>Swedish cuisine
Swedish cuisine
You WILL eat the bugs.
>nooo nooooo i shilled for all of the based billionaires why do i have to eat the bugs and live outside of the bunker???
Why are incels so afaraid of bugs? Is it just their childish aversion of things they're not accustomed to?
I don't want any part of your dystopian scandinavian future
>brace yourselves for my extensive tranny collection (it's ironic though)
Fragile söibois think their nonexistent masculinity is under attack because meat = manly.
disgusting why they try to force it on people who don't want to eat this shit
mainly the media
Good thing I'm not in Scandinavia, then, Zhang.
Good thing Chinese will colonise your continent.
>Why are you so upset about bug meatballs at Ikea? I mean, you already raise your own chickens and goats, right?
An alarming number of incel gripes involve consoomption habits, desu
>reee joggers in muh capeshit
>reeeee muh 21 burgers per week
>reeeeeee no nintendos under socialism
they just offer it as an additional option, no one's forced to buy it
Chudcels are obsessed with protecting their testosterone line it's Weight Watchers or something. It started with söi and now it's just gone off the rails in to basically anything that even touches a woman's lip.
Bugs are for third worlders
You start eating bugs then it's over, no more civilization
Why are Europeans so poor lmao
I don't want to generalize but you finnish posters seem to be some fucking cunts
Stop being angry all the time khan
I guess that's it. Thanks.
Your reasoning doesn't make any sense. Wouldn't expect any more from a norwegian, tho.
literally vegan try to pass a bill that banned meat consumption here imagine in the land of the cuuucks
Sorry, I don't speak monkey. Could you try to say that in english?
>test kitchen
No surprise there.
vegans wouldn't eat bug burgers, would they?
Depends on the vegan, I guess. Every vegetarian I've met has had their own set of rules on what they will and will not eat, I'd imagine vegans are much of the same.
Do you guys think that you're going to eat raw bugs?
Its meat is going to be processed and it wouldn't be different from what sausages or minced meat are
Billionaires are based and redpilled you cuck.
>No one is forcing you m8, just an option
>just some taxes
>just some extra regulations
>Ok, just a small ban
>make that a complete ban, what, do you hate the environment or something?
Don't give me the slippery slope bullcrap, that's exactly how it goes. A determined minority with cultural power can shame a majority into accepting their norms. Though the majority may deserve it, for not fighting it.
>if you disagree with me you are japanese
Kind of weird but OK.
Imagine being rich, but being Zuckerberg at the same time
If the leftists ban meat I'll just become vegetarian desu; I'm not eating bugs
>Ikea's "future-living lab," a group in Copenhagen called Space10, which researches ideas for IKEA, has released five new dishes made from sustainable ingredients such as spirulina, beetroot, hydroponic sprouts — and mealworms.
Sweden is a right wing country faggot.
unironically if they can get the taste and texture down right I could eat them fine, only problem is that will never happen. the plant based meats right now just taste bland and have a weird texture and ive only tried the shit that people swear that they couldnt tell a difference
>post slippery slope
>"but it doesn't count if I call it out beforehand!"
That's not how this works, Jamal. Your mental gymnastics are still trash.
eating bugs isn't even a big thing. it's a very marginal hipster trend that Zig Forumstards chose to politicise.
I've never met a person who eats bugs. yet Zig Forumstards seem to live in a timeline where everyone does it except them
This. They hate right wing countries like China and America while promoting feminism and other anti-white garbage. They are communist as fuck. They even have free healthcare.
I don't you're even supposed to eat most of those plain as is, but instead substitute the meat in dishes like chili con carne and casserole, where the effect on taste is miniscule.
*I don't think you're supposed...*
ive only tried burgers which is the most common plant based meat meal here. ive ordered one myself out of curiosity at a fairly nice restaurant and tried a bite of a fast food one, neither was very good
Yes I care about the environment
No I will not eat the bugs
The common man should not be punished for what mega corps have done