French arrogance

So I hear that the French are arrogant, but I don't really see it. In fact I feel like we're particularly self-critical.

Change my mind, post anecdotes of your encounters with arrogant frenchies.

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Québécois are way more snobby than the actual Frenchmen I’ve met/spoken to, but they also sometimes had what seemed like a smug pomposity to them at times, but not quite sure what it was that gave me that impression.

French are not particulally arrogant but even if they were their arrogance would be justified because of French superior culture.

Now think about arrogant g*Rmans instead...they have no reason at all to be arrogant, being oine of the most vile and disgusting countries in europe , still most of them are.

You might be self-critical amongst yourselves but you are pretentious pieces of shit when treating strangers

Stories ?

Fuck you, here's your story snail eating frog piece of shit, can't be bothered to write no stories for you

holy fucking based

You cocks literally have only pity remains of you culture. Mocking muslims, eating weird shit and whoring is not a culture. You along with england sell Europe to the US, still you pretending like if you were peak of humanity lol.

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I often here this said about the French but I feel it's a trend in western Europe. How the fuck could you consider the Frogs more arrogrant than the Anglos or the Krauts?

Whats the problem with Houellebecq?

>you pretending like if you were peak of humanity
Examples ?

I'm from the U.S.
>first time traveling overseas in 2013
>coincidentally, I was in Turkey
>staying in a hostel in Istanbul
>large group of French men staying there, along with a German dude I'd befriended, a few other independent travelers, and a couple of Indian-Australian girls
>everyone is drinking and having a relatively good time
>leader of the French group starts to get belligerent
>finds out I'm American
>starts asking a bunch of retarded, contrived questions about gun rights
>proceeds to ask me if I know where Syria is
>is legitimately stunned that I'm well-informed and not whatever he'd stereotyped Americans to be
>keeps offering me cigarettes and alcohol
>tells me I'm the only American he's ever liked (kek)

>meanwhile, one of his friends is trying to pick up one of the Indian-Australian girls
>couldn't overhear what he was saying, but apparently he was making a lot of racially degrading comments in an effort to "neg" her or some shit
>"I know you're a dirty slut, you filthy slut, come to my room"

>since she's drunk, she breaks down and starts crying, runs back to her dorm where her friend and the German guy (who's gay) go to comfort her
>half the French group seem oblivious to how they've managed to annoy the ever-living shit out of everyone else
>one of the men is insistent on going to the girls' dormitory to "try again"
>his friends have to physically restrain him

>next morning, they're all gone

I've met plenty of decent French people--but they tend to either be older folks, from the countryside, or women. Not sure why, but I've routinely found that French women are noticeably less arrogant than their male counterparts.

>>one of the men is insistent on going to the girls' dormitory to "try again"
based ngl

I remember a drunk Punjabi guy tried to do the same thing at a hostel in Delhi, the staff literally carried him down the stairs and threw him onto the road

Les conséquences d’une telle idéologie, on les connait. Donald Trump aux États-Unis est aussi le produit de ce monde qui, dans son obsession de la pureté idéologique et sa traque aux opinions divergentes, s’est progressivement éloigné du peuple et de ses aspirations. Le New York Times lui donnerait presque raison, lui qui n’avait de cesse, pendant ses quatre années de mandat, de critiquer les «fake news media».

Le gouvernement français, quant à lui, a raison de tenir bon sur la défense de son modèle laïque ; il faut, pour cette fois, le lui reconnaître. Et ne pas laisser un bout de terrain aux adversaires de ce que nous sommes, de notre liberté si durement acquise, quand bien même nous aurions le monde contre nous.

That's pretty bad.
>is legitimately stunned that I'm not whatever he'd stereotyped me to be
>keeps offering me cigarettes and alcohol
>tells me I'm the only frenchman he's ever liked (kek)
Funny, that exact thing happened to me with a German/Norwegian guy I met on a trip.

I have never met a frenchman irl. They never come in vacation here. Most tourists are german or americans or asian drones (jap or chinese)

>Anglos : be tolerant with Islam you racist frogs
Saying "Non" to them is not arrogance though.

I've been on a couple trips through Italy. It was pretty nice except that the Sicilians I met got really offended that I did not talk much with them.
They might have thought I was snobbing them.

what are you doing in this godforsaken shithole?

I don't see many italiens either.
Only during the summer when I visit family on côte d'azur do I see italian boomers on the beaches

>I don't see many italiens either.
dude your country is full of italians, it's just happens they mimetize well

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I wouldn't say the French are arrogant, but they do seem stubborn and living in a non-reality. It was just a month ago that those subhumans beheaded elderly French people and a teacher, and what's the response? Nothing but talk and a few closures of Mosques that shouldn't have been allowed in the first place. I don't see how the French can win in a battle of attrition with this enemy in their midst.

Having one italian grandma doesn't count as "italian" to me.
A friend from school has an italian surname, he did a genetic test and he turned out to be more slavic than italian, to his dismay

Turkey's a beautiful country with a low cost of living, decent food, and thousands of years of history; up until 2020, it's also been ranked among the most-visited countries in the world, year after year.

I mean, I'd get why you'd hate it if you grew up here and couldn't leave, but I have a foreign passport and earn in dollars. There's literally no downside for me.

then you have ti go to paris or nice to find italian tourists

The subway stations in Istanbul are literally nicer than in Paris. And the trains are so quiet, it's kind of weird for a foreigner.

Germans have a huge complex of superiority

Because they are

How are they not actually superior though?

Not sure whether a modern Metro system is indicative of much, though.

I've been to India numerous times and can say with confidence that the Delhi Metro is far better than anything we have in the United States--it's eco-friendly, fast, and has an expansive network. The stations are also spacious; most new additions have fully-functional air-conditioning, while they've been adding AC into older terminals, too.

The trains can obviously get a bit crowded. But overall, the network's probably one of the better I've come across.

I've been to Germany, and the stereotype about them being soulless, quasi-autistic robots is true for a not-insignificant portion of the population. IDGAF how efficient they are, I'd never want to live in a place with so little SOVL

A prime example is the French government trying to restrict how much non French music people listen to. Insistence that French stuff is the best even though it isn't

They keep destroying Europe at their own expense.

The only thing you are supremely arrogant about is your language

>Insistence that French stuff is the best even though it isn't


Having to make laws to restrict foreign influence is evidence enough, sign of a weakening cultural output

But the french government doesn't do that because it thinks french music is the best. It does it because it's french...

Still a correct policy and everybody should adopt it to avoid becoming Island America like you.

More like, french radios have quotas of french songs they need to air. Nothing wrong with not letting your musical scene getting destroyed by larger countries.

I never read that sort of thing as an insistence that they're the best, it seems like they just take steps to safeguard their own language. Look how readily people consume American culture. What's the problem with making sure some media in your own language, in your own country, always has a degree of priority?

Theres other things in a similar vein. Like you cultural attitude to food that prioritises 'French' food but just results in stifled innovation and kids all going to McDonald's because you have no casual restaurants like the rest of western Europe. Or the academie francaise making up 'French versions' of words, again because you see foreign things as a threat because you're arrogant and think french=best

One out of every 7 albums bought/streamed worldwide is British, we don't have to worry about making people listen to local music, people just do because its good. Just like we don't make people watch local TV or read local books

>Whats wrong with trying to control what people listen to in their free time and tell them how they should think instead of letting your culture evolve freely

Very very insecure viewpoint

No, it's all you misunderstanding. We don't protect these things because they're best, but because they're ours.
It's like preferring to own a small house rather than to rent a big one.