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International #1352
What do you hate most about your country that isn't political?
Southern French and Northern Iberian natives produce the most attractive people on the planet...
Do Germans have souls?
/ita/ - il filo
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What are canadian inuits like? Can anyone who's spoken to them share their experiences?
Why do Latinos mix sexual content with religious symbolism?
Cope and seethe the region
/fr/ - le francofil du samedi soir
Is Zig Forums turning into a sub Reddit?
/desi/-Another interview failed lol edition
"Let's watch a movie from your country, user"
Record number of Germans are fleeing to Brazil
Whiter than you muham-
Why do Yuros hate national pride so much?
America sucks
Discovered a rat in my house
This is how 99% pure native american looks like
They took this from you
Man sharpening his blade on a german woman's jaw. 2020
Where did that Argentinian poster go?
Nazi's plan was to exterminate a great part of the Slavs and do god knows to the balkans
Sverigetråden - Lördagkväll
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + enemies
/ita/ - il filo
Kurva anyátok
White women are so beautiful, they are literally angels, especially european white women
All propaganda and shills aside, which country has more freedom China or the USA???
Twinkjak is trending on KYM
Why do Americans do this?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Your country
Go to South Brazil on Street View
German jawlines
Why are germans like this??????????????
I want to move to Italy and find a woman 10 years older than me. I will be her boy toy
In China, education is MANDATORY
1.Your ethnicity
Do girls in your country wear chokers?
Who is your country's biggest enemy?
What do they think of each other?
Which neighbor country do you hate the most ?
Thoughts on American cuisine?
Sverigetråden - inte tiktokbögupplaga iaf
Why yes I majored in IT/CS/STEM, what gave it away?
Why are race relations so bad in this country?
Did you know that every year Swärje loses almost 10k ""natives"" while it agains roughly 110k foreigners?
How will they cope?
You have to live in one English county for the rest of your life and are never allowed to move away or cross it's...
Which Zoomer Monarch do you think will be the best future leader...
Why aren't they part of Argentina?
What are you doing this weekend?
Tfw you realize Turkey is literally thousands of years old and it's just slightly above Latin America
Send food and aid to African to spark an unnatural birth rate
I won ausfag
/lang/ - Language Learning General
/deutsch/e Ausgabe
Zig Forums public transport
/fr/ - le fil français
/shithole/ - England and USA edition
Creates democracy
/al-and/ + /mena/
The mutts of Europe
After all their shouting why did arabs just give up and seek their alliance
/med/ thread
What do they think of each other?
/ita/ - il filo
Do peoples in your country like elephants?
Does this happen in your country?
/desi/-Desi in a nutshell edition
Girl confessed to me in 8th grade
Why yes, I'm from Eastern Europe. What gave it away?
"In 1976...
Sverigetråden - Bandyklubbupplagan
Raping woman bad because le society says so
If you are American and you buy the shit japanese consoles over the American Xbox you are a traitor who should be...
If you were indian(of dravidian phenotype)...
Excuse me sir, i would like to marry your daughter, are 4 goats and 2 camels sufficient?
Anyone from any racial/ethnic background can be british
Not only have I fallen in love with Slavic qt's
America unmasked
Mf when I learned my country is named after a Swedish tribe
/basierte schweiz/ sonst /deutsch/
/v4/ + friends
This should be mandatory for all germans
Why french/spanish teens looks like so unmanly?
Europeans don't celebrate Christmas
Why are the Chinese stealing my pure WHITE aryan DNA?
Self hating thread
I make about 2500 euros after tax per month with my first proper job out of university...
Literally save Germany from desolation after WW2 with the Marshall Plan
Why do Southern European countries get so much bullying in Zig Forums?
Post your country's political map
What would this person be called in your country
How are Indians consistently the most based posters on Zig Forums?
I’m an afghan rapefugee living in a no go zone
Hilo /lat/ino
Im mentally ill
Sverigetråden - Skadeupplagan
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Is coffee good for you?
Is this supposed to be a Japanese guy? Why do they draw themselves like this?
A Frenchman showing a British boy how to be a man
Why the fuck is Europe multiple countries instead of just one big country...
Why can't Europeans accept/admit that American cuisine is delicious?
He doesnt have a cat
Why are Muslims like this
Mr. Tanaka, who is retiring tomorrow, is invincible
/jabonnierinnen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Would a Russian girl date a Hungarian guy?
Poland is a first world country?
You are gay because you are too much of a retard to talk to women. The mind is very powerful. Prove me wrong
I am unironically moving to Istanbul next year
Any georgians: +1 edition
In Finnish, this is called tietokone (information machine)
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ - il filo
Please come to Germany and fuck our women
What nationality/ethnicitys have you been in fights with?
This girl got fucked by an ugly brittoid
/fr/ - Le Francofil
ITT:meanie poster to your country
/flag/ + /extraflags/
There is a Chinese flag on this board right now
The only country in europe which has an average salary on the level US is Switzerland. For example...
/med/ - Mediterranean general
What is your country's view on casual sex?
Would russian female date korean male? i would marry russian lady
Your cunt
Killing/Torturing animals alive
Learning russian
Why are Germans like this?
Your cunt
What race are Finns?
Isn't this 50 year old japanese woman cute?
Would you like to live in a European countryside mansion if you could? Yes. Pop culture makes it look so comfy
Shithole turkey
How hard it is to pass a driving license test in your cuntry?
Kurva anyátok
What happens here?
Why do Japanese women become pornstars?
I really like american police car aesthetics
I just became Christian after being an ex-Muslim
Depressed "males"
/balt + ausnz/
Your country?
Is Based Brazil finally first world like what everyone said way back?
Ōsaka, Japan is an under appreciated city
Is this where the West is heading?
Is it inherently part of Latin American culture to allow your women to dress however they want...
1. cunt
What do you think about Japanese women?
270 million population
Movie is set in France or Russia
What went wrong?
What other part of the world is like Southeast Asia?
You wake up in france
/ישר/ - /ইসরা/ - /Їꙁд/ - /isr/ - מהדורת משגל
Why is China so "poor"?
People still believe (largely americans) in the pseudoscientific belief of "race" in 2020
Does Swedish pussy taste good? I've heard they have really nice tasting vaginas due to their diets
Post maps that make you go VGH
Well Zig Forums? How do you explain this?
Do you heat your water with these electric rod things?
Countries by GDP per capita
Average middle class home in 90s America
Zig Forumss thoughts on the devil's lettuce?
THIS is whom China is putting in concentration camps???
Why do Americans like grilled cheese so much?
Any questions?
Are South Slavs latinos?
What causes this phenomenon?
What kind of people fly in your country
Did you ever experience someone fetishising you for your race?
Tell me stereotypes or ideas you have about Portugal and I will try to tell you in a non-banter and non-biased way...
In complete and total seriousness, what do you think of North Americans of European descent moving back to Europe?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2472
International fashion
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Is this movie an accurate representation of Brazil?
/fr/ - Le francofil
ITT: Zig Forums in 1786
I don't get it
Countries that you hate the most
Some of us think we are special
This board is actually worse than Zig Forums. Zig Forums is atleast underage...
I just learned that the words "of" and "off" have different pronounciations in english
Why Japanese is always villein in Chinese movies?
Hey euros why are you still up?
Which are better?
American athletes
Is the middle class disappearing in you're country?
What are your honest thoughts on Germany?
What country are these girls from?
What's their secret Zig Forums?
/lat/ - hilo latino
/brit/ Clare Foley
Sverigetråden - Vita upplagan
If you had to be ruled by one of these three powers, which would you prefer
Kitty cat meow meow kitty cat :3
Is norway celtic?
Hey guys i'm going to poland, anyone want something from there?
ITT: post your country at its peak borders
Migrants of Zig Forums why did you leave ur cunt?
Latino niggas really be giving their kids names like Willy, Wilber, Melvin, Cleyton, Anderson, Darwin, Franklin, etc
/cum/ - Canada + USA + Mexico & Friends
What are some of your country's stereotypes that are actually true?
Hundreds of thousands of years of your ancestors fucking and the evolutionary line ends up with you
Numbers of gf you had
This angers the american
Everyday i dream of a Wheelchair-bound Japanese girlfriend
1 - guess my ethnicity
Tell me your experiences with Americans irl. Lest I shart on thy balls
Italian Spec Ops are REALLY fashionable
Are all of these people German and considered the same as Germans by the rest of the people?
Are you unironically racist or it's just satire?
/ita/ - il filo
Why do they hate italians?
I have a question for Zig Forums
Why was the southern tip of India and the island of Sri Lanka as a whole so difficult for the various Indian empires to...
Do you like Japanese culture?
In France you get government mandated 9 week paid vacation, unlimited sick days, and impossible to get fired...
Can turks or pakis please explain?
The german gf
Lets have a friendly scribbl game
How do we send them all back
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - Nationalistiska upplagan
Where would you live if you had to choose, killling yourself isn't an option
Why is Germany so hated by its fellow European countries?
How does it make you feel when you see a white girl with thicc thighs and perfect ass who dates a black man?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Your country
Serious question, does the rest of the world know that we are currently being culturally geocided?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
20y.o. here, tired of being an incel virgin freak
Is it unmanly to be clean shaven? Or to shave?
Why are they always so mad?
How far back can you guys trace your heritage...
Come to Brazil, user
I think India, Japan, and Germany should have permanent seats on the UNSC
Will it survive this year?
Bro you get to fuck Germanic women in the summer
The webm that cured yellow fever
Why everybody hates Russia
I am afraid of women. Does this happen in your country?
See product
How can one country be unmatched in culture, literature, art, cuisine and history?
What happens in Iceland?
How come Indian/Pakistani man + Polish woman is such a common couple?
Can any Chinese anons help me order Sichuan food? I'm in the mood for pork and they have many choices (more pics below)
Ur tree
Why are Filipinos all like this?
I am black in America
Rate Israeli female Airsoft player from Russian descent
/balt + ausnz/
Self portrait ai thread
These people are "poor to the point of starving"
Did Persians really look like this?
North Africans shouldn't be allowed in Europe
Are russians funny people in real life?
Mum is Japanese
Is this the average modern french/spanish man?
Anglos are persecuted and reviled on this board
What do they think of each other?
How are cops in your country ?
Cashiers in Switzerland make $50k a year
Germanic ''Women''
/ita/ - il filo
Why are northerrn germans so poor and lazy...
What's his problem?
Takes over the world
/fr/ - Le francofil
International cultural preferences
Omg that would be so horrible haha can you imagine? I'm so glad we have our current reality instead of this
/lat/ hilo latino
Today Pavel Durov...
I've taken the chinapill
This is literally every woman's reaction when visiting Greece
Is that sushi? Could I get a fork and knife please?
You wake up in Vorkuta, Komi Republic
Your cunt
Thoughts on this specific region of the world
Mexicans look like that?
I have a strong dislike for swedish w*men and prefer nearly any other nationality of woman
Sverigetråden - Paraplyupplagan
Post list of countries that deserve nukes
Why were meds so angry?
What are Norwegian women like?
What's this phenotype?
New pics from Cyberpunk 2077 released
Thank a country for its food
From today's march in Lisbon
Why did Europeans stop killing each other?
Guess the name, occupation and ancestry of the poster above you
/esp/ - España General
Kurva anyátok
I'm white, are you white?
/ita/ - il filo
When did you realize Anglos are prefect?
Switching to the Euro
Do you think it's realistic for the average wage in Estonia to reach 65% of the average wage in Finland?
Why do Dutch people like to go to Suriname? speacially women, isn't it a poor country?
1.Open google street view
Sverigetråden gamerupplagan
Closest language to Indian is Lithuanian
If this is what Chinese domination means, then 我接受
All eyes are on poland
I believe in evolution
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Your cunt
Anonymized faces of Zig Forums
Your country?
From today's march on Madrid
ITT: we pretend to be americans
If you call them Malvinas instead of Falkland I want you to know that I love you
Why are arabic countries so much more racist than european countries even tho euros are white and we are brown??
Do girls tickle each other in your country
German women
Penis is 17cm erect
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Now that the dust has settled
Your cunt
Reunification when???
Do you have national identity?
What is black culture in your country?
Zig Forums cannot dispute this
Are there any special fonts in your country?
I suffer in UK
Anglos are whi-
/tr/ - Dadlu Oxlanlar Edisyonu
Can I get away with this outfit in your city?
As a Japanese in Europe I want to apologize for all racist Japanese on Zig Forums
What is going on in America? When I first heard of this I thought it was a joke, but it's real?
Would you love your kid if it came out wh*te?
In Moscow COVID-19 vaccination of the public will start tomorrow...
Sverigetråden - Allanupplagan
Is bullying culture strong in your country?
Is interpals a good way to meet people and find a relationship?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
You have to live in one Spanish autonomous community and are never allowed to move away or cross it's borders...
umm sweetie you need to leave a 20% tip
Never knew a US senator can be this based
What's your genuine thoughts on Jewish people?
Tfw the Kazakhstani qt3.14 girl you've been chatting with for the past 2 weeks now said she was (((asexual)))
I LOVE cold weather and rainy days
Ah yes the Japanese Islamic empire
Why do Europeans drive tiny cars?
The genetic line ends with me
Football is just anime for people with IQs below 100
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is your family nobility?
Do you like playing chess?
M-Muh colonization! Muh warcrimes! Frogs are ennemies of Islam!
Huge colonial empire
The wect will finally be destroyed on our life time
I suffer in Finland
The nordcuck fears THE MED BVLL
What is the best cuisine in Europe?
Do women in your country play videogames
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
/ita/ il filo
Posters you recognize
Scotland has the best literature
ITT funny jokes from your country
90% of russians live in places like this
Does this apply to your country?
Which country has the most Aryan looking people nowadays?
Tunisian woman in Tunisia vs Tunisian woman in Europe
Croatia has to be the best European country without a doubt
Why are American men so retarded...
In America, the restaurants cover their floors with sawdust to give it that "cowboy feel"
/brit/-formerly democratic edition
Your cunt
Thoughts about white women?
Why do Mongolians look so soulful and attractive while Chinese and other East Asians like Koreans look like soulless...
How do you cope with having a shit in your eye?
European girls in 2020
Weather today
>tfw you are "Greek"
Swedes don't speak to strangers
China is literally bio-engineering super soldiers
1. You are cunt
What was your great grandfather doing during WW2?
How can the colosseum or eiffel tower even compete?
Do you love Japan?
Cunt already threw in the towel
Which country has the cutest guys?
Men's hobbies:
Are levantines semitic, arab or both?
AT leAsT wE DOn'T sPEAk GeRMaN!
I am ashamed to be Australian
What happens in Nordic countries?
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /isr/- /이스라/
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Kurva anyátok
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Does pakistan have a single redeeming feature?
Pay back the reparations freaking Angloids!
Japan is shit! Not developing
Tell me your best horror story
Why doesn't Europe have cities like this?
Here is sushi for you
How has Finland benefited your life?
Lol why there’s so many Muslims in London, England?
If I look like this, how many girls can I date in your country?
China took some pictures of the moon today. They're rendevouzing with their orbiter and then heading back to Earth...
Why do you eat with your hands? It is barbaric
Zig Forums has made me hate third worlders and euros
/ita/ il filo
/lat/ hilo latino
Your cunt
Imagine being brown and C*tholic knowing you're an absolute cuck to a Roman LARP...
Do indians really
What's his problem with us?
To the untrained eye — see: mine — the famous Nazi poster “Liberators” or “Kultur-Terror” might look a...
What’s up with onions infused White nerds wanting to burn rice? Is it all the fucking anime?
Why are they so insecure as to start schizoposting about chinks and gooks anytime someone critcizes glorious nippon?
You eurofucks are so lucky to live in cold weather. It is terrible...
Why has Malaysia become popular with foodies?
How will they ever recover?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine