Shill me alcohol from your country, I will try to buy it and review it

shill me alcohol from your country, I will try to buy it and review it
bonus if you check if it's easily available here

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Have you tried pic related ? It's jim lahey approved and the only liquor i can chug without gagging

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when I drank bottom shelf rye, it was usually royal reserve

Get yourself some Sambuca, it's a star anise flavoured liqueur, very good after a nice black espresso.

Ron Zacapa

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i dont think its 100% rye whiskey though. which is what makes alberta premium special. (aside from being dirt cheap)

Don't drink alcohol

ok, I'll get the 375 ml
too pricy, and it looks like the only thing they carry from guatemala, sorry

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Rekorderlig cider, I know you can get it in BC. Or if you want something tasteless, why not Absolut.

Red Wine from Dealul Mare, straightforward from my grandparents. As delicate as Chardonnay, yet you'll get shitfaced without feeling like a fag.
Pălincă, if you just want to get shitfaced. Best served with greasy food.

best one is wild berries

how do you know that?

*straight from
Phone posting because I can post pics

Saw it in some stores in Vancouver incl. the one I linked above. They have a nice store in Olympic Village too.

Sambuca is the only alcohol that I truly enjoy drinking straight up

sounds good, but the only romanian stuff is this
and the closest store that has it is 400km away

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The selection from my country isn't great. There's a couple of OK ales but ale is shit from a can. No cider except strongbow, and for some reason Crabbies which is a tasty alcoholic ginger beer (different to American style ginger ale) but more of a summer drink. There is a decent selection of gin but fuck gin. The two I would shill from there are Crabbies and Pimms, highly recommend both, but in summer. For the true English summertime experience you should watch Wimbledon with a pitcher of Pimms.
For winter you should look north of the border for whisky.

Fuck sambuca

Your loss

I'm a ferry ride away from vancouver
you didn't say anything, but I'll get one of these
I'll get something from england, maybe newcastle brown, but usually there's some individual 500ml bottles of stuff, one has a bee on the label

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This is ok, i dont know much about liquor

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Get this it comes from my state...
If they have it.

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Transilvanians have decent wine, but the best Romanian wine is from Norf Muntenia. We get the right amount of sun to make our alcohol both strong and tasty.
I'd recommend you fetească albă if it wasn't that far from you.

Op get Deschutes ipa It comes from my state of Oregon.

baltika 9

Maybe fullers honey dew?
It's OK but again more of a summer drink.
If they come in 500ml bottles they're probably worth trying, I just wouldn't bother with cans.

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i'll get this one

we only get 7, but I was going to buy some already
that's it, there's usually some other ones

Don't think we export our beers. If you can find an Australian whiskey it'll be good though but expensive.
Wines wine so who gives a shit about that

amari alle erbe > sambuca

It's nice, sweet though, one of the few ales I'd recommend putting in the fridge first. I saw hobgoblin in cans, that's a decent one to try if you can get it in bottle.

apparently we know how to make rum in Canada

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looks like I can get this stuff

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usually there's wychwood mixed 12 packs around halloween

what the FUCK thats cheaper than you get it for here
That stuffs actually pretty good, what website are you on i'll have a look at the aus beers

it's the only one listed
I've seen fosters before though in private places