Why does everyone hates Turks

Why does everyone hates Turks

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shitty diaspora

i dont
i love turkish girls
they give the best sex

White red flag countries are the most hated on the planet

let them hate us user, if you are truly a TVRKIC TVRK, you should embrace your ancestors and make all the whiteoids/arabs seethe.

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I don't

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Why are there a lot of threads about this boring country?

I will my friend

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I dont , I think ur country and people are very cool :D

Thanks, I think UK is by far the best country in Europe

Please stop making shitty love series, my mom keeps watching them, they're so cringe.

These threads are from Turks 90% of the time. Nobody cares about TURKIYE

We know

i want to have sex with many turks

You blew it here.

I don't hate you.
I've been to Turkey in 2019 and I liked it. The locals treated me very nicely. They were amazed that I have learned a few basic words like merhaba and tesekurler.

it's because of the constantinople folder

I never met a turk irl but Zig Forums's turks are based af

Turks are pretty nice from what I know. Food is great. History is interesting. Country itself isn't bad either. I just dislike many (not all) "Turks"/Almancis in Germany and I also dislike Erdogan and his policies, also not the biggest fan of Islam, but I'm fine with it as long as we get to reject it if it is forced upon us. So no, I don't hate Turkey and I don't hate Turks.

Same reason people hate blacks, their dicks are bigger.

australians like turks because the british fucked us both in ww1

Nooooo don't say that you're the country I love the most besides the ones I have blood of


because you are muslim

It's because you're the one westernized muslim country. Other muslim countries hate you for being westernized, and western countries hate you for being muslim.

stop killing kurds stupid t*rk roaches

I've only met two Turkish people. They were both very warm people and had nice voices/accents. Istanbul also looks like a nice place to visit. The only big problem is Islam. Drop that and westerners would love it.

>Other muslim countries hate you
Pakis, somalis, azeris etc. worship turkey

what did the turks do to make everyone hate them?
the one common factor in the universal hatred of turks is the turks themselves, it must necessarily be their own fault then

why dont you?

You seem really savage, and this is coming from a south american

>Never achieved anything unlike Arabs
>Only famous for plundering, destruction, slave trade and genocide.