You will, Zig Forums

You will, Zig Forums.

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If it's good enough for my Cherokee ancestors it is good enough for me.


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Maggots are trad.

Natives ate organic red meat. Their diet was better than modern americans

We already do.

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That wasn't the only meat they ate dumbass.

you WILL eat the pod
you WILL live in the bug

Why would you do that?

So THIS is the famous italian cuisine that I hear about?

Scientists say.
We obey.

What does it taste like?

Wtf is that?

I guess, time ago, cheese was spoiled and there was not anything else to eat.
Same as rotten herrings in scandinavia.

>you will live like a bug

They've been telling me this for over ten years but I'm still waiting for a chance to try commercial bugs.

fermenting keeps nutrients (in particular vit D) intact while still preserving the food
important in cold climates where food sources are scarce in the winter

>eat the fucking bugs

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>In addition to the ‘general food hygiene requirements’, the production and marketing of insects as food in Europe is governed by the so-called ‘Novel Foods’ legislation – i.e. Regulation (EU) No 2015/2283: this legislation applies to all categories of foods that ‘were not used for human consumption to a significant degree’ within the European Union before 15 May 1997, which is the case of insects.


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You forgot.


>wearing a mask takes away my freedom

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>(8)The scope of this Regulation should, in principle, remain the same as the scope of Regulation (EC) No 258/97. However, on the basis of scientific and technological developments that have occurred since 1997, it is appropriate to review, clarify and update the categories of food which constitute novel foods. Those categories should cover whole insects and their parts. There should be, inter alia, categories for food with a new or intentionally modified molecular structure, as well as for food from cell culture or tissue culture derived from animals, plants, microorganisms, fungi or algae, for food from microorganisms, fungi or algae and for food from material of mineral origin. There should also be a category covering food from plants obtained by non-traditional propagating practices where those practices give rise to significant changes in the composition or structure of the food affecting its nutritional value, metabolism or level of undesirable substances. The definition of novel food may also cover food consisting of certain micelles or liposomes.

>Wow soyjak, I'm glad I gave those fucking bugs you kept telling me to eat a try, they were delicious!

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I know, right? They are no different from shrimps after all.

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Europeans are so disgusting. Literal nigger tier

watch out when you say nigger. the tranny jannies who do it for free banned me for 3 days between dilations for saying nigger so just be careful

I thought you didn't eat the maggots, just the maggot cheese shit

you don't have to worry about shit like the OP since you can easily avoid it
what you DO HAVE to worry about is that these fucking faggot companies will 100% start lobbying to increase the amount of shit like insects that can be in normal food legally without them having to label it
which is currently such a ridiculously low number because you can't really avoid some tiny fly getting ground up in production that landed on the flour or something

however they will lobby for it to be like 10% or even more soon and mix that shit in actively just to drive down production costs, so you have all kinds of eat stretched with literal insect shit and you won't even know it
this will also lead to companies producing special "100% insect free meat" aka the meat we currently fucking have with the only difference being that it costs 300% more because it will be a luxury

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I wouldn't really care if it tasted fine and wasn't hazardous to eat
has a good point though

Crackers are even more disgusting

uma delicia...

More like that the only way to make herring stay edible back in the day was by fermenting it.

Can somone explain why eating insect matter is bad for any reason other than BUGS YUCKY?


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Why not?

>you will eat the bugs

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>The government is increasing its power over the people by making them wear face coverings that obscure their identity to surveillance systems
Chud logic

Looks tasty ngl, at lest when it's no longer moving.


Finally someone gets it. When you eat lobster you're literally breaking open the chitin of a giant bug and slurping out the meat. Fucking gross.

Yes please!

Banned in most countries. I want to try it now.

The fact that this is so easily forseen goes to show how bad of a spot They have us in right now.

Really weak hypothetical argument, and doesn't actually address why insect matter is bad.

ahhh give me the bugs monsieur!

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Quite logical to search for more efficient source of nutrients when EU plans on accepting one billion refugees in the near future.