
your sins Zig Forums

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lost my virginity to a hooker last year

I stole some seashells from my friend's house about 15 years ago and never told anyone or gave them back

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I was making a very long trip from amman to my town in southern jordan, on the road there was this extremely secluded kiosk where a syrian teenager was selling coffee, i was the only car on the road and it was very dark except for the lights alongside the street, so anyway i tell this kid i want a coffee no sugar, he goes in the kiosk and starts boiling some water, i get out of the car, go inside the very small kiosk and stab him many many times, then i got the fuck out of there, this was years ago.

Looked at very questionable shit on the deep web since I was around 14, I'm 18 now and I'm trying to stop.
It's been a few weeks since I've last been on it.
I will just say that looking at stuff on the deep web is like looking at gore, its shocking when you first see it but you get desensitised after you view it for a certain period of time.
I'm not a rapist or anything like that, it's just what happens when you fap too much on the web.
I know there are other people like me on the web, even on this site.
Cooming at to weird shit at young age is bad for you.
Also a sizeable portion of people on deep web forums sound a little messed in the head.
Thanks for reading my wall of text.

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>i get out of the car, go inside the very small kiosk and stab him many many times, then i got the fuck out of there, this was years ago.
Why did you stab him?

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Oh my god you heckin looked at gore? fucking underaged cuck you dont need the deep web for that just go to a rekt /gif/ thread, newfag zoomer.

Not gore you retard, other stuff, how the hell did you read that and think OH SHIT GORE,I don't care about looking at gore
porn is shit my dude

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And I'm not underage, I turned 18 a some months back this year.

>lost my virginity to a hooker last year

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rage and obsession and if not then then when

Was sex with the hooker good?
Do you regret loosing your virginity to a hooker?

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i do not regret lol. it was okay but could have been better as it was in Malay and the only thing that was going through my head was if i would get turned in to police or something.

>the only thing that was going through my head was if i would get turned in to police or something.
Is paying for sex illegal in india or something?

hookers are 1/10 here and i think its only in delhi or mumbai

>hookers are 1/10 here and i think its only in delhi or mumbai

i meant Malaysia*

I am thirsty for cocks. I am a faggot

>I stole some seashells from my friend's house about 15 years ago and never told anyone or gave them back

I was probably responsible for the death of somebody

>I was probably responsible for the death of somebody
explain pls

Im screwing the daughter of the evangelical family who is hosting me for the last couple of days

I stole food from a struggling convenience store

>Im screwing the daughter of the evangelical family who is hosting me for the last couple of days
Does she want it or not?

Same here.

Yeah she does I aint no rapist but papa would be beyond pissed if he knew what's going on

miss me with that christcuck shit

I failed my classes this semester

Ah alright

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What class

>Yeah she does
Was she a virgin when you first met her
>but papa would be beyond pissed if he knew what's going on

I have been sleeping for 5-6 hours a night for the past half decade and it hasn't affected my career, education, health, or social life in any noticeable way

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Not solely my fault but I feel like I'm one of the reasons an ex classmate is heavily depressed and not mentally stable
He apparently tried to an hero last sunday

>I feel like I'm one of the reasons an ex classmate is heavily depressed and not mentally stable
Did you bully him or something

just tell the truth and say youre a pedo you miserable faggot.

Definitely not a virgin. Let's call it a misdemeanor but it's still their home they study the bible daily and shit