My ideal gf:

My ideal gf:

- intelligent
- cute smile, good teeth
- tanned
- not superficial/no makeup/little makeup natural colours

It's got to be MED/MENA.

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nice blog

For me
That's it

Okay that's cool and all
But who asked

My sis is like that and she's living in Amsterdam
You have my blessing, user

Please see point 1 and 4 in the OP.

Based taste. For me it's:
>no drugs
>warm soul/heart
>bodycount less than 5
>not obese
>fun to talk with
Very hard to find, it seems

MY ideal gf :

i just want to die

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Here's my requirements
>Not a tranny
>XX chromosomes
>Born with a vagina
That's literally it

She don't use makeup and she's smart enough for have a degree