How did black Americans make Atlanta a wealthy and huge city that ranked 9th in US? I have found that the proportion of blacks is more than half of the population there and that blacks are the mainstream
How did black Americans make Atlanta a wealthy and huge city that ranked 9th in US...
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My childhood friend lives in Atlanta. He is white and fucks black chicks now.
Your friend sounds like a Chad
hahaha he really is. He isn't very smart but he is naturally very strong. I've seen him fight groups of people and win and he says nigger around black people all of the time. One time he got arrested and kicked the fucking grate out in the cop car and then they beat his ass.
>black Americans make Atlanta a wealthy and huge city
Is that what happened?
>no one on Zig Forums ever wants to talk about my black infested city
Atlanta is the only place with a big black upper class in America
Holy based
Nice larp.
There was a comfy Atlanta thread a while ago in September
How do you get black chicks bro I'm new here in ATL