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International #1349
What happened to germany?
Do you love poland?
/fr/ - fil France
Do some people seriously find this hot?
Being a tiny european country
Same geography
Is racism prevalent in your country?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
Modern american house
Are Australians no longer the bantmasters as they once were?
Why don't you speak Latin?
Would you meet with me if I came to your country?
Would you live in the North Caucasus(Dagestan, Chechnya or Ingushetia) for 10 million USD...
Greece or Norway?
/vampire/ ehemals /deutsch/
What's your favourite US state?
For me it's number 3 and 10
Be American
Realistically speaking, are Japanese people similar to Chinese people or are there differences...
Hey French people DO NOT come to my country
¿Quieres encontrar a tu amor en Latinoamérica?
/ita/ - il filo
1.Your cunt
Tfw Spain has 16% unemployment
/lat/ hilo latino
I just found out about how in Europe we pay much more money for everything while getting paid less than in America...
Post the exact moment when you realized China won
Do Americans really? Why do they?
Kurva anyátok
The Islamic empire will return one day
Civ 6 leaders
Ultimate tutorial country???
Post cool stuff from your cunt
Brazil is so beautifully diverse. Its much more of a melting pot than American can hope to be...
Spanish dictator Francisco Franco used colonial Black soldiers to rape Spanish women
Can you guess a few?
I don't get why /int fags jerk so much over Iberian woman...
If your flag isnt one of the these I immediately consider you a weaklish pushover twink
Italian or austrian clay?
Do you ski Zig Forums? If so, post an international destination you would like to ski at. I want to go to Morzine...
I hate winter
Your country
/fr/ - Le Francofil
88% of Population Growth between 2020-2050 will come from Africa (63%) and the Indian Subcontinent (25%)
Umm when did scandinavia became relevant?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden - Vinterupplagan
To my son Finland
Do Japanese people still think that their imperial family was descended from the gods?
/asuka/ ehemals /deutsch/
I love being English
Named after a Germanic tribe
Yeah, im thinking based
/luso/ - fio lusófono
I feel bad for them
/ita/ - il filo
No politic
What is it like being a stay-at-home husband in your country?
I dropped out of Oxford
Your honest opinion about them?
Why are they allowed to stay in Europe ?
What are Spanish girls like?
This is an Australian woman
Tell me about this German Land and how it contrasts with other German Länder
Did anything good happen this year
By 2060 your average American female will look like pic related
You were given a choice of being born as a Romance, Germanic, or Slav. Which one would you choose?
Im so glad foreign people enjoying Japan, but please adjust to Japanese culture...
*saves european students from starving with cheap kebabs*
Sverigetråden - Hovupplagan
What mind virus makes americans think that "all i want for christmas is you" is a good christmas song...
Sopranos is the best documentary about Italians. They all act like that
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
/fr/ - le francofil
What's his fucking problem?
Why are we so poor?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Why don't they hate the english after everything they've done to them?
This is a 23 yr old Black incel
Can she pass as local in your country?
Athens, New York
Police think swedish high schoolers are spreading corona on purpose
How hard is it to get a job in your cunt ?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
How do you deal with depression in your cunt?
American science victory confirmed?
My great grandmother was a full blooded otomi native who fucked some spanish dude...
30 November 2020
Mfw poles eat carp for their Christmas dinner
Kurva anyátok
Entry engineer wage in france : 32k euros
Sverigetråden - dadelupplagan
Cum here ytboy
Culture Pals /cp/
Daily finland thread
Post baked food from your country
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
What country is the best friend of your country?
1. your cunt
We live in a society
Locked in eternal war
Bros this jew supremacist bitch is so hot
Can women in your country cook?
Your country
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2468
Post what you're wearing and we make presumptions about what you do, where you live and your political views
Your country
Apparetly three quarters of the world is lactose intolerant. Can you drink milk Zig Forums?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Do French people really?
Mexicans eat corn tortillas over the superior wheat ones
Explain this Korea
Don't go to germany bros, they'll stare at you
No no no no
/esp/ - Hilo Español
What do you think about Cuban Americans?
Is South America less black than Western Europe?
Why do Chinese girls love Japanese guys so much?
Will they apologise?
Wow is KFC really this popular worldwide?
I change my major every six months. Kill me
Do you have the virgin chin?
The Arabian penisula is truly a blessed land. Sorry to say, but the rest of you whites...
2020, I'm forgotten
Why does the German language sound so angry all the time?
1. your cunt
What the fuck is their problem?
Who is your country's most famous serial killer?
Prove you're not a brainlet, name every African country
/balt/ och /ausnz/ + semus
What does America do better than other first world countries?
You (singular)
Do you have your wisdom teeth? In the US, it’s standard practice to get your wisdom teeth removed around 17-19...
Insult me in your language
Are race nationalists and racists common in your country?
American using "mate"
5 billion people by 2100
How popular was Maradona in Argentina?
What is Zig Forums's opinion on israel?
What happens here...
Thoughts on Southeast Asia?
What RPG character/class is your country?
Americans be like, "These are my children, Kayden and Ryleigh"
Are blasians common in your country?
I have only encountered Somalis online and from what I've seen I don't think anyone likes them for one reason or...
Brits are weird
When will they be friends again?
Can I pass as a local in your cunt?
When I think white
Russia in cyrillic looks like it says poccna
Based chinks bringing the bants
1. You're country
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What are italian americans like?
Why are American missionary groups always trying to convert Africans and other tribals, but not Muslims...
Are there schizoid people in your country or not really?
The Vietcong were a terrorist organization funded by Cambodia, Pakistan...
How pathetic is it having an international LDR gf? Is it less pathetic if she's a qt3.14...
What's the best trolling you ever did ?
When will they have a big war again?
Have you ever killed someone?
Why haven't you converted to Islam yet, user?
Was your country getting better before corona?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
What's it like being mixed race? Do any of you browse Zig Forums?
Which would you rather live in
/deutsch/ zur /nachtschicht/
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
You may only post in this thread if your nation founded an element on the Periodic Table
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Be German engineer
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do women convert to islam in your country?
Sverigetråden - Kattupplagan
Life in China 800 years ago
Swedish Argentina
Do non-americans understand the humor of shows like king of the hill
Why do the French drive like this?
What is your favorite country besides your own? why?
Click random phenotype. Result is your gf/bf
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
What are normies listening to in your country?
*posts idiotic comment*
ITT post the most tragic moments of your cunt's history
How does your cunt view transgenders? Is it biased against ftm for no real reason? What's your personal opinion on them?
Angry manlets
Who's your country's favorite neighbor?
/ita/ - il filo
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Redpill me on American High Schools are they on average like in these Hollywood movies and Live Leak Bullying videos?
/brit/ 2
/n8schicht/ ehemalig /deutsch/
Who gave y'all the permission to speak my language?
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /isr/- /이스라/
1 country in 1 picture
You ever wish you could forget where you're from? Or be reborn in another country?
Will be one of the best countries in latin america soon, no joke
Brother goes to Europe for education for 6 years
Your honest thoughts on Spanish women?
My ideal gf:
Man Returns to the JVNGLE. First man successfully returns to Monke
How come the only Africans that post on Zig Forums are North Africans not sub Saharan?
West Africa was actually kinda cool in the past, it sucks what they’ve become now...
/fr/ - le francofil
/mena/ /شأشأ/
I hate Germanics. I hate these savages who ruined Roman civilization and Latin pax. I hate that they settled here...
I unironically don't get how their posters can safely reply to femboy threads with "SEX" and such...
What are you eating tonight?
What is the best euro city?
Mfw a euro says 30 degrees is hot
Las creaturas americanas really do that?
If Germany kept the eastern provinces how would they look like today?
Dere is literally no reason for dis sound to exist...
Is Norway a nice place for gaysex?
Does your country have a lot of tomboys?
If European language families had RPG stats what would they be ?
Wtf, is Japan really this racist?
Sverigetråden - Skånetråden
/ita/ - il filo
Why aren't you living your dream, Zig Forums?
What's your languages slang for a female girl?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
When did you realized in your country that the message of BLM is important /int?
The man that makes Anglos SEETHE
Is this kind of shoes common in your country? In Brazil it used to be more common some decades ago...
Which country from here have the biggest chance to have the next Hitler?
Would you die for your country ?
Is it true West Europeans have a huge snitch culture where they tell on their neighbours to the police for the...
Escape to the mountains
/esp/ - hilo español
Kurva anyátok
Ur cunt
Thoughts on this black square drawn by Russia's most famous artist Malevich (worth $60 million)?
Post em
Your cunt
Germany 2050
/fr/ - Encore en vie
Here's your UK police officer bro
Can arabs and latinos tell each other apart?
Sverigetråden - Julupplagan
/balt/ + /ausnz/
So are paraguayans white?
Why do arabs do this? They even have the nerve to get mad when you reprimand them
Post good rap from your country
What are you listening to right now,Zig Forums?
I don't get it
/Female/ Int thread
Hey UK i fucking love you with all my heart
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
You will live in the pod, right Zig Forums?
Why don't women kill themselves as much as men?
Spanish suburbia......home
Is circumcision the ultimate cultural pleb filter?
Which GTA was more popular in your cunt? Left or Right?
Are they actually Slav? They don't look like other Slavs
Let us back in
Sverigetråden - Självmordsförebyggande upplagan
Hi I am from Europe but I have an African friend and she is on holiday in India...
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Population aged 0-14 years
Why would anyone decide to live in the UK...
Do Iranians really?
This be why Slavics and Northern Europeans be so stronk, damn nigga, you savages
Are there any ethnic anatolian/anti turkish identification movements in Turkey ?
Do Americans ever think about how weird and artificial their existence is?
Im already 24 and still have to go to university for 1,5 years
Greece is the most militarized country in the world
What countries have good looking older women...
Five pointed star is the most boring and overused national symbol. Souless
/desi/-Drishyam edition
I suffer in polar nights
Nazism was as it turns out the best move germany could have made
/img/ - Immigration general
Have you ever wished to be born in a different country?
Are you lactose intolerant?
Guess the nationality
/ita/ - il filo
I have never had a conversation with a muslim before...
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Germany thread
Post improved versions of your flag
Mfw Poland is bigger than any other eastern EU country, so we constantly get shit on on behalf of all of them
Why are they so racist sexist homophobic transphobic islamophobic and xenophobic?
Brown girls dig me
I miss it bros, this is OVR land not chr*stian land, this land belongs to MVSLIMS...
ITT we write a letter to the american people one word at a time. I'll start:
Do Americans in Germany really?
Indian annons explain this
Ask me anything
Why are American pornstars so hideous? Also they give satanic vibes
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2467.1
Thoughts on Portugal and Spain alliance
Why is Poland standing still?
Why does Holland have so many flags?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
International Piracy
Racist euros BTFO
Sverigetråden - Nödfallsupplagan
/chen/ ehemals /deutsch/
/fr/ - le francofil
Burger Humor Thread
Do you like iraqi domestic products?
Jio, the Indian company which made internet as cheap as ₹84 ($1) for 2GB/day for 3 months connecting 700,000...
What's his name?
What's Italian diaspora like in your country?
Could a military and economic (the protectionist kind) alliance between these countries work?
Siberia is European
I'm a trans individual who has been on Zig Forums for years...
What was the best thing that happened this year
Why are Turks so much more nationalistic than everyone else? Statistically their country isn't that great...
I'm Turkish but I support Greater Greece and Greater Armenia
How are asians people like in your country?
There was an Indian man whose wife was herding cattle in the mountains. She fell off a cliff and had a serious injury...
Armenia should be this big
The Paleo-Sardinian phenotype
Do you have tomboys in your country?
Do we to need unite as Europeans to defeat the Great Devil
We post our ancestors
Why do only white people do stuff like this?
Hear Australian and his annoying accent
/med/ - Mediterranean general
How tall are women in your country? around here most white girls are 5'10+ I feel like a kid
How many kids do you want?
How is communism and its history taught in schools in your country?
/ro/ firul nostru
Do you say "I love you" to family members? Is it common in your culture?
Would you live inside a Japanese pod house?
Kurva anyátok
Morning, so are people in your country going to get vaccinated when the vaccine comes out...
Top 10 obese countries(excluding small Island nations)
Why does Zig Forums consider Slavs as not white? Sure, they have different faces than westoids...
Favourite movie in your cunt?
Are old Japanese men really like this?
Check out Russian youtube/Instagram
Your country
/ita/ - il filo
Why did New Zeeland reject the better looking flag?
Not trying to be racist but is there a particular reason chinese are horrendous drivers?
Zig Forumsernational IQ test
I like Finland. Do you like finland Zig Forums
Once americans are cancelled let's kill all of these as well
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /isr/- /이스라/ -= מהדורת שחר בפרס
France is the worst country for rich people thanks to socialism and overtaxation
Why do slavs look Latinx?
It's official
KFC is the most popular fast food in China. Even moreso than domestic fast food chains
Look at this dood
Post the greatest Brand of your count
Type like you're from the country above you
Your race
Predict the next shithole. Which country do you think will take the title of "world's biggest shithole" in the next...
How do anglos defend this?
Tfw my great grandfather owned a plantation in cuba before the revolution
Why do south koreans here have perfectly good english but japs have the absolute worse english out of any other flag?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Why is she afraid of K-pop?
Europe is such a tiny part of the globe. How did they end up controlling so much of it for so long?
How can one country have so much SOUL, despite being so technologically advanced?
China will win
Describe Zig Forums in one webm
Please help an user trying to learn Russian
How did black Americans make Atlanta a wealthy and huge city that ranked 9th in US...
Relaxed edition
Indian Brazil
What do germxns think about the territory they lost in both world wars...
I got an unironic 'do they really' question, do american movie theatres really ban you from bringing in your own food...
/fr/ - le fil occitan
Hello Zig Forums. So whats the actual point of this place? its not really learning languages now is it
I made the perfect world
Frenchbros, what do you think of surrender jokes?
Why are so many Brits curlies? Is it inbreeding?
I am going to kill myself tonight
"America in WWII is overrated, they didn't get involved in the war until later, the isolationist wussies."
/comfy/ besser bekannt als /deutsch/
What's the weather like in your cunt?
Is it true America is the modern day Roman Empire? Has America brought the world a Pax Americana?
Let me be frank
What does the future hold for your country?
What makes this place so superior to the rest of the world?
What country has the cutest bois and why is it England?
Is it true Latin American countries are the least racist countries in the world?
Why is it hard for Asian men to date?
Would your country like the China social credit system?
Is watching streamers a thing in your cunt?
How come latinos aren’t considered as creepy as indians or arab?
Hilo /lat/ino
There's nothing Irish about you lot. You're English...
Post your country communist emblem or flag
How hard is it for (You) to get a girlfriend in your country? I’m not a virgin but I am tired of being lonely
/v4/ + friends
It's over. Alcoholism has completely destroyed my libido. Haven't had a boner in a week. I'm finally free
Is it true that the Netherlands is a more conservative country than the world thinks?
Thoughts on the Maori War cry ?
LATAM Love thread
Can an american explain what religion and worship is like in america
Oh no
Girls here aren't athletic enough. Sure, Iberians girls are petite with small tits and cute asses...
I just truned 21 anons
Tfw 98.5% of Japanese will go to hell
Why zoomers getting more and more uncontrollable and degenerate...
Whats the most humiliating moment in your cunts history?
Workers of the world unite! you have nothing to lose but your chains! seize the means of production! eat the rich!
Is this true?
Well Zig Forums?
Brownoids KNEEL before the white woman
/fr/ - Le fil des récoltes
ITT: Living conditions of Zig Forums
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What are Jewish people like in your country?
Which language is the most beautiful?
Hilo /lat/ino
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
People excuse Africa being a shithole by claiming it's in a bad environment for civilisation
/nachtschicht/ morgens wieder /deutsch/
Have you ever met a turk
Sverigetråden Ylvas Skrivbordupplagan
Japan's future
If you are not white in the west its over
How hard is it to find a finnish boyfriend?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine