Rip Dribbel de hond editie
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daily reminder that killing dogs is for faggots
daily reminder that the whole world is rightful Belgian clay
Zweden is ook welkom trouwens
Geen Vrouwen op mijn Bord!
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inb4 seething dutch/french flags
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Attached: Belgium 4 22-10-20.png (3552x2936, 211.83K)
>neighbour knocks on my door
>thought it was my mom
>scream no out of laziness
>go shamefully help because her cat is sick
cheers, heres a bump for you boys.
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>invoor drollanders en fr*nsen
please come and breed our women belgique bvlls
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Looks plastic indeed. Post some more belgian qties then
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>mfw when /belg/ is al dood na een half uur
it's not fair
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she is pretty but looks italian to me
That is what happens when you mix a belgian bull with... Anything really
everyone is a mix in some way of another
Opinion about Axel Witsel?
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Wat een verwarrende bestandsnaam en foto
half italian half belgian girls have big tiddies
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Heb een (jij)
Het kostte je vast heel wat moeite om die lange paragraaf uit te typen
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