Wow Shanghai looks so clean nowadays

Wow Shanghai looks so clean nowadays

Attached: HongKong.png (960x671, 1.07M)

EU gibs turned Shanghai into this beautiful modern city.
Westoid europoors keep seething

is that new york?

why is white jealous?

this shit could be anywhere in the world
0 soul

>this shit could be anywhere in the world

So why isn't it in Zurich?

I k-kneel..
is this how you cope with the fact that they don't let us euroniggers build anything higher than a church bell

Ah yes, that clean, gray air looks good for the lungs.

Attached: 1001978.jpg (3314x2209, 3.17M)

Why does Shanghai trigger swisspoors so much?

OP's picture was taken in the evening, not fair.