Is bullying culture strong in your country?
Did you suffer bullying
Is bullying culture strong in your country?
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i got bully a bit in middle school but i fight back so they leave me alone
in HS i become less autistic and finally get a gf
>Je peux pas respirer
post the version with the right flags
>Is bullying culture strong in your country?
a bit yeah
>Did you suffer bullying
yes...until I snapped.
I was never bullied 'cause I was the one to bully
Payback for centuries of colonialism isn't bullying
I got bullied by niggers until I threatened to kill myself and then they left me alone. It worked like a charm. They would mostly bug me by stealing my shit or slapping my ass, and I got fed up with it
Fucking sandniggers, here those monkeys would get knifed for shit like that .
yes, it made me shun people and I missed out on everything haha
the one in the pink shirt makes me think
>waaaaaaah, noooooooooo, they're not french, cos, cos...errr...they're not white!!!
lmfao, sure
I don't consider bullying what I suffered because it wasn't systematic, but I've been occasionally attacked and mocked (verbally and psychologically) several times until my teenage years in a random way. Luckily, it wasn't serious at all and got away with it by responding in 1vs1 cases, but when the attackers were a group of people or someone with "dangerous" contacts I couldn't respond or didn't do it for the possible consequences, and I regret it.
Sound like the descendants from the colonies means the same as malicious virus
Oui gauchiasse.
yeah by the gypoos
and then the gypoos go and harass some random romanian
Antonescu should have finished the fucking job
>noooooooo, non-whites can't integrate!!!!!!
doubt it
No, I was the one who bullied other kids.
But not just random kids. For example there were these two guys who would bully this kid who was very small and fragile and I made sure to make their lives miserable as much as I could.
Years later (like 10y later) the mother of this fragile kid meet my mother at some random place and she started crying and told her that her son (me) protected her son (fragile kid) for the whole school years and that he would come home and told her how great I was. Turned out the kid was born with some condition that made him develop very slowly so that's why he was so short and weak.
nah mate its just bants innit
>until I snapped.
Mind sharing a greentext?
being huwhite isn't enough to be french but you need to be huwhite in the first place, if nationality isn't based on ethnicity then nations have no reason to exist
Yes, and I fucked them up when I grew more than all of them in high school.
he cried to his mom and she moved him to another school
not enough for a greentext I'm afraid since I don't remember that much. but I can tell you that the prick who bullshited me spend a lot of time trying to find his shoes.
>Is bullying culture strong in your country?
I don't think it's as bad as it was when I was a kid, but it's probably still out there a lot. But it was extremely common for a very long time.
>Did you suffer bullying
Yes, but not as bad as some people get it. Although it did impact me negatively, to the point where I bullied other people in turn. Probably the one thing I regret more than anything about my adolescent years. There's doing silly things because the people around you are doing them, then there's doing shitty things because the people around you are doing them.
sounds like LARP
isn't culture and identity enough?
what do you even mean by culture and identity?
If anything the French were and probably still are the "malicious virus"
should 10 million italians move to france because napoleon n'shiet?
speaking french, listening to french music, watching french movies, feeling french, prioritizing french interests...
Actually, that's a pretty good question.
so it's all about just talking a language?
and lmao, those are all things your migrants don't do
i probably know french better than most of those migrants and yet you would never consider me french would you lol