
A Jew fills out a questionnaire: "Did you participate in other parties?" - "No". "Was you in the territory occupied by the enemy?" - "No". "Did you stand trial or investigation?" - "No". "Ethnicity?" - "Yes".

Attached: scale_1200.jpg (1200x800, 179.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:трапы парни&from=tabbar

is something lost in translation here?

It looks about the same in Russian. The questionnaire is asked to indicate your ethnicity, but the Jew writes "yes".

What a happy bag of charcoal

ok, joke a rabbi told me
>jewish son comes home from university
>mother tells him she bought him 2 sweaters
>they're on his bed in his room
>kid goes to room, comes back wearing one
>mother asks what's wrong with the other sweater

If mom did not buy a second sweater, she lied about buying two sweaters. The child's question is more than fair. I don't know what I should be laughing at.
Well, here's another anecdote:

An old Jew dying.
Asks in a weak voice:
- Is my wife near?
- Yes, my dear.
- Are my children here?
- Yes, daddy.
- Are my grandchildren here?
- Yes, grandfather!
- Then why is there a light on in the kitchen?

the joke is she bought 2 sweaters, and she's complaining he's not wearing one of them, point is she can complain no matter which one he puts on

i dont get it

Oh, I get it. I thought a child was asking about the second sweater.
Their family has an electric meter. If no one is in the kitchen but the light is on, they lose money.

yea but its a light its negligible money

I've heard another version that makes more sense.
A dying jew asks at the end: "Then who is looking after the shop???"

But they are Jews, they don't want to lose any money.

That's the joke

what does being jews have to do with the money thing?
it costs more to constantly pay attention and worry about shit like that instead of just leaving the light on.

Karl Radek said:
"Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, and Stalin from the Politburo."

Hurry to see! A Jew who doesn't need money! For the first time in history!!!

Attached: 1594148.jpg (1000x731, 343.17K)

A jewish boy staets drowning and a strangers rescues him
Jew boys father comes and gets him home
Jew father goes to the man that saved his son
What about his shoes, couldnt you have rescued them as well?

2 jew brothers own 2 grocery shops
One day the younger one runs out of eggs
He goes to his brother and asks for 50 eggs to borrow and will return them
His brother gives him 50 eggs
He sells them eventually, stocks up and gets 50 eggs to return to his brother
His brother takes the eggs and says, youre only 3 eggs short
What, how? 50 eggs is 50 eggs, why 3 more,?
His brother says: i weighed mine before giving them to you, youre 3 eggs short

how many jews can you fit in a car?
2 in the front, 3 in the back and the rest in the ashtray

Attached: 2ec.png (327x316, 207.7K)

An unsafe joke for this board.

you know the similarity between bungy jumping and fucking a pole?
if the rubber breaks you die

i don't give a shit what those judeo-jannies do to me

i just want to be anti semitic

Do you have pictures of slender boys saved ?трапы парни&from=tabbar


Fucking knew it

A jew calls the newspaper to post the obituary for his dead wife.
He asks the newspaper to write "Rachel died".
The newspaper answers him "Sir, the obituary is the same price for two words as for five".
So the jew then asked them to write "Rachel died, selling woman clothes"

I understand what the joke is about, but does the sale of women's clothing have a humorous meaning here?


Ah, I see.

yes these were her clothes

He wrote it very illiterately and so my online translator thought she died selling women's clothing. I only realized something when

I only realized something when I tried to read it myself.*