Cookie Puss edition
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these are nice if you ever get the chance
laughing at the time someone asked about the new and another lad replied saying it was the last /brit/
Given the chance I still would not eat them.
Don't think anyone here will ever get a lay.
sucking a negro
Tried the Dorito's Cheeseburger flavour it was rotten herk
anyone ever had one of these? Grabbed a green one in Sainsburys, very nice
not the same texture though is it
>milk chocolate
ohhhhh nooooo i don’t want to get old noooOOOOOOOOO
According to the cdc, there's an "epidemic" of lung injuries related to vaping.
Woman in the picture is not 28. Must be an old photo.
Yes, and?
>passions: coffee
Blackburn to receive new iconic mosque built by the billionaire Issa brothers, Blackburn natives
The mosque will include meeting spaces for council members
So they say
woke up on my couch hungover with ava maxx images on my screen
her music is atrocious but HNNNGGG
Big News: Drumpf just *extremely subtly* conceded defeat.
waow i just love putting my nescafe azera in some boiling water and adding whitener, so fun!
she looks nice
love a girl whos into punk, theyre usually fun
you can go to concerts and get in fights
It's a recent photo
ffs i need to move further away from Blackburn 8 miles isnt enough
concerts? in these uncertain times?
don't think I really care
>Twitter screenshot/link
Not gonna read
Yeah that's as close to a concession as you'll get out of him
It's over.
donnie's on the phone
he's crying
ooh laa de daa posho
>You are a European hating member of a slightly brown group of people who represent NZ's worst stats, Murder, rape, child abuse, fraud, unemployment. Nigger mutt. Ill-informed, poorly educated, overweight brown pig whose background no doubt involves European sealers, whalers and convicts. Like all so-called Māori in this country, you have a chip on your shoulder a mile wide. Report on Māori gang members, Māori rape rates, Māori murdering their partners and children, drug use, unemployment, fraud. You're a confused joke.
Was it wrong for her to receive an email like this?
Only uncertainty in these times is whether I'll ever again find love...
well not right now i suppose
>tfw havent been to a gig for 7 months
its all so tiresome laddos
Just found out Only Fans is British and based in London wtf
Well at least this country is doing something of relevance huh
oh no, they've advanced into the Feudal Age
Haven't been to a real gig in 28 years
more of these
What even is Only Fans?
Is it just porn?
is Sainsburys seriously considered posh? Its cheaper than Tesco in most cases
i will never have a child and my brothers are taking their sweet time
is it over?
have never seen live music from an actual band
Dont understand this post at all
Got a coff. AGAIN. Fucking FUMING.
Dont care. Shes cute though.
Its porn except you pay for it and that makes it better for some reason
sounds better at home
Have now met ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE WOMEN for dates/meetups
Not including cancellations/ghosting, which would bring it over 200 easy
Inevitably one of us becomes disappointed
Literal Sisyphisn nightmare
Not missing out on much to be honest
What's your favourite expression of surprise, lads
Mine has to be "egads"
my two sisters are taking their sweet time too, I don't think they've twigged I don't have a horse in this race
jesus fucking christ, sounds exhausting
me? never been on a date nor asked for one
mumberg keeps mentioning grandchildren and my soul dies more each time
I went to a free nigger malone concert because a girl wanted to go and it fucking sucked
not a fan of nigger music but had to pretend to like it. it was agonizing
Would you go on a date with me? x
The name's Bond...Bond Burger...
never eaten a date (lie)
how many of them have lead to sex? Or are you counting each on as a failure to get a gf?
We need to revive the following plurals:
>treen to replace trees
>shoen to replace shoes
>eyren to replace eggs
>lambren to replace lambs
>calveren to replace calves
>kidren to replace kids
>horsen to replace horses
>candlen to replace candles
>modren to replace mothers
>been to replace bees
>crabben to replace crabs
>doughtren to replace daughters
>housen to replace houses
That is all
How on earth can women compete in 2020??
oh my days
holy kek
holy kekoly
holy grimoly
no, fuck off pooftah