Named after a Germanic tribe

>named after a Germanic tribe
>speaks a Romance language
Wow, okay.

Attached: france outline.png (503x512, 7.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>named after a celtic tribe
>speak a germanic language

Um, the Angles were not Celts sweetie

Agreed, we should be renamed « Gaul »

He's talking about Britain

ummm the 'britons' were, darling


The Franks and the Anglo-Saxons are the two most powerful tribes that ever roamed the Earth

>mfw both UK and France were created by German tribes
you're welcome, kids

Attached: a_ov_pepe_160928.nbcnews-ux-1080-600.jpg (1067x600, 47.13K)

England was creted by Angles, Saxons and JUTES darling. It's not called the DANElaw for nothing ;)