Why are the hispanics such traitors bastards? How do they cope with the fact that the brazilian bvll is unstoppable?

Why are the hispanics such traitors bastards? How do they cope with the fact that the brazilian bvll is unstoppable?

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Because a monkey with a gun is dangerous.

Honestly, Brazil doesn’t deserve one and I don’t understand why countries like Russia, the UK, the France and the US didn’t vote against.



We were never by your side

>mexican calling someone a monkey

No, they're being more redpilled than I thought

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The permanent seat doesn't give you the ability to annex whatever the fuck you want

give me one good non meme reason why brazil should join the UN

Brazil is already a member, retard. The permanent seat gives you the power to veto the council decisions, if we get the seat we could veto whatever the fuck we dislike.