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International #1354
Imagine if every country was fascist and people were no longer allowed to "travel". No consumerism...
Ur cunt
You DARE draw the prophet Muhammad? Prepare to die infidel!
Why haven't the muslim countries united yet?
How to migrate. I life really better?
Kurva anyátok
Watch video about interviewing mexicans about their wages
Post your drawing pictures
If you could genocide one group of people in your country, what would it be?
Be me
Worst and best countries from every continent
People talk about loving pineapples on pizza...
/frühschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Hilo /lat/ino
This is voted the HOTTEST woman in Japan for 2020
Are gingers discriminated against you in your country?
I just learned gas in the US is drastically less expensive than in Europe. Why is this?
Why is the Argentinian and Turkish dollar worth so little? Why don't they just fix it?
Why are they Muslim?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
The Latin America of Asia
Do men in your country prefer to simply watch porn instead of seeking sex/relationships?
What are American schools like? Their AP classes too?
Is there any hope for them?
We already have 60.000 homicides every year
How to say in your language?:
Are cantonese lowest test people?
Do you like INDIANS?
I thought they were a meme but I unironically met a Chicano Zig Forumstard at work today
I've made a map of the world's civilizations
Are they Latinx?
What do you think about Feminism?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Indian girls are ug-
If you could apply for a state mandated wife, what kind of qualities would you look for?
The second largest party in Russia is the Communist Party
Your thoughts?
I often stay up HOURS past my bedtime. Is this happening RIGHT NOW in your cunt?
Russians get to live in THAT
Have you ever shoplifted in your country?
Why are americans so cruel to southern brazilians??
Why do Arabs have poor eyesight? Virtually every Arab I met anecdotally wore some sort of nerdy square-framed glasses
Do you remember who you are, Zig Forums?
ITT: Post the visa map for citizens of your country
Japan's population is 126 million
/fr/ - le fil français
/esperanto/ - Insulo de la Rozoj
China West Asia Relations
Why are there so many mexicans coming to Canada?
I just woke up at 1:30 am fully rested and have nothing to eat at home, but everything's closed
Do you live in a diverse neighborhood Zig Forums? If you do does everyone get along or is there tension?
Be me
Why does america not have a high speed railway system?
Option A: They unite and create a regional power that controls South America
90% of people are:
These nibbas really think they are italian dont they?
It's possible that China could collapse within a decade
What does Zig Forums think about samoan women?
How the fuck is French hard to learn?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Breakdancing now Olympic sport
I-I'm germanic too guys!
dude the medieval times were so cool, I wish I lived then
Do immigrants steal your jobs ?
Polish girls be like
Why do Brits pretend they aren't European?
/nachtschicht/ für /berlingruen/ auf /deutsch/
I have a University degee and I bust my ass off 5 days a week for less than €1000 euros a month
Why were we born in the most developed period?
Why do we exist?
If your sister ever brought home a guy like this, would you pound his bussy with or without condom while she watches
Hey guys did you know that we have nature?
What country has the best looking women?
Now that the jews have admitted there is a galactic federation of aliens contacting us how will this affect Zig Forums...
Will China's entertainment industry eclipse Japan?
Why does Japanese sound more pleasant than Korean and Chinese?
Why does this site hate immigrants? We're humans too
Are you a diasporan?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How would you react if you came back home and found Pic related in your bathroom doing this?
For me, it's flat girls
Militant atheist
How do you say the name of this colour in your language?
/ita/ il filo
Kurva anyátok
Today, 65 years ago, EVROPA adopted its flag
Sverigetråden sommarupplagan
Why are they like this?
And for you White man?
Americans trying to launch grain silo into space
A swedish samaritan let's an older lady know the train has reached her station
Why is any amount of nationalism, a basic prerequisite for a decent country, seen as "bad" now...
No, I do not care for your shitty mudhut city that my tax dollars have been wasted on protecting
/fr/ - Le francofil des frankop1s
Do 99% of zoomers have this haircut in your country?
Hilo /lat/ANO
Have you been here... thoughts?
If your country hasn't discovered at least 15 elements, it's SHIT
Attitudes of poles towards other ethnicities
Post cool nature from your country
Do you want to find love in the USA?
I want to be a boy toy for Italian milf. In Italy
You will, Zig Forums
Enter CHADren
I hope your language didn't lose all of its cases, user!
/esp/ - Hilo español
No, I don't care about your manly, ugly women
I wish i wasn't from Argentina
Sverigetråden - Skolupplagan
European people go to sauna naked with their friends including Women
Our flag has more schizos then yours
Zig Forumsernational confessions:
Do you hate China?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
What concepts don't exist in your country?
Do you like old school polandball comics?
Compare your cunt with a poster above
This is Manila, the biggest shithole in Asia, a 80...
What are the girls like from this country?
England is becoming less English. Thoughts?
What is the worst country and why is it China?
Stop calling us central european, we are nordic, thank you
If people who look like this are Croatian
What food most reminds you of family dinners in your cunt?
Do they really?
What is your 100% honest opinion about Norway?
I suffer in Iceland
1. You're cunt
/desi/-Death Stranding edition
Do Americans really?
Asian women quiz
/dragon ball polska/
Women, in general, are weaker than men
Sverigetråden - Knegupplagan
Tell me about Poland
International reminder to get saved
I'm gonna get a white wife from this country
Your cunt
/fr/ - le francofil
Most hated countries
Third world vaccine for a third world country
Post a pic of the traditional monster in your country
Kurva anyátok
International people
/lat/ hilo latino
Why are Arab and Latino Americans physically alike?
Zig Forums is simply a whiteness contest
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
What is some food from your country that foreigners never like?
Is having a white gf the ultimate goal for thirdies?
You have to live in one German Bundesland for the rest of your life and are never allowed to move away or cross it's...
Fucking hate what the Gulf Arabs have done to Islam ?
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /isr/- /이스라/ - מהדורת אחרית הימים
Your country
The world if only brown people existed
/deutsch/ Zwangsimpfer-Edition
Post lower class shitholes from your cunt
Architectural crimes from your cunt?
Why should Islam be taken seriously?
France: Best and Worse Regions
Does your country resent Asian people?
What is wrong with Japs?
What is it about the American lifestyle that can change a person's phenotype so drastically in 5 short years?
In Croatia it's better to be rapist than druggie...
/desi/-Feet pics edition
Why do Nordics let the rest of the world spread lies about you?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
I was disgusted to find out mexicans/spaniards call this dessert "churo" or whatever, this is arabic food...
/fr/ - fil FR
/ita/ - il filo
In ancient and medieval India, slaves were not allowed to keep moustaches or beards
Yeah bro we like, invented the term white
Hey Italy, get it fucking right
Am I the only one in here with a small penis?
How could any first worlder say
Average dutch zoomer female height: 180cm
Would white Americans rather have a Brazil 2.0 situation where everyone is mixed & its a shithole, or a South Africa 2...
Sverigetråden - Bandyklubbupplagan
What is life in Israel like?
You wake up in Berlin, Germania
Why hasn't anyone done anything about Northern Cyprus...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Is educational inflation a problem in your cunt? Here almost everyone graduates from high school...
Skin colour is literally a function of Temperature
Wow Shanghai looks so clean nowadays
Which cuntry has the thirstiest wimminz?
In the United States of America...
I wish french was the lingua franca of the world instead of english
Italy got 200B corona fund. They have apparently announced they will spend:
Are Turks in Germany really that bad?
Let beard grow for first time in my life
/ita/ - il filo
Imagine if every country was fascist and people were no longer allowed to "travel". No consumerism...
Sverigetråden - Hovupplagan
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
/fr/ - fil FR
/brit/ - real history edition number 2
Do you hate China?
Did anyone else watch bald's latest episode?
Do you love gooks? I do
/desi/-GOAT edition
National dishes of Zig Forums
Post half northern/half southern european ppl
/brit/ -real history edition
Slav girls
Does this happen in your country? In Australia you have to vote in every election or the government gets mad at you
The former Israeli security chief has literally just said that there is a Galactic Federation who have been in contact...
What stopped you from asking her out?
America makes me sick to my stomach
Who the fuck can stop him?
Is the dark web popular in your country Zig Forums?
What do pajeets mean by this ?
How are mothers like in your country?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Korea is a big mystery to me. This country looks third and first world at the same time...
Why do Americans reduce identity to skin colour?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
English language option has an american flag instead of the union jack
Would you rather be russian or Japanese?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
What's the worst thing you've seen in public transportation?
Post American images
This is so BS
Americans with non anglo/germanic surnames
>The Europoor fears the Australian house
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
What's your favorite thing about your country?
So ummm... Aliens are real?
One day in gym class or however you call it we were learning to dance and the girls had to choose a partner...
Name ONE country where diversity works
I think brown people are superior than white people and black people
What do you have for breakfast Zig Forums?
What happens to people who miss out on teenage love in your country?
What was the comfiest job you've ever had?
Kurva anyátok
How do you deal with the fact that you aren't Dutch?
Wish they just stayed where they were
Your country
Thanks france for inventing pic related
*Steals your history*
Good day kill me
India our mother
How do you call Istanbul in your language?
Our ancestors just touched bugs like it was nothing
What is wrong with Spanish women?
Kick out poles
Religious observant people of Zig Forums
Hello, fellow whitebros on Zig Forums
What the hell
The planned city
Why is he so powerful?
Chis of Zig Forums remember this country has loathed your existence since its birth do not submit to your white...
What's it like living here?
Why do people think Brazil is sex sex sex land?
Asia vs Europe
Swedish cuisine
How is Islam seen in your country?
Are people named after virtues in your country or your language?
An updated and very well done map of life in south america
What are your thoughts on London; the capital of the UK
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Thoughts on canada and canadians?
Are Nordic people racist?
Are white people smart in your country ?
What 450k usd gets you in brownentina
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2475
Potato bombs are a homemade colombian antifa weapon
How many European cities can you name?
Why are they so good at making kinos?
So memes aside, where do the Ashkenazi Jews come from?
Why are they so fucking POWERFUL?
Your country
I hate America
I don't get it
I am a mulatto. I know about the "one drop rule" and everything, but truth be told...
Did you believe you were talented at drawing as a kid?
Zig Forums
Which US American state has the greatest concentration of non-fat white girls?
Why have they failed to flourish
/fr/ - le fil guadeloupéen
Spermy hands edition
Its impossible to be white and incel. just look at this webm you dont see this about any other race...
Americans just go and name their children Walker or Cletus
What would a matriarchal society look like?
Is there any race on Earth that doesn't have an inferiority complex towards whites?
You have 10 nukes
That one time when my parents thought I was gay because I had never had a girlfriend so they hooked me up with a guy...
Why are the hispanics such traitors bastards? How do they cope with the fact that the brazilian bvll is unstoppable?
Brazil is not Latin America
Honestly speaking, what does Zig Forums think about reparations...
These guys get more attention than they deserve
Why do immigrants want to come to your country?
Paternity tests are illegal in France
What is happening in Brazil?
Are white girls, wife material in ur country?
Georgia and Serbia
Not again, I can't take another pandemic
Why didn't you invest in Eastern Poland?
/nachtschicht/ und /deutsch/
Why are they like this
What drugs have you tried in your cunt?
Since most of you seem to have forgotten. Here is a reminder
Shill me alcohol from your country, I will try to buy it and review it
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Syskonkärleksupplagan
Would you cross the street, Zig Forums?
Why are short men like this?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Do you ever get the feeling that the bad guys won WW2?
Post US State Tier Lists
Average American lives in a house the size of a goddamn elementary school
Why are cars so expensive
Great Britain? More like FABULOUS Britain
My dad is going to start learning Irish to "reconnect with our heritage...
National dishes of Zig Forums
/fr/ - le francofil
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Only people from countries that recognize Armenia may post in this thread
Thank you based Mongolia
brown skin and blue eyes
Hilo /lat/ano
We are not France
How true is the "Asian parents are all strict" stereotype?
Climate change
Innocent Feudal Serfs
Are they Latinx?
/desi/- shazam! edition
We are to germany what poland is to us
What is the current economic situation in these countries like?
Why are they socially retarded?
Are white women angels, bros?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why does China bully Australia?
/deutsch/ eier ausgabe
Sverigetråden - Främlingens svärdupplagan
I wonder why (((school))) never taught us about this
Wait, europeans don’t REALLY eat horses, do they? I was under the impression that europeans were human...
Why do americans hate them?
Grandma might die from corona
/ita/ - il filo
Kurva anyátok
People unironically pay like a million euros to get EU passports (from cyprus and Malta etc)
Why does it make dark skins seethe so much?
Tell me about beautiful Slavic women Zig Forums, why do they have shorter, wider...
Int dress code
Do you still love Japan?
Italians when you mention Ethiopia
Why are men in Iceland taller and stronger than their continental nordic brothers?
Post your bookmarked Zig Forums subreddits
Are Chinese people so smart?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/fr/ - le francofil
Did these guys really lose a war to every single one of their colonies? wtf?
/V4/ + Frens!
I'm sorry poland
Is it true Turkish women remain chaste and hookups/one night stands
Give me a quick rundown on your country's history
Are hunter eyes common in your country?
What's your favourite muslim country?
In america you get fired for mentioning unions
Arab blood
Who are the richest groups of people in your country?
Why are americans so religious?
/sverige-finländska tråden/
There are american retards who fell for the bernie propaganda and actually moved here
/lat/ - hilo latino
He didn't deserve to die that way
Sverigetråden - Tonårshoreupplagan
La france où la liberté d'expression avec censure
Is the capital of your country a shithole?
What's it like to have a Portuguese gf?
The Russian government hands out 15,000 full-ride scholarships each year
America and Canada should be the same country
Why this is so common among Brazilians?
Have a lot of spanish/portugese girls been BROWNED during that time?
Some 200 people attended the funeral 'with honours' in snowy conditions
Ukraine needs more love on this board
My name ith gonthalo alvareth from tharagotha and i am from thpain
When did you realize that you love Croatia?
Russians are the last Ameriboos left
France is not Hungary
What is Brazil planning on doing to Africa?
/fr/ - le francofil
Which two countries?
/ita/ - il filo
Explain this, UK
Any anons mistook their majors? I chose Economics for muh job prospects and I realized I’ve got no interest in it...
Look at this map. Transylvania stands out yet again. Yet another reason for Transylvanian independence
Are you satisfied with Street Fighters character of your country as representing your country?
/lat/ hilo latino
Eastern European tier of wages
I will convert to Islam soon. There is nothing you can do about it
Europe vs Asia
“Billions” means different number between USA and UK
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Man, 25, who sold kidney to buy iPad and iPhone 4 now bedridden for LIFE after remaining organ fails
Seks mine jarlar heime vera, gøyme det gullet balde
How is tinder thots in your cunt?
Zig Forums is the proof that people who absolutely hate each other can have friendly and respectful conversations...
/desi/ - Hong Cucker Shocked, India rocked
Why do Brazilian posters keep trying to convince me to visit their country, what's their endgame?
These countries have all very similar quality of life. They're super safe. They're comfy...
/nordita/ - el fil
Why is Brazil a meme? I think it is the best country in the Americas, with lots of natural beauty, culture...
/faschismus/ ggf. /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Konst-ho upplagan
I give it 6 months before they are begging to be let back in
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine