Imagine getting paid more than the average european, get taxed way less than the average european and still complain about housing pricing when you can get a 250k house like this that's 30 minutes way from Atlanta, baka. Truly living life on easy mode.
Why don't Americans just get a medium job and move to a smaller state instead of CONSOOOM?
Gabriel Young
Atlanta is filled with N and trannies
Luis Young
There’s no opportunity in flyover states and the few there are are already taken. That’s why you have flyovers moving to coastal states. They come for work or school since anyone who’s actually worthwhile gets out of whatever shithole they were in
Brandon Flores
Name a city that's not filled with them
Robert Moore
You're telling me in you can't move to Montana or Maine and find a job?
Anthony Ortiz
Dont get me wrong its fucking easymode here in the US but for many its the point of getting to about $19,000 for downpayment and closing costs. Most people cant pull that money out of their ass when they have to pay $1500+/mo for rent.
Bentley Anderson
It depends on field and sector. For example I literally can get a job within 24hrs in any state in the US. Not everyone has that opportunity based on their career field.
Luis Anderson
They must consoom newest sneedstation and sneedphone
John Martinez
Depends but yes. Unless it's a retail job or something, if you don't have a specialized skill you will probably have a hard time finding a job. If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it
Chase Rogers
I see. If I could work for home that's where I would move tbqh
Charles Morris
I know everyone has their hole thats made for them. Besides America is the land of $150,000 will make your live become easymode to the point you will never understand poorfags.
Jason James
Internet in rural America is shitty. Heard some places still use DSL.
Cameron Peterson
compared to wages Americans have the lowest rent in the world
Wyatt King
Every country moans about it. America moans despite being by far the easiest country. Australia moans despite having it was easier than us. We moan despite having it was easier than eastern euope. Eastern europe moans despite having it way easier than Hong Kongers etc
William Barnes
>Eastern europe moans despite having it way easier than Hong Kongers Retardino
Henry Garcia
just live in a rural shithole bro 2 hours of commuting each day? so worth it!
Dylan Morgan
Depends on the place. But yeah I live out rural and I had to spend $20,000 to get fiber to my house. At least cooperative fiber is filling the gap for some states where they dont prohibit Electric/Telephone Cooperatives from doing internet.
How long until the real state bubble burst globaly speaking?
Joshua Cruz
In terms of housing I think in Hong Kong it's basically impossible to buy a detached house no matter what job you have. HK is obviously a better place overall
Cameron Richardson
With low interest rates, never
Eli Kelly
I'll name a state... Iowa
Christopher Carter
Smaller states = smaller pay or no jobs at all
Bentley Kelly
This is plainly wrong. There are a lack of job for psychophantic cock suckers to earn $300k+ a year with nothing more than a bachelors degree from an Ivy League school. However, there are plenty of middle/upper middle class jobs with salaries that compensate well relative to the cost of living.
Josiah Myers
Not in our lifetime, Europe is literally fucked tho because there's way too little land to go around anymore and land is way too expensive near even 4th tier cities. It's not like in Texas where there's virtually unlimited land around places like Dallas that's cheap af because it's non-arable.
Depends man, wages in Texas are fucking shit. In California wages for my line of work is about $58/hr, $50/hr in Florida and about $37/hr in Texas. It sucks pretty bad.
Jonathan Kelly
37/hr is around 75k per year. Isn't that already way above what the average american makes?
Jackson Jackson
I hate amerisharts so much
Luke Bennett
No there's more than enough land but people in Europe hate high-rise in any way mostly so there's no proper housing for anyone that's somewhat affordable and at an ok location in cities
Connor Mitchell
unless as a rancher or farmhand no lol. all rural.
Henry Lee
seethe more gipsy
Juan Watson
>tfw didn't get accepted to med school this cycle >Stuck in 10 dollar per hour job for next year At the current rate I'd be lucky to have an apartment
David Mitchell
Its grossly underpaid in my field. You want to balance out cost of living with wage to max out. Its the reason I havent left Florida for other states. You want to max out pay for work my friend.
Jackson Johnson
Why not do a quick certification and become like a phlebotomist while you wait.