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International #1346
Your cunt
Is your country a federation or an unitary state?
/deutsch/ für das Klima
/ita/ - Il filo di Ficarra e Picone
Be angry with society
Thread of romance languages
Mutts after WW2: Destroys German patriotism
Do boys in your cunt dress like this?
Imagine a world without pol
Do you understand the difference between islamic slavery and western slavery...
Why are they such a shit country?
At what age do people get married in your cunt?
Why do incels post their face on this anonymous forum? It isn't Zig Forums
Would you settle with a Turkish gf? How would your parents react?
/desi/-Nivar is coming edition
Can the Brazil numbers be right?
Sverigetråden /SvT/ Somaliska-upplagan
Sciene? fuck science i dont believe in that bullshit, only in religion, i dont need proof!
Our nordic neighbours bully us because Norway is wealthy. Don't they know that we can suffer too?
China vs Japan
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
/esp/ - hilo español
Are the Latin American posters on this website really a part of the country's upper class-upper middle class?
Japan: plum liquor (梅酒)
Which countries are the most racist?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Your cunt
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
Am I a honorable Russian ?
I'm in love with a Hungarian exchange student...
Communism could've saved Japan from capitalist degeneracy
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT post concepts that only exist in your language
Finns will cope and seethe at this
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Power to the peoples
I think I might be a Chad - Does this happen in your country?
Colonialism is unironically a good thing...
/dixie/ - southern us and friends and shit and piss and cum
Post your country at its peak
Does the average Swede like him?
What's the first thing to come to your mind when you see this image?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Kurva anyátok
What made European countries so successful?
Sverigetråden för svenskar och rumpor
What's your surname?
I did my family tree and literally every single person I found was descendants of people born in Germany in the 1600s...
1.cunt 2.your favorite rapper
It really do be do like that sometimes
/ita/ - il filo
This is rightful German clay. Everything about it is German
Cringey redditor's
/deutsch/ Piraten-Ausgabe
>You wake up and turn on the news
What do you call a smart norweigan?
Being French and having lived in Italy for 18 years, I have been able to get some good experience of Italy and Italians...
How has your life changed now that Karabakh is Azerbaijan?
Why is long hair a man in society often equated with "gays" ??
17 million people
Yvropa Vniversalis IV
Thoughts on bears?
Why do Europeans prefer Donald Duck to Mickey Mouse?
What country has the most smug, arrogant and obnoxious posters?
Why do Hindus depict their gods as light skinned blue people when their own scriptures say that they're dark skinned?
These are the recognized religions by the indian government
Nafri-themed thread
What are some of the most humiliating defeats in history?
I am a Frenchman in America temporarily for work. When I got here I met the American I am working with...
Why do nordoids like bananas so much?
Is Communism essentially a giant babysitting operation?
What do you say OPPAI in your country?
/ישר/ -/ܝܣܪ/- /isr/- /이스라/ - מהדורת דנטון
Third World Mexico borders rich USA
Why do northern europeans hold contempt for southern europeans to this day?
If Napoleon won our rulers today would be wearing giant red feathery hats and tight beige pants with turban belts...
If you were to pick a mainstream abrahamic religion, why'd choose anything but Catholicism?
Do other Latinx countries in Central America get along with Belize or are they ostracised like Brazil in South America...
/lat/ hilo latino
Why do you browse r/international?
*tells a funny joke to german girl*
Does your cunt simp?
Why do so many Brits look North African?
How's tinder in your country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
I didn't know Indians also ate beans with rice, I thought that was a Latino thing
You wake up in Germany, 1935
Why don't indians wear deodorant? There was one Indian in my entire graduating class and he reeked
Why so many whites think it's ok to wear eastern clothing and appropriate other cultures?
Why did they spend nearly 700 years calling themselves Romans?
Do they have any cuisine? What's it like?
Honestly, how they did became rich?Socialism?
What happens here?
Alright guys, the time has come. It’s finally time for us to acknowledge once and for all the superiority of Korea...
Winter in toronto
What are you supposed to do if you are a rootless mutt with no distinct heritage?
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Does your country have a north/south divide? If so, which is the shitty half?
Burgerpunk thread
Post the quintessential phenotype of your country
/fr/ - le francofil
Americans can't write deep meaningful poet-
/ESL/ Thread
Redpill me on the whole Israel v. Palestine conflict, serious answers only!!!
What are you looking at, brown boy?
When i see a woman with blue eyes i automatically think she is a whore...
How can South European racists differenciate an arab refugee from a local? I'm not even banting...
Sverigetråden - StillsammaUpplagan
I never saw a black man
Is France as diverse as people say or is it just memes? From the internet talk...
What are some famous pick up lines from your country?
/dixie/ Southern US & frens
My real name is unironically Nigel
Is higher education a meme in your country?
The only good thing about my life is that I was born in Patagonia
How do they kbnow who's a gaijin or not when they all look so different? like alot of them have fair skin and tan skin...
Map of members of the Organization internationale de la Francophonie
Chicanos lol
Every time I see this flag, the only posts I see are:
The DNA test that saved Zig Forums
Why are melanin deficient people so heckin beautiful?
What does Zig Forums think of hazel eyes?
Uhhhhh are you alright, Argiebros?
/hingschissn/ ehemals /kackwurst/ auch /deutsch/
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Sämt i världen-upplagan
Opinions about polish women?
What country has the best animals??
Let's do dick size Zig Forums competition
/cali/ general
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
What happens here?
Is it true that companies check your social media to hire you?
1. Cunt
Are trans women considered gods in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil
Remember who you are, but also who you were
The grass is always greener
Finnish schoolchildren are taught that rurik was finnish
Why do germans have a reputation for being cold and humorless?
This internet is crazy
How much does this cost inyour cunt?
What was your first kiss like?
In Germany we aren't allowed to celebrate Christmas with our family. What about your cunt?
This is a under 5k population shithole near my city...
Sverigetråden - Spelarupplagan
Sverigetråden - Knegarupplagan
No matter how rich you get, you will always be poor fishermen in our memories :)
This region is interesting to me, I would like to learn more about their culture and history
Generation Alpha is the first to be born entirely in the 21st century.[47] As of 2015...
Let's have a proper 10/10 thread (face only)
How do Brazillians view Latin America
What are people from this country like????
Your true feels about germoney
Which country has the best beaches to visit?
What happens at the kola peninsula??
/fr/ - le francofil
If your keyboard does not have this key, you don't live in a civilized country
Who's more influenced by the USA?
Put "Order and Progress" on flag
/hingschissn/, nie wieder /deutsch/
Cradle of northern civilization
Germany wtf?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Why are jewish girls so pretty? By far the most attractive in the Middle East
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
What the fuck burgers??
This character is considered comedic genius by amerisharts
/fr/ - Le Francofil
If you're not in the green area, you live in a soulless shithole
Kurva anyátok
Why do Arabs have such a hard time accepting that they more closely resemble Indians appearance-wise than Europeans?
Don't you think we should rebuild Greek cities so they look like this again?
Do Americans appear fake and disingenuous to other countries?
Post images that make you think of Zig Forums
FTDNA says I am 2% african and 12% amerindian while Gedmatch says that I am 5% african and 15% amerindian...
How hard is it to get a Latina gf as a non white and non Christian male, Zig Forums
Post your cunt temp
Only Europeans make good desserts
Shorter average American white guy looking for tall brazilian gf. What are my chances?
Sverigetråden - Våldsupplagan
Uhh... based?
Your opinion?
/deutsch/e Ausgabe
/ita/ - il filo
/ita/ - il filo
Can someone explain this guy for me? What is his motives?
The Danish People's Party wants to turn abandoned military installations in the remote regions of Greenland into asylum...
/desi/- CryptoChristian edition
What is your opinion of Chairman Mao Zedong...
Have you ever had pic related? If you did what was it like? I fear i have it
Will this country ever stop being so violent?
The most unjustly treated country and people in the history of the world
Post bears from your country
Confessions of Zig Forums
What the FUCK is their problem, exactly?
The protestor in my country admitted to being financial supported by some group of people abroad likely from the...
I suffer in MENA
STEMcels think their field is imporrant and isn't actively making the world worse
Why are Brazilians so racist against blacks?
Thoughts on this thing?
From this year onwards the Indian government has decided that:
What went wrong?
High school lessons
Sverigetråden - Din mammas fitta
Law of Jante
Are the bourgeois degenerate in your country?
Why the fuck are they so well read bros? Even the normies know about various philosophers and 19th century literature...
Be me
Are Chinabros okay...
What's the most common reaction if a parent finds his son having gay sex in your country?
What do you think about Finnish school children?
/lang/ -- Language Learning General
/fr/ le - francofil
Where people from your cunt want to move to
So who's really at fault here
/deutsch/ Klimaschutzausgabe
/esp/ - Hilo Español
ITT: dead Zig Forums memes
In this thread, we laugh at the state of the Californian housing market
Does Zig Forums ever /trv/? Which countries have you been to, and which would you like to visit?
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Does Moscow have the greatest city flag?
/ita/ - il filo
EU discussion
Why yes I'm French, what gave it away?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
This is my CATHOLIC University homework
How did Protestantism impact your country?
Sverigetråden NEJ INTE MINA GRISERINOS-upplagan
Is it a true that the most Americans are very religious?
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
/desi/-Chennai Rains edition
ITT: we name based from our countries
You wake up in Central Europe 100AD
Why do americans purposely put themselves in dangerous places?
I fucking hate this board
Ah home
Thank Mexico for the chili con carne
Does this happen in your country?
A picture of my mother when she was 20
Is he already the most famous Norwegian person of all time?
Anglo Supremacy
You wake up in... Medellín, Colombia
How many showers do people in your country typically take a week? In holland most people take around 2 showers a week
This is what americans look like in the midwest
Why is Zig Forums so triggered by science?
Why are French men so prudish towards female clothing?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Science flies you to mars, religion flies you into buildings
Do they look more like Swedes or Russians?
I cant speak finnish
Why do people hate Zig Forums...
Do you have pubs in your country?
What's your favorite Balkan country?
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Switzerland.... my Brvders
Kurva anyátok
ITT post oxymorons
Fellow europeans of Zig Forums, what do you think of the European Union?
Sverigetråden - Skogshusupplagan
What was the biggest disappointment during your Zig Forums time?
I actively avoid brown people, because I'm paranoid of getting stabbed
Capital of Europe
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2461.2
I like Russians but they don't like me
At what age do people in your cunt get married usually?
H-help my fren turn into qt 3.14
I use though at the end of my sentences
The fuck is even this. explain, amerimutts
I despise all non-europeans
Ugh I hate my countries Capitol City, it's so full of brown people and progressives!
One chance at life
Yeah i replaced "u" with "v" i'm an epic and based Zig Forumsposter
Do you sleep with or without you socks?
I missed my bus stop and I am now in germany. Does this happen in your country ?
Does this happen in your country?
Are you gonna watch this new russian kino, intbros?
This legend annexed the biggest "arab" empire at that time -which was conquered from inside by TVRKIC people arabs...
Here's your asian girlfriend, bro
/med/ - Mediterranean General
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Spain's unironic peak in history, we've never been as influential and important, under Arab rule our capital...
I am from North East India, I will return to my brothers in Assam some day
How do i escape from this godforsaken hellhole
I heard from Zig Forums that Zig Forums hates nurses. Why is that?
Is domestic violence a big issue in your country?
Why don't the members of the imperial family of Japan have a surname?
Why are neolibs like this?
Post your city station
Lmao this guy is getting more pussy than all of /intl/ combined
Why is Zig Forums so obsessed with the United States?
Hmm, explains a lot really
Do non-european immigrants ever go here?
You DON'T suffer in first world okay? Shut the fuck up firsties
I fucking hate euros, based aussiebros never called me a "mutt"
/balt/ + ausnz
Race mixing
Why does the middle east look like a hive
White guys: FUCKING COAL BURNING WHORES! all these race traitor white women dating black guys is killing our race...
Chop chop sven, peel those bananas
Are too many Asians succeeding?
Why are french people so arrogant?
This is what passes for an icon of white supermacy in America
/ישר/ - /እስራ/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ - /isr/
/dixie/ - Best Boy and Friends
Italians do really resemble jews
Why do 100% of American men go bald?
Would your country be better off under Marxism?
/lat/ hilo latino
In the future...
/flag/ + /extraflags/
What is prison like in your country?
How did they manage to destroy white supremacy on imageboards?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
This is Dominican Republic in the 1940s
Hey, Ameribros and Mexibros? Why doesn’t the US send the military to Mexico to help get rid of the cartel...
Thoughts on this?
Do you have ethiopians in your country?
When did you grow out of your anti-American phase?
Zig Forums in a nutshell
Thoughts on your cunt's military?
How are gamers viewed in your country?
Be Australia. Work at Mcdonalds for 5 days a week, 6 hours a day for $22 per hour
/ita/ - il filo
You wake up in Croydon
Are you handsome in your country?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Highly successful in school
What's the coolest thing that ever happened in your country?
Why is one so irrelevant despite having more people ?
If you could study abroad at one country which would it be?
Name ONE (1) good post they’ve made
Does this happen in your country?
I'm sick of pretending we're any different. Americans please just annex us already
Do you love Japan?
Does this happen in your country?
How westerns and people from country where Catholicism and Protestant are main religion see the Orthodoxy and orthodox...
Can all you goddamn ESLs quit ruining my imageboard? I cringe every time I see one of your retarded posts...
Sverigetråden - Minoritetsupplagan
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2463
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
Post the most American image you have
You wake up in the near future
What is the scummiest thing your country ever did?
Be german
Let's be real, despite memes, China doesn't want to overtake USA's place at all...
/中華/ Sino
/lang/ -- Language Learning General
Which country do you like the most and why?
How can we make it happen?
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
People with rare flags reply
Have you ever met a latino? What are they like?
Are blondes bullied in your country by brunette, ginger, and asian qveens?
These niggas are literally poorer than countries like Vietnam, Egypt, Sri Lanka and El Salvador...
Tfw i had the goal of visiting every country in europe
What is the ideal country for incels?
Mount Athos Greece - no women allowed
/fr/ - Diese frankreich
Your ideal version of your country
Mfw in Poland all you need is a salary of $2400 a month to be in the richest 10%
I just love canadian inventions like... eh their cuisine is just bomb! Have you tried.. eh but their culture...
Anyone else did an austistic amount of research about a country that they will have no use for in real life?
How common are arabs in your country?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
The most famous from their country is a mass murderer
4th most populous country
Does America have any equivalent to the traditional architecture and comfy streets of European cities?
Can you easily fall asleep in your country?
Sverigetråden - Fast i en skärm-upplagan
Why is Singapore so much more wealthy than the rest of Southeast Asia? Is it the Chinese influence?
Haha yup we do things a liiiiittle differently here in canada!
Zig Forums feels
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Is it true that they are culturally Japanese?
What is your job and how much do you earn?
Nazi Germany's plan was to kill all Slavs
ITT: Name who you think the most well known person (of all time) is for the flag above you
Your cunt
Just coomed
Dealing with ageing and vanity
What is the excuse your country gives for not allowing citizens to be armed?
Most based Martial Arts
This is what the Chinese saw when they were told British ships were arriving during the Opium Wars and Boxer Rebellion
Have you ever visited one of the US military bases in your country?
I have brown eyes should I kill myself?
How do we stop them?
Do they really?
Empty gang master race
I saw a black guy today in my rural Hungarian town
/fr/ - le francofil de la nuit
Is my hair blonde or red?
Is there still bad blood between Ethiopians and Italians?
Sverigetråden - den gudomliga upplagan
Why does everyone hates Turks
What are some beautiful words in your language?
I live in a 20k shithole in Poland and despite that this place probably looks better than yours anons
Are they the Holy Trinity of fat?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Poland used to have bigger population than turkey
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
/ita/ - il filo
Has Zig Forums ever dated a girl from another country?
Favorite state and why
If you could choose the country your partner would be from, what country would you choose?
Does your country export garloid milk?
Why do Americans do this?
If Americans were rangebanned for a week would you miss us?
Dutch... the language of the gods
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine