You were given a choice of being born as a Romance, Germanic, or Slav. Which one would you choose?

You were given a choice of being born as a Romance, Germanic, or Slav. Which one would you choose?

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Germanic any time


enjoy svnshine brothers

Anything but Hellenoid
I'll even take Albanian over that shit




>northern france

>not germanoslavs


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also the term is "med" not "romance"

romance any day
i like the weather and the cuisine
work can be productive with freelancing

Anything but Slav

"Romance" and "Germanic" are language families you absolute retard.

what languages are those dots in poland and romania?

>You were given a choice of being born
I'm not making that mistake again

German and Hungarian respectively.

ah yes, he's talking about being born into a language family

it's obviously a stand-in for which of the 3 ethnic groups in europe you belong to - Germanic, Med or Slav.

I'm already in one of the best spots possible. GERMANIC BVLL in a Romance country.

why, I'll be a ROMANCECHAD


before anyone asks the english are germano-meds, they got ROME'd and have very distinct med like attributes which are inherently non-germanic

also english is a mutt language which is mostly med vocab

>Romania and Moldavia
yeah okay

Silesian or Kashubian and then Szekely respectively I think.

autism digits

south france is med
north france is germanic
romania is slav
portugal is obviously med as fuck (inb4 autists who claim it's about physical geography - for instance crotia is not puremed but slav-med)

Baltic Slav so I would be the same.

Germanic > Slav >> R*mance


how are we germanic? how do you define a med? a 'certain lifestyle'? I'm a wanker too, I'm a med, even if I don't look like an arab


How the fuck is Romania slav, when their language is not Slavic? Don’t you have mandatory schools in Germany

>Silesian or Kashubian
Wrong. Silesian and Kashubian are not Germanic languages and would not be represented by red dots.
I already explained that the area was Hungarian speaking. Szekely is just the name for Hungarians of that region.
>Thanks the incorrect answer but not the one giving the correct ones
Very cool.

t. Jean di Garcia de Pereira Emilia

>romania is slav
take your medicine germ

We have the same % of Germanic DNA as Austrians, and only 5-10% less than Germans.

He is clearly severely "ethno"-autistic. Just ignore these tards.

卐Northern Germanique卐
Le français

The rest is shit

they have slav blood
>how are we germanic
pic related

>how do you define a med? a 'certain lifestyle'? I'm a wanker too, I'm a med, even if I don't look like an arab
tend to have
>brown eyes
>browner skin
>less work ethic
>better food (due to better climate)
you know it when you see it

slav blood
there are no non-slavs in eastern europe
and yes eastern germans are slav-germanics, there is of course a ethnic mix everywhere on the borders between the 3 groups

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Germanic because I'm Anglo

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It's a mix of romance and slavic

anglos are med-german mixes

Slav. they're the hardest cunts

>muh race

Med how? If anything it would be brythonic-saxon mixes

don't feed the autists

that's the main thing, meds are also more extroverted though due to the sun and culture (also contributing to their laziness and worse economies)

conquered by meds (rome), culturally different and quasi-med, less blue eyes, very little blonde hair.


that's makes sense to me
I'd be pretty depressed if I lived in Russia

German guy is pretty insecure

>conquered by meds (rome)
And then conquered by Germanic speakers, like the entirety of the Western Roman Empire.
>meds are also more extroverted though due to the sun and culture (also contributing to their laziness and worse economies)

just like the 3 primary colours can be used to make anything you can also explain just about all countries and ethnic groups with med, slav and germanic. i don't know what's so controversial about this

the only fuckery is the balkans getting OTTOMAN'd

>And then conquered by Germanic speakers, like the entirety of the Western Roman Empire.
didn't erase the med blood, which explains why brits are culturally so different to germanics, because they're only partly germanic

>And then conquered by Germanic speakers, like the entirety of the Western Roman Empire.
French isn't a germanic language.