I'm Turkish but I support Greater Greece and Greater Armenia

I'm Turkish but I support Greater Greece and Greater Armenia.
Please come to Turkey and fuck our women.

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So more muslim mutt kids could be born?

Turkey is the biggest importer of Greek semen

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That's wrong because I'm not a Turkey

The legacy of the Janissaries




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>in reality

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wasted by a roach, how sad

In reality Turks literally employed Balkans to fuck Turkish women and eventually take control of the government


Why the fuck do you nigg*s wear a fez for? we dumped it 100 years ago, you should do
>inb4 it's a fez"iki"

There are many historical documents which detail the sexual relations between Balkan janissaries and Turkish women. Turkey is I would dare say the most cucked nation of all time. The only one to employ cuckoldry on such a scale, to my knowledge.

it's called πῖλος you fucking crooked teeth nigger

I actually didn't want to call you a crooked teeth nigger, I'm sorry

>I'm Turkish

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lol that looks like my flag but upside down :p

Source: your mom's anus.

>le my nation beat yours in these battles
Doesnt change the fact that you were our cockslaves for centuries. Fucking leave it behind Yorgo, we were friends once you know.
Anneni sikeyim ikibey :)
Most of em aint Turkish nor German but there are people who are fucking great, such as my german Teachers. One of them is a literal fucking chad, the guy is buff as fuck and knows like 4 languages

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stop fueling this kraut-flag poster that always sucks our dick.
he most likely is mentally ill and needs to get professional help, please

based and checked and kek'd

>Doesnt change the fact that you were our cockslaves for centuries
Guess who are the descendants of the rapists and cucks

126revolutions roach

What documents? Anyway it was pretty smart to turn the balkan boys into muslim soldiers in order to maintain power. Letting them marry Turkish girls doesn't seem cucked if it meant easier control over their empire .but your coom brain can only think about muh dick

they weren't allowed to marry or have children, some of them were castrated some of them became boytoys, he has no idea

>Mehmed II, conqueror of Constantinople, is described as a "notorious boy-lover" To rouse up his soldiers to conquer the city he made a speech in which he painted a glowing picture of the booty awaiting the soldiers in Constantinople-especially the boys, gentle, beautiful, aristocratic young boys, enough for all. And indeed there were. The historical record of the capture of the city is full of atrocity stories of rape and enslavement, as adults (especially wealthy nobility) were murdered and their children enslaved, the young boys being taken to soldiers' barracks. The most handsome were reserved for the Sultan, and he purchased some 200 from his soldiers for his own harem. He also heard that the Greek collaborator, the noble Notaras, had an extremely beautiful son of 14. The Sultan demanded the boy for his pleasures. When Notaras refused, he and his whole family were executed and the boy taken to the Sultan's palace. Some modern novels written about this event have suggested that the youngster chose to die heroically with his family, but the evidence is that instead he joined the other 200 catamites. Davey reports that these harem boys, beautifully dressed in feminine costumes, danced at the wedding of the emperor's daughter Before any boy was taken to the Sultan's bedchamber, he was epilated and dipped in perfume. The 200 appear to have ranged from 8 to 16 years of age; they were given geisha-like training, consisting of erotic poetry and songs, dancing, literature and "diverse manners of giving pleasures to men." The term peg-house, for a male house of prostitution, generally thought to have its source in the common shipboard practice of having a young cabin boy sit on a peg to dilate his anus, may date back to this period.

That video doesnt prove shit to me, settled people tend to racemix no fucking shit. What matters is some Oghuz tribes never settled till early-mid 19th century, including my own. So yes, greeks WERE the cockslaves of the Ottomans. Its a tradition at this point, greekoids were always cockslaves to someone. Be it Romans, themselves or Turks.

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>tfw you'll never lick a circassian pussy

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You are the descendants of those cocslaves
A nation of mutts

speak for yourself, mehmet. I know my tribe and my ancestors. We were nomadic raiders who raided the settled cucks of anatolia until 1820-1830s

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