Is Based Brazil finally first world like what everyone said way back?
Is Based Brazil finally first world like what everyone said way back?
anyone who has put time into making a picture with meme faces is severely mentally ill
superpower by 2030
Imagine living in a third world country and not being a raging communist
Commodity boom ended so their economy slowed down, they may need further economic reform, but there's some good shit going for them, I think they will recover lost ground during the next years, but to first world-ship, there may still be some decades ahead.
Temer was a 10/10 president, but we'd need 50 Temers in order to become first world.
Fuck off commie
Being a commie is cringe, but not hating amerikkka as a thirdie plus being South America american / Latin America is way more cringe and retard pilled
>if you don't suck cuban cuck you suck american cock
i hate commies AND americans
how does that work
What's the issue with Operation Condor? Now terrorist guerrillas are innocent angels?
Do you know that political trends in the outside world don't revolve around the US?
the CIA coups your government regularly
lol no
it was our own military that couped the president, we even had protests before in favor of the coup, look up marcha da familia
the usa was merely ok with it, they didn't cause the coup
João Goulart was overthrown because he attempted to coopt the soldiers against their respective officers. That was the final straw for the military leadership.
The American ambassador didn't know even when the coup was to take place and he was expelled by the military government afterwards.
Based, fuck Amerikkkans, fuck commies
I always think it's weird how South Americans blame the US for their coups. They act like we ordered Pinochet or fucking Juan Peron to topple their governments. We simply approved of it. The ones we were actually involved with were in central America with the Guatemalan one being the most fucked up one.
Sorry. The guy that came after Peron.
>We simply approved it
That means you fucking send mercenaries and bought militias to remove any obstacles from those dictatorships to power grab, you can't be this retarded Burgermutt
The CIA literally sent people to torture you, how can you be this cucked
only communists believe that
it's easier to rally people against a big bad outside menace than to admit not everyone agrees with your retarded ideology
them we should thank them
only terrorists and commies were tortured, common people were safer
Really, what mercenaries did we sent to help Pinochet? What militias did we sent to help Peron?
There was one American torture professional in Brazil and
1. He wasn't CIA
2. He travelled here at the request of the governor of Minas Gerais Magalhães Pinto
3. It was before 1964
where did pinochet get his guns you dense retard
From the fucking Chilean army. The military overthrew the civil government in Chile, you dense moron.
They literally admit to overthrowing the Chilean government
>Literally half of Central America that was coup'd involved some kind of militia / armed forces supported by the US.
>Colombia has fucking paramilitaries that work closely with mining companies from the US like Drummond till this very day 2020 even though Colombia is one of your biggest allies in the region you're still treating it like shit.
>Panama got coup'd and the US army was present
Do I need to continue? I don't get why you don't even acknowledge the power hungry invasive nature of the US, you act all morally superior when you're literally a war criminal
>reports on brazilian military torturing communists
do you even read what is in those links?
Supporting doesn't mean they caused it. The Chilean military long wanted Allende out. It just took Schneider fucking up so bad that he had to step down for it to happen. Chilean also license manufactures Swiss rifles, they don't buy American guns.
I said we fucked around in central America.