since millions of Spaniards fled to the Americas in the last centuries, would you welcome their descendants (excluding mulatos, pardos and other mongrels) to Spain?

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Since millions of Spaniards fled to the Americas in the last centuries, they don't have the right to complain about ANY immigrant from the American continent.

No, I want this country's population to keep getting older and dying with no replacement in sight so we can finally wrap up this joke of a country.

I doubt it, but they don't dare be anti immigrant so you should just show up anyway

Fuck off we're full.

I'm a spic and I want to move to spain
Does this happen in your country

No, I don't want them anywhere near me and I'd deport every one of them who doesn't pay taxes or has a real job. They wanted their own countries and they got them, peace for everybody

But they are you're lost cousins, why do you reject them?

they abandoned their families, why would they accept them back?
leaving you shithole of a country to have a better life is already rewarding into itself, there ought to be a reward for those who stay behind and improve things


They're my what? It's not that I reject them or wish them any harm, but I don't want people to come over to leech off our tattered economy when Spain itself is a shitty brown third-world country

>3rd world
you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about

Dont come here. Only girls. Send girls

the only reason spain isnt poor like latin america is because of european union gibs

Do tell me about the state of my country

you guys have high wages, good healthcare system, violent crime is rare, solid institutions, etc

>high wages
>good healthcare system
>solid institutions

imagine wanting to leave latina heaven for a no tits/ass feminist shithole

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Portuguese and Spanish self-haters are utterly retarded when they say their countries are 3rd world

Go to morocco or algeria wich is already really close and you will see what a real 3rd world looks like

kek even I know that's bullshit

so you are completely out of the loop regarding Spain. I was expecting a reply along the lines of "if only you knew how Chilean things really are..."

i insist, spain is far from perfect but it’s not third world, not by any standard

Why should I care about brown girls with big ass if I'll never get any of that no matter where I live?

>Oh, no! I only make €20000 a year, I'm so poor.

my brother in sovl

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20k and you get less than 15k after taxes.

Still way more than you'll ever make here.

I'm also a spic and feel the same way, albeit towards any latin country.

a lot of ppl doubt spain is first world even with all the EU gibs the spanish get

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bring sister

Do you have any recent Spanish/European ancestry?

Because you fell for the peronist meme and went to shit.
We also fell for the same meme and are going to follow soon.

Southern Italian on mom's side of the family, Puerto Rican on my father's side.

I have a room left at my place user. I'm in a lost town tho. Barcelona about 1,5 hours.

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not recent
I was born in yurope though but I know they don't do birthright citizenship over there

Am I welcome? I have Spanish citizenship through my mothers side of the family.

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A room in a picturesque town in the comfy CATALVNYA close to Barcelona? That's a great deal.

The only reason i would go to the motherland is to steal some Spanish girl