This is an elementary school in France

This is an elementary school in France.

Attached: 1606030907777.jpg (2592x1936, 804.04K)

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Imagine how much interracial stuff will go on once they hit puberty. It's fucking terrifying but also arousing. I blame The Left for this.

third world hellhole by 2050

looks whiter than greece

You lying Greek that's an elementary school in Ontario

only two fat boys

>i suffer as a white girl in france

Attached: PEPEWHEEZE.jpg (2544x4000, 905.51K)

Immigrants are good for France. France needs people to preserve the French language and identity.

This is probably London lol. All primary schools look the exact same and they're in peak comfy British uniform. Also they're fat.

holy based


Looks like they labeled the Africa map

>>Imagine how much interracial stuff will go on once they hit puberty. It's fucking terrifying but also arousing. I blame The Left for this.



Sides = Allahu Ackbar'd

Christ look at the faculty in the back they look like them want to end it

This is a school in Greenwich, London, UK

shut the fuck up newfag

>shut the fuck up newfag

Attached: turkjak.jpg (970x970, 70.99K)

bro, for your own sake, please lurk moar

Attached: hakase.gif (858x480, 202.01K)

fr*nce is a fake country that should not be allowed to exist


All white should move to slav sphere
I don't want to look at this shit
All I want to see is cute Angel white loli loli children
French is over
From now on don't pretend to be white nigga
Alone in the Dark.

This is an elementary school in Greece
Notice how they're so incredibly white, the camera couldn't properly capture their faces?

Attached: 34γωδ2.jpg (1195x675, 216.18K)

It really saddens me that this exists.
Shitskins taking over europe.
Niggers destroying white civilization.
And leftist subhumans cant see it.
I would die to protect my continent and my people.

Slavic trash

>It really saddens me that this exists.
>Shitskins taking over europe.
>Niggers destroying white civilization.
>And leftist subhumans cant see it.
>I would die to protect my continent and my people.

Attached: greek communist.jpg (3000x2000, 566.49K)

Same thing happened to my old elementary school. The thing is, once (white) parents notice there are too many migrants there, they send their kids to another school. So you end up in situations like in op pic

Well, Japan is the price of the colonial era. Karma.

>>It really saddens me that this exists.
>>Shitskins taking over europe.
>>Niggers destroying white civilization.
>>And leftist subhumans cant see it.
>>I would die to protect my continent and my people.

Attached: (you).jpg (400x400, 75.54K)

I'm whiter and taller than you. Fuck off your commie bullshit mongrel.

You are a spic.
Its obvious, Raul.
I hope you die shortly by a white bullet.

how are blacks treated in Europe

we don't have uniform in France


Ok whore nation

Attached: (786x1309, 274.44K)

You guys legitimately look like arabs. Stop posting. It's embarrassing.

Attached: golden dawn (communist) or refugee.jpg (602x338, 24.82K)

Einai Alvanos, min tou apantas, xwris plaka


kys left*id cuck

German-tier humour

Whites destroyed themselves desu, the problem is you are starting to send your niggers to non white countries, truly dooming the world, fuck white people

Wait I thought Greece was nordic

Shitskin shut your spic mouth up.
Learn when the white man talks to listen and obey.
Okay fat spic. Comprende?
Do yourself a favor and return to Mexico, Guatemala, or whatever hellhole your subhuman self spawned in.
Or else. You dont want a proud boy to end you, right?