dommy wobinson edition
Other urls found in this thread:
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh tommy tommy
third for are poki
Are you ready to take the redpill? Or are you just another cuck?
Why were German Jews so dominate in the arts and science from 1850-Holocaust?
wacky Hitler killed some of the best German citizens
havent had crisps in years i admit
190 on the left
king of /brit/
is that the british lad that fucked her
miss 190 so much man
The wife
just disagreed with a blue-ticked twitter account
due to be locked up for the remainder of my days now
has anyone tried Tommy's new aftershave?
>??? What, is this some sort of anti semitic dogwhistle
>fuck off freak racists
Kosher edition.
nah this is
Rocking out under the Xmas tree lads x
you lads got any ciggies? im starving
Tommy of Yaxley
wheyyy get in der de leds
what did he mean by this?
oh my days ive got a chance
Hey wait a minute aren’t you the same ethnicity which got people addicted to opium in exchange for tea
im so rich its unreal
buy some tomorrow
you post on /brit/ all the time and you know all the lingo
if you were a true connoisseur of british culture then you would eat some crisps
the BBC costs more a year than netflix but is far, far shitter in quality
where does the money go?
Come on lads, we've all been there, pinging off your face and you need to bring a girl back home. We've all been there.
reckon im gonna make a £30 donation to the salvation army, apparently thats enough to help one person over christmas
up the executive's noses via a £50 note
maybe i will
'the club I support has scored a goal' I suspect
spoiler this hog
Back homes and on the beer. Let's fucking go de lids.
Who is this?
nationals and regional news, local regional and national radio, one of the most-visited websites in britain
Spoiler that hog.
quite like crisps
mini cheddars, mccoys cheese and onion, hula hoops cheese and onion, pringles sour cream and chive are all my top picks
Started writing my book lads
Already decided on the title
Incel: 24 Years of Torment
4 M O N T H S
we have a similar crisp choice
no thanks, not interested!
what a load of dicks
have a mind to make a twitter just so I can reply to this and call her a disgusting fat pig
Don't indulge, but can't disagree with those picks.
Did that bloke who sent her some abuse via DMs last night get any reply?
Brannigan's roast beef and mustard
acting as if its genuinely impressive
christ almighty
voted for him in the EU elections haha
that's one of the most british people i've ever seen
who hasn't fucked her at this point, she a slag who fucked her way to popularity
Based except hula hoops. Mumberg just buys them too much and i eventually got sick of them
they taste too strong im not a fan i must say
knot for you?
She clearly self-harms with food, ya dip
I'm a virgin incel in my late 20s but I couldn't fuck that
Me? Red and expert
He replies to her tweets sometimes sending her abuse. He said it's a West Ham fan account so it's definitely him.
please for the love of god stop posting the mentally ill twitter girl
she is clearly unwell
gonna drink again out of boredom
why is his dick limping like that
i fucked a hog like that once it was nice because she would let me do everything to her
fuck her throat, slap her around, spit on her. she was honored of laying naked with me it seems
>enter previous thread
>cntr + f "http"
>1 of 12 matches
How many times does this have to be said image board NOT LINK BOARD
what drink?
genuinely not a single bigger sad act on /brit/ than this gimp who spends his life bullying girls on the internet
Only 2000 on the most vetted fans were allowed to watch the Millwall match today
Yet the entire crowd erupted with boos when players took the knee to support BLM before kick off
pisses me off this lad
wahey that's a good one
He/She/It only 23???
What about the lad that sulks about him doing it?
do it lad and post pics x
finally got around to putting my christmas tree up lads
It's the virgin crying about him who's worse
i'm the best poster here cunt
wind your neck in
think i need scrotal sack reduction surgery
It seems a pretty simple concept but apparently it goes over the head of most posters
someone had to say it
>best poster here
>not me
oh my god imagine being this deluded
our battle against racism has a long way to go
a very sad day for football
>mini cheddars
i don't really class these as proper crisps personally
anyone who thinks its not me is clearly experiencing some form of psychosis
i mean they're like biscuits aren't they
Why are you lot talking about Twitter rando #528202740101473 with 5 followers, again?
pheebs has dethroned aisha for hottest /brit/ queen
Wheyyyy Fatso Pheebs is being dragged down to size
some runt keeps forcing a gimmick
>Tyrrels sea salt and cider vinegar
don't mind if I do!
Imagining fatpheebs bouncing up and down on my cock right now
Mini cheddars are based, original no meme flavours. The rest of your list is subjective but hula hoops have got to be BBQ.
I think she's 18/19?
Deano telling us what's what
How slim is Trump lmao
corr imagine hugging her
(nothing lewd)
Name one moral principle you have.
abortion is murder
I mean we mock him but he comes in clutch when we need him the most
the black pepper and cheese flatbread crackers the have at the impulse shelves in aldi are pretty peng
god I hate this country sometimes
>ooh yeah a rhetorical question!! it means you don't give an answer!!
so fucking g
What am I looking at?
have aged about 10 years in the last 3
mexicans have a cool accent
i hold the door for people
Can't believe 190 is creating all these sockpuppet accounts to send abuse to FatPheebs because she won't sleep with him
What a sad act
never trust a woman
eww lol
Reminder to report all spamming/flooding and avatar use.
the phonecall that saved europe
Alcohol, cigarettes, stress aged me 10 years in 3 as well aha x
Italian herbs n cheese
ever think about your sister shagging black lads?
for me it's beer, toil and poor mental health ahahaha
what are we like x
Not blindly hating all brown and LGBT people just because some incel zoomers on an anime imageboard think it's cool to be mindlessly opposed to entire groups of people
Yeah, the murder of a bunch of fetal cells.
going to put some 'zza in the oven
*unzips dick*
State of Moslem Caliphate
>"We lived on rubbish - fish heads and rice. We were parachuted in some food once, and we could see that the tins had been overpainted. A friend got hold of a tin and made a hole in it with his bayonet. A sort of green mist flew out. I scraped off this painted layer... [underneath] it said in French, "For Arab Troops, 1928". "
-Eric Morgan, an English-speaking legionnaire of the 2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment
Alri Hitler.
if trump didn't drink or do coke at all the parties he was at over the years what exactly did he do at them?
phwoarrr penggggg wow mama