
Michael Jay Fox Jaywalking

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smoking on the sofa at 10am sub edition

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>cheesecake factory haven't paid lease on any of their properties in a year

not a single atom of british culture in the thread so far

*personally pays for it*

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Sick of seeing the yank flag desu.

preparing a poo

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why don't are tongue flop down into our throats

Whats everyones favourite Mosque?

Fat bastard

My throat's usually full enough as it is mate

it does when you're muscles relax as you die

the one your ma attends

making a trek to asda
hope they have the cajun chicken pizzas, haven't had one of those in years

A rule to live by lads.
If you can see layers in the lamb doner, it's probably good. if it's one solid mass of grey, it's probably shit.

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Why are brits in constant seethe and insecurity about the yanks?

*slaps mikey's arse*

the so called english lad

they both have layers and they're both masses of grey
I'll take the least burnt one

>The first and second states of Beer Street featured the blacksmith lifting a Frenchman with one hand. The 1759 reissue replaced him with a joint of meat and added the pavior and housemaid.

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You bless us with your wisdom

It's just banter

Those are two different kinds of kebab you esn fuckwit.

umm actually 'big ben' is the name of the bell NOT the tower

they're both lamb doner you spastic.

the vile mass of processed lip/aresholes on the right only exists in the UK's shitty kebab shops

alri frankenstein

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Going through my old A-level maths papers and it all looks far more complicated than anything I ever learned in my (non-maths) BSc, MSc and PhD desu. C4 in particular is a motherfucker. Doubt I'd get a single question right now if I attempted it again

super baby method?

frankenstein's mongster


Jame Masjid mosque Birchfield (formally Saddam Hussein mosque Birchfield)

Pardon me chaps, I couldn't help but notice your döner talk. What meat is that on the right?

once saw the kebab lads getting a new elephant's leg and putting it on the spinning thing. was the solid mass one. looked fucking rank cold. thick coating of white fat on it.

>The chancellor, Rishi Sunak, is facing questions over the transparency of his financial affairs after a Guardian investigation established that his wife and her family hold a multimillion-pound portfolio of shareholdings and directorships that are not declared in the official register of ministers’ interests.

Nothing to see here

ah yes, kebab, the food of choice for the drunken working class mong on a friday night

More of a shawarma man myself.

absolutely adore being drunk but despise the actual act of drinking alcohol, its fucking nasty. Maybe my problem is I drink mostly hard alcohol.

such is the lives of the nouveau rishi

you could learn everything needed to get an A* in about 6 months desu.

the name frankenstein DOES refer to the monster
Dr. Frankenstein is the character and is always addressed as such

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whats the diff


Did you guys actually know frankenstien was not the name of the monster

I have never seen any kebab that looks like the right one in Germany

german doners are much better than British ones on average tbqh

It’s usually prepared by actual middle easterners, like Kurds, Iraqis etc. Pakis make grim slop

its not really meat, just a mass of all the leftover bits of shit no one will buy and all squished into a big blob. like sausages, but worse and a mix of different types of animal cock and arse

everyone knows his wife and her family are actual billionaires.

Yeah, me too in here.


Didn't you need 90% on all modules (including C4) to get the A*? That was what did it for me desu, was able to average 90%+ over the other modules, but C4 was just too complicated for my little brain to understand and I got about 60% in it, bringing me down to an A overall. Guess with maths it's mostly just a case of practice practice practice, once you understand the general rules/concepts then it's just a case of plugging in different numbers to the calculator

uuhh based

did you just assume my gender

Ew, dude. Don't ever eat that. I don't even know how they get it up there as a solid block.

never eaten a kebab 2bh

you're always banging on about fucking kurds aren't you

cheese kurds

Was it public knowledge? Never heard about it before

Shut up bog trotter

10am on a sunday and the neighbours drilling into the walls again

i don't know lad I never did a level maths. I've got an equivalent (level 3) qualification which I got a distinction in but doubt it was as rigorous as a level. never really went into proofs, harder calculus etc. was c4 the same as further maths?

salah eh din 1345
it's a racehorse

A rule to live by lads
Don't give money to darkies, don't eat kebabs.

Racist cunt

yes it's public knowledge. his wifes family are quite well known as business magnates in india iirc.

don't like travellers either

nothing wrong with racism you fat retard gypyo

Don’t like the french

you should’ve been up for 3 hours already by then
lazy bastard

>Mr Sunak was born in Southhampton on 11 May 1980, making him 39 years old.
>The Chancellor, who stands at 5’7, started his career in academia, before moving into banking.

Braindead rorke

white ppl takeawy be like: heres a peice of chicken n chips o hears a fried fish n chips lmfao go home mayonese drinking unseasoned ass


It wasn't part of the extra modules you'd do in the further maths A-level, but it was definitely the toughest of the normal maths A-level modules. Can't remember exactly what topics were covered, but the papers I was looking through had quite a lot of complex differentiation and integration problems (words which I can't even remember the meaning for anymore, given that I did it more than a decade ago now)

Here's a few example papers from online, doubt the syllabus has changed that much

she's quite pretty with better lighting

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manlet with a briefcase full of furlough dosh for all the girls and boys

they even shot the dog

graduating in january
won't be pursuing a career
won't be looking to move out
just gonna stay in bed until i die


Drank an entire bottle of whiskey last night and the remainder of another
What amazes me is apparent from being a bit tired I feel fine today.

phoneberg asking for an “apnonce” while jailbreaking it
might have to cancel the operation

alchoholic ass

sausies in the oven
pondering a sausage butty with onion and mustard like a hot dog

Who graduates in January? Strange choice

yankified ass

Fucking sick of my retard neighbour, everyone I watch tv before 11am he bangs my wall but when I see him outside he tries to hide or goes back into his house and when I go over to confront him he sends his wife to the door

why does he always look homeless

Fucking hilarious that Rosa Parks got beaten and robbed by a black guy

the 'ol delayed hangover.

>sausage butty
