Can women in your country cook?
In Greece, 30 year old thots cant cook and expect the man to be rich and cook for them
Can women in your country cook?
Of course, a woman who can't cook here is considered useless lol
Most women here can't cook, they even though they can half ass some stuff they think they can cook.
I simply cannot eat something that is not well prapared and properly made.
This is why at home i cook, when my family has to eat i cook.
my mom def can NOT cook tho
All women here used to be able to cook well, now most of them can't be bothered to make anything complicated.
I'm the one cooking at home, my girlfriend doesn't really know how to cook, it's either bland or bad unfortunately.
Beat her in accordance with French sharia.
cooking is a pain in the ass. I can't blame women for not wanting to do that shit
>I'm the one cooking at home
The absolute state of frenchmen
my mother does cooks well, but I do even better
she looks slavic
My sister doesn’t know how to turn an oven on
are you that guy who went on sex tourism in belarus
Tbh it is good for him
imagine eating shitty food or not eating at all just because you can't cook
not needing his girlfriend's help is a good thing too
good job dude
Nope. Moms also all make horrible food since we are cuisinelets and there wasn't much available in the soviet times
>expect the man to be rich
>and cook for them
Fucking Lol
Cooking is easy. Just put everything you have left in the multicooker and pick a random program. The key is to be hungry enough
Yes, the men too. Cooking is a basic skill that everyone should have, like bathing yourself or wiping your arse.
can i marry a greek woman iki?
What a fucking beta orbiter lol
your mum looks hot in this picture
Dating and being in a serious relationship is fucking dogshit, women in their mid and early twenties unironically can't and won't do anything around the house, you can't even fucking talk with them about anything other than current events and gossip.
I unironically envy muslims because of this, although i'm never giving up booze, pork and the tip of my dick, i'd rather have one night stands my whole life than have to deal with a dumb bitch who will shit out a kid who may or may not be mine and divorce me.
any female born after 1993 can’t cook... all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie
If they don't cook what do you use them for?
All of my relationships where my gf moved in with me were based around nagging, drama and sex.
>omg you spend too much time at work i feel so lonely
>wtf why can't you clean the place up a little bit, i'm too tired to do it and it's the week-end
>tee-hee i bought some pizza for dinner because i'm too lazy to cook (5 times a week)
>why don't you spend more time with me (meaning why aren't you mindlessly watching some garbage on netflix the entire evening after work without even talking)
>why are you spending so much of your precious free time alone?
>why do you keep going to church there are too many girls there
>why are you going out with your friends so much (once every two weeks), are you cheating?
>do you remember my friend X? she broke up with Y and she's dating Z
>*randomly gets drunk a cries or screams at me for no reason*
>omg i want a cat!
>can you let me redecorate this room? we should buy *insanely expensive and ugly but popular furniture¨*
>are there girls that talk to you at work?
>have i told you about that time my ex did a funny/mean/good thing?
>i bet you don't love me anymore
Etc. At least it's guaranteed daily sex, but even that gets boring after a couple of months.
I absolutely fucking despise women.
Low quality people here can't cook regardless of gender. Normal competent people, both men and women can cook.
>Dutch women
No one on the British isles is capable of cooking apart from migrants, but sometimes they blow up.
Of course. In Japan, we learn how to cook during compulsory education, so both men and women can cook and sew.
Well I can! lol
Sounds like you just pick out shit women. No one I've dated has ever been like that and I've dated edgy punk girls that you faggots here call crazy.
You sound like a cuck
How for the love of God someone wants this, here unless they are both zoomers and whole Feminism thing you won't see stuff like this. Feel bad for you user stay strong.
I haven't been in an actual relationship for over two years now because i can't tolerate some cunt invading my home and annoying me to death.
Thank God for dating apps, i get one night stands with women in their early twenties then never call them again.
based af, but also unfortunately very true.
Sounds based ngl, if you use tinder here you might find stuff like this too, also the usual """""""Muslim""""""" women who is just waiting for a muscular guy and to jump on his dick like a whore. Finding good women everywhere is not easy.
Me and my girlfriend cook, because this is a basic human skill, and we are not subhuman.
same. if i ever get a gf it would be a real perk if she could cook
>we are not subhuman
was she a virgin when you met her?
she's polish
Sounds like a cvck who can't get his women in order, that's on you famalam
Yes my mother is a chef unironically eat like a king thank you mom
your post reminded me of this profile i saw