Your cunt

>your cunt
is it comfy?

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it's snowing right now an i'm about to drink some coffee with milk :)




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based af comfybros, i hate summer so much.

god i just want snow for like one day so it can stop fucking raining

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Near the coast?
I know how that feels
Luckily I escaped that shithole for now

yeah i live 50m above sea level right next to the ocean

Kind of

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>hate summer
wtf, it's summer like all year there

I don't understand why comfyness is associated with winter. I love sunbathing in my backyard no matter the time of the year, I just wear more or less clothes.

No, winter is ruined by how fucking windy it is 24/7

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because the cold creates contrast with the warmth of being cosy indoors--that's the source of comfiness. sunbathing isn't comfy, it's just relaxing/pleasant.

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Very comfy

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the constant rain and darkness are comfy af

>rain storm
>temp falls below 2°C
>suddenly every cloud disappears until temp goes back up and it starts raining again
average winter on the north croat coast

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We had snow 5 days ago but it melted. This gay pre-winter foreplay is annoying. Just fucking SNOW!

amazing how we live so far apart yet our weather is so similar.

you know shahar?

Winter is depression weather.
incels who like winter being "comfy" are just coping with depression by sleeping and are being a fucking baby.

Early summer weather is best weather, not to hot, everything is blossoming, flowers everywhere, women are being open again, the sun is high and days are longer, it is perfect.

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Infortunately, no

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No. I love winter because I love frost and snow
Almost correct.
Fuck comfort. It makes you weak and complacent. Eternal struggle is eternal growth and winter provides more struggles than any other season, especially if you work outside. Today it was so fucking cold that the skin on my knuckles literally ripped open and bleed and I fucking love it

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Everyone knows shahar

what is he doing in sw*Den?

Drinking beer, snowmobiling.

confirmed comfy

t. shitskin nigger who can't appreciate peaceful snow
bet you wear a puffy parka even in spring

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Cold sucks and so does snow.
I wish I lived in Taiwan or Okinawa

>Fuck comfort. It makes you weak and complacent. Eternal struggle is eternal growth and winter provides more struggles than any other season, especially if you work outside. Today it was so fucking cold that the skin on my knuckles literally ripped open and bleed and I fucking love it

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My state is very comfy during the winter, but the rest of the year is fucking awful.
