The only country in europe which has an average salary on the level US is Switzerland. For example, an average german or french person earns less then 2 thousand per month and buys the cheapest stuff in Lidl, hardly can even afford sigaretts, and tries to save money on everything like crazy. Why do people people still say here europe is good for living. For tourism yes, it's a big museum, the ratio diversity/distance is insane, in one hour by car you can go to completely different place. But then again, if you have money for gas and a hotel. Which an average european doesn't have.
The only country in europe which has an average salary on the level US is Switzerland. For example...
He is right you know
you only care about money if you don't have acceptable living standards
europeans already have them and can afford everything they need so they simply don't need to make more
there's no real difference if you make 4k euros or 8k euros per month, it's still the amount of money an average person is not able to spend in his life
Yes. Europe is a past relict, humanity advanced to America
But in poland you make 8k per year. Don't fool us here.
and that, my son, is why you strive for anything above average
All we need to do is wait until mutts and chinks nuke each other then take over Africa and Russia
>8k per year.
True. But I'm talking about western Europe where they make it per month.
I could strive for above average in America
sure if that‘s your choice
>if you have money for gas and a hotel. Which an average european doesn't have.
i could drive to italy right now if i felt like it but why would i when planes exist
You're not making an argument
It's all because of the way that Americans and europeans handle their economies. While Europe wants to help everyone and maintain a minimum standard of living for everyone and that money comes from taxes wich make the economy smaller, Americans don't give a single fuck about it and only care about how big their economy is getting, fuck the minimum standard of living and that's why you have broke americans because they got huhe debts from medical bills and other stupid crap.
I would much rather choose Europe than the US.
I‘m not trying to argue
You mean Spain?
You entered the discussion by saying you can make above average in an inferior country
when i open instagram and see all the 30 year olds in germany living like rats in an apartment of 4 people i thank god every day i dont have to live there
And you say you're not trying to argue?
Switzerland mentioned
that‘s what I said yes
I'm a cloud engineer and I want to move to Switzerland. Zürich or if possible so where south of Zürich for example in Zug
US salaries are crazy desu. Their properties are also about half the price of ours, except for in urban California and New York. Genuinely don't understand how anybody ends up poor there, you'd have to be a real moron with your money for that to happen
just looking at raw salary figures is not even half the picture
You sad troll.
How is this the case when just average teachers / nurses earn $50k+, whilst you can get a good home for $300k or less in most parts of the country? Mad really
The reason why europes economy is smaller is because there is no reason for the economy to be bigger.
Americas economy is simply inflated by negative trade balance and gov debt.
Why do you need 3 cars 2 houses, eat 100$ food a day 5 credit cards student debt.... Once everybody get a house, food, car and a job the economy if full and no need to go further.
They have zero socialisme though. Everything we Western Euros take for granted like university, medical insurance, pension fund, ... It is not in the US. You have to pay for that and it's very costly.
I'd be curious to see the breakdown of a typical yank's paycheque desu, to see how much they spend on each of those sorts of things.
In the UK we also pay £9k per year for university now (not as much as the yanks, granted, but more than most Euros), which operates like an additional tax (I earn £37k per year and pay back something like £100 per month in student loan).
Healthcare is free here - apparently the average cost in the States is $450 per month for an individual, which I guess is quite a bit. Don't lots of salaried yanks have healthcare plans as part of their employment package though? Imagine that helps things quite a lot.
And what do you mean they have to pay for their pension fund? That their employer doesn't make any contribution at all? Because we also pay for it, but of course we have the benefit that the employer matches or even exceeds our contributions
Rich Americans have a much higher standard of living than they could attain with a similar career in Europe, but for lower-middle class and below (so like 80% of the population) there is either no real difference or they're worse off than they would've been had they lived/worked Europe. Western Europe particularly has a lot of government-funded public amenities that are free or nearly so to citizens that Americans of similar economic standing basically can't afford, or only by funding them by large denbts
I make €4000 a month before tax. It’s not really a lot of money here but I guess it’s all relative. I own (mortgage) a 100yr old 52sqm 4km from city centre with my GF. No car but pay €200 in public transport a month as I work 27km from home. No kids and gf is at uni so half my pay goes on bills.