/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico

proud owner of a cum shirt edition


Attached: WIN_20200816_15_47_34_Pro.jpg (640x480, 49.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Fuck your new you faggot. You're all cursed when you post here.

Not exactly Italian, but I could do with a broad like pic related.

Attached: waifu.jpg (300x168, 6.55K)

If China has 1 million supporters, I am one of them.
If China has 5 supporters, I am one of them.
If China has a supporter, it is me.
If China had no supporters, I would not be on earth.
If the world opposes China, then I oppose the whole world.
Until the last breath, I will support China.

Middle Kingdom...
the Forbidden city...

Attached: 20201203_121240.jpg (1518x2150, 278.14K)

Imagine being this dog

Attached: .jpg (600x600, 84.72K)

it means sucking the shit out like a yoghurt tube

Attached: tubes.jpg (458x458, 42.1K)

What does a blowjob feel like lads?


Attached: 1607111216462.webm (720x1280, 1.22M)

Shut the h*ck up and post more anime bobs instead

me on the ground


Attached: 1606568947927.png (1414x2200, 1.7M)

like getting your dick sucked

>1) No, I like anime hermaphrodites.

Attached: jason soy.png (798x1302, 856.65K)

Depends how much she likes you

there's gonna be a mask protest downtown tomorrow

Attached: 1591278298736.gif (255x235, 298.64K)

>Futanaris? Yeah, I like them. How could you tell?

Attached: 1563788634376.jpg (1080x1080, 58.15K)

Shut up faggot
I am a chinese man, I have evolved

Attached: 20201203_054107.jpg (1000x1777, 1.69M)

bit of teeth if she's fucking up lol

There is nothing wrong with liking futa, this map of Europe clearly show that the vast majority of Europeans prefer futanari hentai for their masturbatory needs.

Attached: Futa Supremacy.png (2034x2048, 3.23M)

Please speak up if your fucking bored


It feels like putting a warm stiff hotdog in your mouth and you suck it

My neighbour is playing The Beatles at full volume

Attached: ted boomer.png (1856x1788, 283.89K)


Attached: America Futanari.png (888x671, 364.86K)

Haha. I slammed this coffee makers lid apparatus, old school. I guess the electronic cartridge sensor didn't like that violent action. It's making my coffee finally.

fuccin hard with alaska and that other square



Attached: oleg.webm (544x960, 2.77M)

I mean Wyoming

what even does a "southern democrat" look like?

Surprised Utah isn't also harem.

Based AOC

Attached: 54A07FA6-4082-404D-AAC3-B5AD4B8E93F6.jpg (828x845, 157.84K)

you're a disgrace!

What is UI, universal income?

I only know BC, Ontario, Newfoundland and maybe Manitoba on a map and there's only like 10 provinces and territories in Canada to memorize.

Naturally, they come in all shapes and sizes. If you mean a person from the south who votes Democrat, a lot of them are blacks. If you mean a white person who is from the south who votes democrat, usually from a more rich or suburban area, think Atlanta or Nashville. Typically attended university. They still claim to have the "true" southern identity but most of them only say it for legitimacy points. Also, one thing I should point out is that the south used to be a Democrat stronghold. It was the Democrats who supported slavery in the south and Abe Lincoln was a Republican.

These are AI generated look-alike pictures of Jason.

/cum/census on this?

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2020-12-04 um 23.02.25.png (2536x1126, 3.11M)

I wonder how varg wpuld react to this image.

boy come down here to Texas

Attached: 1534447295076.jpg (356x286, 27.4K)

just beat final fantasy 5, had been meaning to do that since i first found a fan translation rom almost 20 years ago

i haven't beaten a game in over a decade, always get bored

Imagine actually managing to buy a house and getting renters to help you pay your mortgage and they call you evil for not wanting to lose your home to the bank.

>. If you mean a white person who is from the south
i ment this, listening to song of the south and i dont think his dady were very rich

Attached: cum_tshirt.jpg (714x886, 106.56K)

Looks like anime watchers a bunch of fags.

post tits instead

what a surprise


I would pay $1500 to have the vaccine day one.

Attached: weedpepe.jpg (718x720, 52.11K)

I don't get it. It's like I move too fast for these faggot phones and they flip out and select the wrong shit on these dumbfuck touchscreens.

Or they'll load a page from 30 seconds ago after already loading another.
Is this why kikgle has the retard slow captchas?

Merely pretending...

Attached: states.jpg (938x732, 95.14K)

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why would you get a vaccine that has not been tested for a disease that has a 99.9% survival rate,and many people don't even have symptoms at all

I swear, the little faggots will select shit and my finger isn't even touching the screen. Google's little faggot ai at work.

it's biden's policy to give these things citizenship

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what a disgusting SOW