In China, education is MANDATORY

>in China, education is MANDATORY
>if you don't go to school for 9 years, you can be IMPRISONED

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>increases average country’s intelligence
Makes sense

Same shit in Germany. If you don't send your kids to school you get huge fines up until the point were the police escorts the child to school or you lose your custody.

Any for of home schooling is banned. Every few years or some some random Christian sects gets their compound swatted because they didn't want their children to have icky biology lessons.

I wish we imprisoned Humanities students. The free population's IQ would increase dramatically and the stench of weed in the streets would decrease in an equally dramatic fashion, kek.

And that's a good thing. Otherwise we would have much more uneducated retards.
Just look at USA

literally nearly every country has compulsory education

Why is Germany so authorization? Why can't parents homeschool or just not educate their kids?

Why can't the children make choices for themselves? Or they can grow up to be an adult and get an education if they wanted to?

>noo but what about feeedumbz

I see that your parents didn't send you to school.

>Why can't the children make choices for themselves?
Because children are dumb

>Why can't parents homeschool or just not educate their kids?
Because some parents are uneducated and dumb

If you allow home-schooling, you discriminate against lower class families who rely on education infrastructure provided by state

>Why is Germany so authorization? Why can't parents homeschool or just not educate their kids?

Because private education and homeschooling lead to retarded kids and underfunded schools.

In Austria it's also mandatory for 9 years but you are allowed to home school

I say let BAN school

Also it leads to religious indoctrination and fundamentalism either at home or at faith schools.

In Canada you get home schooled, but you have to take high school equivalency test that covers high school curriculum to do anything

They changed the law here just a couple of years ago, allowing home schooling (but still having to pass the national exams at the end).
I am dreading the results...

>Imagine opposing compulsory education
Do you want your children to become retarded and highly schizophrenic like pol/? I can tell you, in Latam there's a huge chunk of the old population that didn't went to school, this uses less fucks are everywhere, they are literally the reason the region was a catholic shithole for so long. Do you want to become latinX?

Contrary to large parts of North America a child is not considered to be the property of their parents in most of Western Europe.

A child enjoys the same fundamental rights an adult does and if those rights get infringed upon by anyone (including their own parents) the state has to step in and defend them. This applies as much to the child's right to bodily integrity (complete ban on corporal punishment) as it applies to a child's right to education.

>This applies as much to the child's right to bodily integrity
childhood circumsision is allowed though, don't want to offend (((certain))) groups

School isn't only about scholarly knowledge but also the learning of social skills and the uninterrupted contact with your peers. We don't want these schizo-snowflakes that the homeschool culture in the midwest produce.

children don't have rights

it is in the Netherlands too
and that's a good thing

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based levantine sheepherder

>why cant the children make choices for themselves

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same in Finland, except they blame your parents and take you into foster care until you graduate 9th grade or turn 18.

>childhood circumsision is allowed though,

This will likely be overturned at some point.

Based. There is a reason why you have the best system

>This will likely be overturned at some point.
I hope so but I fear not. That would be "antisemitic"

>Education good because- because education is good ok youre like educated

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without education, you are bound to work minimum wage your whole life

Money is evil and corrupts so this is a good thing

Awesome. Give me all your money then.

>This will likely be overturned at some point.
Lol no, it'll increase. Muslims circumcise their sons too.

fundamentalism is based

Isn't that common everywhere?
I think the only savages that don't do this are the Americans.
I was 14 years in school (from 4 years old to 18), I loved going to school and wearing my uniform.

Fundamentalism is why your country is a shithole and will never be a functioning democracy.

>Otherwise we would have much more uneducated retards.
Wrong, only a tiny insignificantly small minority would homeschool and they would do just fine, similarly to civilized countries like Norway, Finland etc. It ought to be legal. Only authoritarians who seek total control are opposed to homeschooling no matter what.

>some parents are uneducated and dumb
You can always regulate which parents have the qualifications and which ones don't instead of screaming "NEINNEINNEIN" to everyone.

>If you allow home-schooling, you discriminate against lower class families
No, you don't.
If you don't allow home-schooling you discriminate against people who want to homeschool.

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Im here you can home school, but if you dont educate your children they will throw your ass in hail.

No because it would corrupt you

>Isn't that common everywhere?
Getting an education is mandatory, going to school depends.

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I don't see the point in homeschooling. Beyond the education aspect of school, it lets kids interact with one another, develop social skills, friendships, etc. Homeschooling can't replicate that.

School is mandatory here up until the age of 16.

The teen that made this was an idiot.

>functioning democracy
Back to pleddit with you

Same in Sweden, but parents are the ones found guilty if you don't go to school. 1-9th grade are mandatory. Skip it and social services will be called and there's a chance you'll end up in a foster family.

Going to school is like working in a coal mine, yes

>You can always regulate which parents have the qualifications and which ones don't instead of screaming "NEINNEINNEIN" to everyone.
How can you do that without appearing incredibly elitist?

>If you don't allow home-schooling you discriminate against people who want to homeschool.
Since most home-schoolers are religious fundamentalitsts or crazy cospiracy theorists, this is a sacrifice I am willing to make