Why were meds so angry?
Why were meds so angry?
i miss the good ol'days
Conquering is fun
I am sorry for destroying your cool empire
BVLL genes
Everyone else was angry, Romans were comfy.
They just wanted snow beardy to ditch those pantaloons, wear a toga and come eat some olives in the sun.
high t.
>I am
You are not German
we wuz frankz and frisianz
Mesopotamia, Dacia and the Caucasus were quickly given up again
borders under Hadrian were the ones that lasted long
Dutch, deutsch
same thing until like 400 years ago
So you're responsible for creation of France at most
according to /his/torians the Dutch can claim charlemagne because his language (frankish) is closest to dutch but I take it with a grain of salt
Manlet rage
it was attila in 5th century and the turks in the 13th-14th-15th century
That was germans from the rhine nigga, and goths were nordics
In my country we basicly are sailors and warriors for a thousand years non stop we are adapting to modern life
netherlands is just the rhine delta with funny accent german lanklets
The romans described Germans as giant blond haired blue eyed monstrous beings. Knowing the diets of the time they probably would have been no taller than like 170cm so the Ronan’s must have been really fuckin short.
>related to any great germanics
Nigga, Germans hate your Yiddish ass
No you dumb bitch
Romans were about 1,60cm to 1,65cm and Germans were 170cm to 175cm.
I think this is what's observed in bone findings
Yes the romans were 4ft11 danny devitos. And the germanic tribes were composed of 5ft3 blond giants.
Literally midgets fighting one another in their little armored soldier uniforms.
Adorable. Imagine how petite the women would have been. As tall as midgets but with normal proportions. Possible coomfuel
Germans love the Netherlands
The history books disagree with you. If the modern day turkish league likes eachother is irrelevant when concerning the original ethnic conflicts.
But ancients were supposed to be shorter than modern people. How the fuck were barbarians 170 when even Napoleons height was average for his time
the Netherlands love Germans
are you that obsessed Portuguese who got mad when he found Germanic ancestry in his DNA test?
I don't know that poster.
Little arab dicks
Celts threatened our borders so we cut through them like slicing bread off the oven
also, before that happened, Romans learned to make Chainmail from them. Slicing through Gauls wasn't easy.
>Average penis length in Egypt is 15.69 cm
> inb4 triggered red hair Celt
Slicing through Celts wasn't easy. Admit it
>tfw my cunt has the biggest peepees in yurop
It was not your fault. Rome died with the republic.
The Eastern Roman Empire aka Barbarians larping as Romans are not real Romans. If you're not from Rome, you're not a Roman. Simple as.