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International #1353
Why does Switzerland have a lot of Portuguese?
/Lang/ Language learning general
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Colombia got the gold one
In America changing your gender will bankrupt you
What is the hierarchy of LatAm like? Obviously Uruguay and Argentina are at the top but who comes after?
/ro/ - firul nostru
*gives you another delay*
How tall are you, and how has your height affected your life in your country?
Its cold here
Kurva anyátok
Any fellow hapas experience this? ):
You have to live in one Italian region for the rest of your life and are never allowed to move away or cross it's...
Feet thread
/fr/ - le francofil d'antan
/ita/ - il filo
/desi/-Mein Gareeb hu edition
Does your country have a pedophile advocacy organization?
What the fuck is wrong with them muslims?
Everything is boring
Indians of Zig Forums
What are white American liberals end goals?
Faces of Zig Forums
Sverigetråden - Fantomenupplagan
Do Europeans or Asians make better noodles?
How do you say "congratulations" in your language?
I'm developing a fetish for horn african women.. god help me this board has messed up my head
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Are pensions a meme? What guarantees you live life that long anyways?
Find a british youtuber i like
Thank you Serbia for giving us Roki Vulović ^_^
1. Your cunt
Have you ever encountered finnish people outside of Zig Forums?
/fr/ - Comment fait-il ça ?
Yes this is Mumbai. You probably mistook it for New York at first
Why are they so aggressive on Zig Forums?
How free is your country?
Why cant yurop into tech?
Yep, this is Warsaw. You probably mistook it for Tokyo at first
Why do people who look like this hate china so much?
Check out Zig Forums
How many regions of Europe do you know
French anons have you seen this man?
I suffer in the third world where this much food costs me 30 cents!
/brit/ formally /brot/
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Korea's birthrate is expected to drop below 1.0 by the end of 2020
How many times a week do people shower in your country?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Does your country have no friends? Belgium has no friends
Are there women on Zig Forums?
When E*ropean hours starts
Do Turks really?
For real, how did they manage to do this?
/ישר/ - /ইসরা/ - /Їꙁд/ - /isr/ - מהדורת ישר מת
Are swedes ok?
Kurva anyátok
God i wish i grew up in a small town where a qt was basically forced onto me because of lack of options
Colonial """powers"""
Do you sauna naked?
You defend china? you must be chinese!
In just 3 days Poland WILL become a global superpower
Why are hungarians so good at math competitions?
/ita/ - il filo
Why whole world hate china as fuck?
Why did euros hate me
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Vocaroo yourself saying squirrel
Are asian dads as strict and disciplinary as tv and movies make them seem?
German humour
/lat/ hilo latino
Is this the end of Asian guys?
What are your honest thoughts on historical "communism" (20th century marxism-leninism)?
Why niponjin always say
Why is their flag so kino?
Which Asian language sounds most beautifully?
Is there any race on Earth that doesn't have an inferiority complex towards whites? I can only think of Jews...
How are gingers treated in your cunt?
/desi/ - South Delhi Edition
Do you love eating korean noodles
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How fragile are people in your country?
I remember some european user was talking about how we Americans have holes in our floor...
Why are white people dying out?
Mexico is not going to be the mestizo society it once was in the last century...
I hate being an amerimutt
What was your countries Vietnam?
Does an outdoorsman culture exist in the third world?
Hilo /lat/ino
What band is he listening to Zig Forums?
International dating scene
“Undoubtedly the most unattractive women in the world are the Indian women,” said Mr. Nixon
Europe seccession/borders/ideal map thread
Europeans will never know what is driving for 400 km straight and only seeing this
What exactly is American culture?
All the tutorial countries have to do is suffer JUST a little bit - put masks on, socially distance...
What do you feel
What's your university!! I'm from Tokyo university !!
Should i move up here if i collect passive income
These niggas unironically made a live action porn (JAV...
What happens in Portugal?
How do I "de-Americanize" myself? I want to take the American out of me
Don't learn languages with less than 100 million speakers
Would you date a Canadian gender neutral person(female)?
Do New Worlders ever wish they could come back to Europe?
White women branding themselves in arabic
What is your race Zig Forums?
/fr/ sans sujet
Finland is one of the rare countries where you're a social outcast for not being a social outcast...
This is China
Is there any physical difference between an Indian and a mexican?
What will you do when China usurps the United States
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Let's face it fellow non americans
Unironically, why does this even exist as a country?
How many languages do you speak?
Anons from white countries...
Does people from your country have inferiority complex towards people from other countries(especialy from richier...
Post the most American thing you have saved
What do you know about my country, Zig Forums?
Have you ever had the cops called on you while walking through a wealthy neighbourhood, Zig Forums?
Who's the George Washington of each country...
What would your mom say if you brought home an asian gf ?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Are men allowed to cry in your country?
Please stop hating us we love you
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
How the hell he got redpilled so quick?
My daddy served in the Army, he lost his right eye but he flew a flag out in our yard till the day that he died
Has Zig Forums made you hate a country? If so, what country and why?
They literally had camps just kill people efficiently
Time to go to bed Euros
Sverigetråden - Gretas Upplaga
/nachtschicht/ morgens wieder /deutsch/
What the fuck is wrong with Norwegians?
This is the best country in MENA bar none
I want a Spanish gf and I want one NOW
What did you do for fun when you were a teenager?
Why are Asians so tall now?
Post your cunts national hero
What the fuck is the point of the British royal family? Celebrities chosen from birth...
Do you have beautiful churches in your cunt ?
How can Germany be saved?
I'm mexican but I look like a fucking turk wtf is this
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2474
Then the winger Hussars arrived
There are 5th generation immigrants
/ita/ - il filo
Explain in 3 words why you don't have sex
The moment he realised that he made a huge mistake
Post your bedrooms bros
Which ethnicity has the best facial aesthetics?
Sometimes i wish they hadn't done it
/lat/ - hilo latino
/mena/ /ميناء/
How is Pearl Harbor remembered in Japan?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Your c*nt
Why does Europe differ from the USA so much when it comes to age of consent laws?
/fr/ - le francofil
Well Zig Forums, are you prepared?
Do you love finland yes no? YES
Sverigetråden - Knegupplagan
Post the SOVL of your cunt
Good evening user, hope you had a fun week
Based or cringe?
Do you like american girls???
Why do some of them look legit black?
What was the most kino war you're country had? Hard mode: No WW1/WW2
I’m an Afghan rapefugee living in a no-go zone in Utrecht
Post your cunt's greatest ally
Whoa that would be so bad haha.... so glad this didn't happen and we got our current reality instead lol :)
There are Indians and Mexicans in pic, we look alike 2bh
A far right nationalist party won seats in the Romanian Senate today
Does he hate the UK?
What happens here
Do Germans miss Prussia?
Hello i am from tharagotha
/ita/ - il filo
Do wyts really
Do they often get mistaken for being Latino when they go abroad?
Anglo immigration to the USA in the 20th century has been an overall disaster
What are the typical cars in your country? Im from a poor region and its like this
Be the first country to industrialize in Asia because America was benevolent enough not to invade you and bomb the shit...
ITT: countries you miss
Sverigetråden - Cancerpastaupplagan
"Dude I LOVE your country!" -- "FUCK OFF, my country sucks!"
International norms and etiquette
You have to live in one Austrian Bundesländ for the rest of your life and are never allowed to move away or cross it's...
El palestinano goblino
Zig Forums post your cunt soap
The "latina" gf you ordered has been delivered
You may only post in this thread if your country found an element on the Periodic Table
Should they just fuck and get it over?
Why do dogs bark at people so much why can't they be nice
/fr/ - le fil froncé
Continental europeans are only allowed to explore forests by following designated hiking paths
Your country
British women look like THAT?
Are they considered white in your country?
What's the best way to find a girlfriend in your country?
How gay is your country?
1. your cunt
/ita/ - il filo
Name a hobby that you took to impress someone and you ended up loving it Zig Forums
I'm from a tiny town and moving to a 20 million people city...wat do? Also, do you like big cities?
Are russian immigrants considered based in your cunt?
70% of its landscape looks like this
Why the fuck don't Americans use WhatsApp?
Kurva anyátok
/desi/-Dr.K wants Destiny all to himself in this debate edition
Only people from masterchef tier countries are allowed in this thread
Sverigetråden - Ostronupplagan
The West is cancer. Islam is the answer
Can someone fill me on Christian missionaries in Muslim-majority countries like Turkey? Why do they do this...
The only country where the whiter it gets the poorer it is
There are Turkish anons on this board that used to practice oil wrestling with their dad
His "penis" is less than 9 inches
Why are Asians so transphobic?
/fr/ - le francofil
Earth finna be BLACKED
Makes the entirety of Zig Forums seethe
So Zig Forums doesn't like Turkey huh ?
/ita/ il filo
Jews killed this
Which is, unironically, the most soulful country?
French model in Singapore
Why are they so arrogant?
Sverigetråden - Kattupplagan
Anyone who still believes in "russian snow queens" is a genuine retard...
Why are Spanish girls so racist
Is Vienna the greatest city on Earth?
/neuschwabenland/ ehemals /deutsch/
Today is the independence day of my country. Finland will turn 103 today...
A populace with warriors is an army
/world of polska/
/esp/ Piramide edition
Why dont first worlders know this feel?
Is she considered fat in ur country?
That retarded greek who spams bear related shit
"Korean Culture" is just a ripoff of Chinese culture
Who else /ugly/ here? pic related is unironically what I look like. How do you deal with this in your cunt...
/ita/ - il filo
What fast food chain do you wish existed in your country?
1. Cunt
Guess the nationality
Saying the hour in German is some amazing fucking mental gymnastics
/lat/ - hilo latino
They had this territory for 700 years and yet somehow there was no genetic change at all? Lol
/fr/ - le francofil
Why don't europeans like muslim immigrants? Only 0.5% of them commit crimes or believe in extremism
I kneel
In Spain, we all live in apartments
Does this happen in your country?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Wake up
I APOLOGIZE TÜRK turk turkey /tr/
Do they force you to learn a certain language at school?
/neuland/ ehemals /deutsch/ 3.0
One must be retarded to not understand this
Why are french niggas so bad at english?
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Why does Japan make coomer products?
Wake up as neet on Norway
Languages that are classified as separate for political reasons but are basically the same language
My cat just turned 5 years old :)
Happy birthday to us
Why aren't Arabs considered white? I've met plenty of Syrians with coloured hair or eyes
What common stereotypes of your nationality, ethnicty and region do you fulfill and embody?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
How do you say
Are leftist movements aiming to increase low-end or unskilled labourer wages not parasitic...
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Why are Turks like this?
Do you hate China?
What happened?
Is this picture offends you?
Thoughts on Greek women?
Damn.................Euros have a lot of explaining to do
Do you poo on the platform in your cunt?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Only notable UFC fighter from southern europe
>wHy Do AmErIcAnS kIcK ThEiR kIdS oUt
Why are poles so racist? This guy just lost a teen czech virgin to a turk
Does Zig Forums agree with this map?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/mena/ /شأشأ/
/v4/ + friends
Post your room right now and rate
Yes or no?
Why don't you like Turkey?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
I stand with Catalonia!
Greeks are the hardest working Europeans
Why are they so arrogant? They remind me of the Portuguese
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Is it true that every Korean is the property of the Samsung Group?
Hello sir this is Jason from the United States of America...
Why is kimchi so delicious
Tfw ordering McDonalds delivery at 1am after a night of drinking craft beer & smoking legal weed
China just made a sun... should we be worried?
We need Indianization of the West rather than the other way around
CD projekt red is the most valuable company in Poland
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Kurva anyátok
VGH... the gay orgies of HVngary
Be me, Portuguese guy in Japan
I can’t even pretend be to racist anymore, I don’t find it funny and cringe every time I see someone being racist...
Why do scandis post on 4channel so much?
/fr/ - le francofil
/desi/-Cheems edition
I am kinda drunk bros
Which is it?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
We brought them railroads and shit
Maori and other Polynesians make up 62 percent of New Zealand Prisons despite being 15 percent of the population
The "russian threat" is a Cold War sentiment that still lingers in Western Europe...
/ישר/ - /ইসরা/ - /Їꙁд/ - /isr/
Is korea as soulful as japan?
Is it bad that I like mexican culture?
Hilo /lat/ino
Explain in 3 words why are you single
Is paganism the logical end stage transition from Christianity?
All Anglosphere countries should be range banned from Zig Forums 6 months before and 6 months after their elections...
For all the suicidal bros
So, realistically, what is their endgame?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2473
How do you say lion in your language?
How do Swedish men avoid being raped while out in public???
I'm going to get stationed in Korea. What are some things that are fun to do there, besides having a Korean child?
Japan bros... how could we let this happen
Why do they pretend they're not mutts and not 56% uwhite when they clearly are?
I'm 1.70 tall
Stupid mutt, you will never have pure ancestry like me!
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Why are jews disproportionately represented in the upper class of almost every country on earth? Are they just smarter?
ITT: Zig Forums in 1866
Germany gets btfo twice
Is it true that most Americans don't know how to play chess?
China Achieves Quantum Supremacy
Post your country’s final boss
Are these two countries more MENA or South Asian?
Do you like Trad women from your country?
Why do they make so many threads about Germany?
/socialdistancing/ zur /nachtschicht/ auf /deutsch/
/lat/ hilo latino
VGH... The Pan American Highway
Tell a joke to a german
This is embarrassing Latinx bros
Do russian gamedevs really?
This is a 23 yr old black incel. This guy has a body like this and still cant get pussy because he is not white...
Where did it go so incredibly wrong?
Why does this one country have an army of incel western fan boys?
Give us our f-35s please
How is the army of your country?
Are tomboys an endangered species in your country?
Does it happen in your cunt too?
Was Berlusconi a bad politician?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
The U.S workers don't have a paid sick leave
Is it just me or is the average Japanese woman just not as attractive as the average korean/chinese/other SEA woman...
1. Your cunt
I’m not racist but I hate this language and the people who speak it
Americans have holes in their floor
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Made in Austria
*atheistically mogs every other state in history while defying all odds to become a superpower and BTFO'ing america in...
Felipe bros
Yesterday was my birthday
I just want a qt wholesome big tittled blonde gf but I’m surrounded by all these goddamn sexy latinas...
In brasil they eat sopa de macaco
I have never had kebab before. Is it good?
Today is Finland's independence day. Say something nice about Finland
Would you rather have 1 million Indian immigrants or 1 million Chinese immigrants in your country?
There's inner racism between native Spaniards...
Any divorced bros here?
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - Le francofil
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post art from your country
The majority of females in my country tend to look like this, unfortunately...
ITT: dumb shit white people do
Life is jot fair
Queen Elizabeth is sent by the British Army to Japan to increases military pressure on China...
All jews are rich. is it true?
Leaving germany
Sverigetråden - Hyraupplagan
Zig Forums is it true?
Why dont North Africans look like africans?
This is what passes for humor in my Kingdom
International preference
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine