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International #1355
My greatest ally :)
Hispanic says “i have X years” instead of “i’m X years old”
What do you think of the American version of your ethnicity?
Are they best friends?
Lmao Italy is stuck in literal stone age
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
1. Your country
If you could reroll in another country, which one would it be ?
I wish I was born in the US
How do people in your country deal with heartbreaks?
/ita/ - il filo
Do you prefer red or blue?
3rd worlders be like
Would they be better or worse if they had been colonized by the French?
Why were Japanese so primitive compared to China, the Middle East, and Europe?
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Is this the most cyberpunk city outside of Hong Kong or Tokyo? I feel they beat out New York
When people picture a Med, they imagine an Arab-looking person
/fr/ - Le fil de l'espérance
I’m probably the poorest nigga on Zig Forums
What makes these states so kino?
Will this ever actually happen?
Why are Americans scared of Mexican immigrants when they tend to look like this?
I dont get it, theyre all pretty much the same, why dont they just form into one nation?
/ita/ - il filo
Has italian immigration improved ur cunt
Tfw second time you ask a girl on a date, she refuses you and tells you that she's married
Post kino moments from your history
/Balt/ + /ausnz/
Sverigetråden - nyupplaga
In Finland we have a city called "New City"
Are there incel women and if yes then where are they?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Add only 1 country to the EU - who do you pick?
/esp/ memes de la casa Edition
Sneed's /brit/, formerly Chuck's /brot/
Do you like INDIANS?
Why didn't you invest in Poland, bros?
Tallest buildings of some African countries vs. Belgium
/ita/ - il filo
I live in Tokyo, but I went to Kyoto
I made this, i know it has lots of grammar errors but im too lazy to rewrite them, what do u think guys
Tell me what’s been on your mind lately
Why are we so hated?
Most black people are nice
T. Paki in London AMA anything
Would you trade the British Isles for Japan ?
Poland just scammed millions of people
Jeff the killer real video
Countries that can say “nigga”
/lat/ - hilo latino
Who represents you in your country?
How come French people have this ‘look’ that makes them easier to notice they are French?
Kurva anyátok
What would be the best way to eliminate poverty in Latin America?
/fr/ le fil francophone ICITTE
Sverigetråden - Älgupplagan
Is it socially acceptable in your country to settle for a slut?
For any foreigners thinking of visiting or moving to the United States, these are the official ranking of US states
''Muhh, we're third world''
Why didn't they just move to Japan?
What zero pussy does to a mf
Who represents you in your country?
What do communists in your country look like?
Ice age
The posters from here are annoying because they're mostly from the south. they think they are better than everyone else
/ita/ - il filo
Wtf moroccans ?
Noo please Russia, just stop it! Don't let it get any closer
Sexual Liberation and Migrant women
I dont get it, theyre all pretty much the same, why dont they just form into one nation?
Are there swedish people in your cunt? we have 35k so quite a lot
Post anti-China cringe
Trump recognizes Western Sahara as MOROCCAN
Americans UTTERLY btfo by based Poland
/lang/ - language learning general
I am 25 and
How do Morrocans feel about this?
What is a common food that poor people eat in your country?
Why are yuros so obsessed with America
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Actually fixed
/dixie/ - southern us a friends
Sverigetråden - Våldtäktsupplagan
This board is more racist and anti-semitic than Zig Forums
No way Russia is this small
Eastern germany has the GDP per capita of italy
Post SOVL from your cunt
/desi/-South Supremacy edition
Wake up
I'm Turkish and I want to apologize for the Greek genocide
Where would you rank September 11
Chinese Sex spies
Being A White Student At A 100% Black School In America
Behold, the autists of Europe
What's going on American Anons?
China confirmed innocent for the Covid infection
We gonna be paying for oxygen soon
1. Your cyber cunt
/fr/ - le fil français
Dogs with origin in ur country
/dfc/ ehemals /deutsch/
Americabros we got too cocky
American's most wanna relocation country is JAPAN
How is Britain? Is it soulful and comfy? Or is it a dystopian shithole without a future...
What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
How to say in your language?:
Honestly is there a more cucked country than Macedonia?
Mfw foreigner popes ruined the Catholic Church forever
/ita/ - il filo
/lat/ hilo latino
Why do so many euros have this sort of opinion on guns?
New worlders and people who barely qualify as european consider these countries to be european
/Balt/ + /ausnz/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Would you agree with this map, Zig Forums?
Is there an epidemic of male losers in their 20s happening in your country?
Birth Rate of the East Asia
Holy fuck guys, get your shit together. Why don't you care about how every other nationality exploits you for labour...
What would you name the ship Zig Forums?
Did you know there are people in FINLAND who speak SWEDISH? How dare they
Stop lisping
Typical Spanish female
/fr/ — Le Francofil
Why is Japan sexually permissive?
Hmmmmm nice Orthodox Cathedral you put in Warsaw, Russia
Tell me about village idiots in your country
Anyone glad that all the Soyjaking and Gigachading went to /qa/ and stopped shitting up Zig Forums?
Western reddit
How's their relation?
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
/ita/ - il filo del duce
This 9/10 French girl does not want to marry an European guy. Only a guy from Africa. Why?
1) borders are just lines drawn on a map
Brazilian grandfather and his granddaughter singing together
German drops R's the exact same way Brtis do (at the end and before consonants)
I bloody love these blokes
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Post desserts from your country
Pakistan is barely more developed than Afghanistan
So did it live up to the hype?
Faces of Zig Forums
Can you roast my cunt pwease? I'm just a masochistic weirdo. Don't hold back and give me your best shot
Ur penis
I don't understand why people bully Germans so much on this board
Flanders is the Poland of Western Europe
Does your language use the word "Jew" as a verb?
Do your territorial waters contains sharks?
The new face of uk
/skandi/ - nekarakonuútgávan
He could have been with any 10/10 English blonde
Italy has literally the brightest young minds in europe despite investing jackshit in them
Imagine basing your life on a fucking exam
How common is "TOXIC MASCULINITY" culture in the West?
This is what Celtic Gods looked like
Tutorial mode
/fr/ - francofil
/brit/ + /ukg/ - The United Kingdom General
/med/ - Mediterranean general
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Which country had a more kino Manifest Destiny
Yeah, let's keep a land for the finns. Sweden is the only country who has ever fought for finland...
How is life like in the Balkans?
Do people in your country remember who they are?
I'm a 6' 2" Armenian BVLL, what are my chances scoring a Japanese qt in Japan?
National animal
Start a "soft" lockdown on November
Cyprus is CUTE!
Kurva anyátok
This scares the Chinese and Korean anthill dweller
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + mates
Your height
Big European cities are no-go zones nowadays...
Is the United States of America still the most free country on the entire Earth?
/v4/+the rest
Post your countrywomen's traditional dress
/ita/ - il filo
/ישר/- /ইসরা/- /Їꙁд/- /isr/- מהדורת מיורי בהריון
Why does French sound so fucking gay even when compared to other Romance languages?
Why do Chicanos dress like pic related? I’m Chicano and literally every other Chi I know owns at least 3 track suits...
In the Chinese province of Guangdong, 10,000 cats are eaten every day
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why do Israelis allow Ethiopian “Jews” to exist in their country...
Wtf, I was told I was 1/4 Portuguese. Why am I almost 8% African?
International physique
What would the world be like without Japanese culture?
Why is this?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Nords, is this true?
Do you plan on being a father?
I've made a map of the world's civilizations
What's your excuse for not learning a new language, user?
Most Argentinian girls are living in extreme poverty as we speak
Are cars affordable in your country?
Please, Poland needs you help
Post traditional folk house from your country
Insult me in your native language
What's the relationship between them like?
Why are Swedish women so feminine?
You wouldn't expect a country as intensely mutted as them to be so racist
Do you hate China?
Post anything
Do students in your count study all day?
Uni is like 80% white
What's the future of Canada?
Do qt desi girls like east asian men?
Could you give us a hand
Sorry bongistan
On a scale of 1-10 how satisfied are you with where you live? for me it's 8/10, i really like my state...
18 year olds on Zig Forums, do you consider yourselves adults? Do your parents treat you as adults?
Is watching streamers a thing in your cunt?
This is the last month I'll be EVROPAN
Why do we consider them asian
I don't like my DNA results, I'm 100% North European barbarian wh*teoid and I hate it
Poland is the Japan of Europe
How would you fix your country WITHOUT removing a certain race
Sverigetråden - Zoomerupplagan
Internationally speaking, is Eastern Europe a nice place to live?
Eat pork!
Russia appreciation thread
Post boomer memes from your country (or not from your country)
Being mexican in the middle class midwestern suburbs is like living life on very hard mode
Who here 40+ years old?
If there's one thing we Norsemen know, it's good food
Many say they are the second worst country in south america, but apparently this is changing...
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
What is your opinion on pajeet women?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Why is Christianity so popular in the Republic of Korea?
ITT: post yours
Hilo /lat/ino
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
mfw 28 years old and no degree, no gf, no money
Do people masturbate in public transport in your country?
How is life to not fat people in the US?
What is the last language you would ever learn?
My name is Rasmus and it's a fairly common name in my country
Have you ever masturbated to anons from Zig Forums?
Imagine being ruled by a w*man
Do american spaceschips really
Why are anglos so bad with food?
French and brit flags arguing about loanwords again
Gay/tranny nsfw threads
Is the best country in south america
/fr/ - Le fil de la France éternelle
You will never be reborn as a Polynesian
Latin america
Sverigetråden känslor>fakta upplagan
Favorite king of your cunt?
1991 in Ibiza
Be Greek
What's the most badass fictional character in your cunt?
I'm learning C
Helo, I'm making a list pls tell me who is the most based person from your country. In Spain it's Bertin Osborne...
/deutsch/ am Abend
Wear. A. Mask
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
/ita/ il filo
Latin Americans eat empanadas
How would you fix the balkans?
What do Spaniards and/or Latin Americans think of this
Kurva anyátok
Is it possible to turn your life around at 19 in your country?
What is the "funny sounding" dialect in your language?
Dating Culture in Your Country
I distinctly remember posting on Zig Forums during 9/11
/mex/ hilo mexicano
My parents named me London because they met there
Why do they get naked in front of others in school?
Would anime still be popular in your country if it was invented by a black country?
Wake up
/lat/ - hilo latino
Sverigetråden - meditationsupplagan
Do Russians consider themselves to be a part of greater 'Western Civilization', or more eastern...
¡Hola! Me llamo es Pablo
/fr/ - Le francofil
Why are Americans so obsessed about some medium-sized sandnigger shithole? I don't get it
You suffer?
I divide Turkey in to correct states
Why anglos so obsessed with them? i've never seen a people live so rent free in another's head so hard before
What are some russian memes
/ita/ - il filo
After finishing a sentence in prison for "holocaust denial" Ursula Haverbeck has again been sentenced to prison for an...
Why is English such dumb language?
Uh... Brexitbros?
What kind of pizza do you have in your cunt
Sverigetråden - aktivera upplagan
Kek or cringe?
The definitive map of women's beauty by country
ITT: post a sentence in your language and Americans try to read it
Biggest misconceptions and true stereotypes about your country?
Your country
Are you religious?
There is an Afghan poster on this board right now
Post beaches from your country
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Do they
Grew up knowing nothing about Balkans
To all you good anons out there who are struggling with learning German, remember this:
Do Western men really allow their girlfriends/wives to have male friends?
/desi/-That was fun but enough of that edition
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + enemies
Europe is the Great Satan
/deutsch/ zum abend /dfc/
What are some similar phenomena in your countries?
*saves your language*
/balk/ - exodus edition
Sverigetråden - Snusupplagan
Are there incels in your country ?
Sweden has never won a war
I miss him bros
Only countries with aircraft carriers can post here
What ethnicity are these people in your country?
Did you know...
/esp/ - hilo muy español y mucho español
East Germany
/ita/ - il filo
Cursed memes from your country
“To my regret I walked up to the car...
MRI for kidney problem
We're not the same. It looks similar, but it's different
Hilo /lat/ino
Sexting with gf
Why are europeans so islamophobic?
Do people in your country complain about having to do the job they spent years being trained to do?
Was your school multicultural/international ?
/fr/ - le francofil
Has a girl ever liked you in your country but you were too autistic or scared to follow up on it?
Why yes, we will shoot you if you leave your home after 9pm
What does it mean when Iranian girl is flirting with me and calling me sexy man?
Sverigetråden - Storasystersupplagan
ITT: Post your country's rightful borders
What do communists in your country look like?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2476
150,000 annual homicides
What do you think of Iran?
Gypsies are Pajeets?
/anime/ ehemals /deutsch/
What do latin americans of Zig Forums think of communism...
Normies started using based and cringe
Tomorrow i will visit an asian store near me and buy copious amounts of these instant noodles
The century of humiliation is over. The West shall read what they have sewed. Workers of the world unite
If I say "please help me I don't have a money at all and pass port because these stuffs was stealed in station please...
Ukrainians are Canada’s 7th largest european ethnicity. There are more Ukrainians in Canada than America
1. ur cunt
What are some common misconceptions about your cunt?
White people who leave their country to teach (without having a teaching degree) English in an Asian country are all...
Who is this "Venti Genshi" character and why has it been posted a lot lately on several boards?
Only 5 soyjak threads in the catalog
Post last piece of clothing you bought in your cunt
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Thinking of marrying a european transgender and moving there. its only way to escape from t*Rkey
Will the persecution of the german people on Zig Forums ever end?
They just sat on this comfy island and watched as europeans got raped by warmongering dictators and muslims over and...
Where I'm from? I'm from Nevada!
Which country has this phenotype?
I only like japanese video games
Turks literally named their telecommunication company a TURKCEL
I kneel
I welcome all the Westerners (especially) White girls to GOA
/lang/ - Language learning general
What was the most embarrassing moment in your cunts history?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Sverigetråden - Lejonupplagan
How common are black queens in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - les frankop1s
This is how China should look like
Why are europeans like this?
Russia had great painters, writers, and composers...
Climate Change Could Make Russia's Frozen Siberia Far More Habitable by the 2080s...
Why america have so many trans?
Your country
Muh Islamic Civilization
Tell me about the bible belt muttanons ,what it's like ?
Which country has the hottest women?
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & Friends
Dubs decide which country is made for BBC
I have just gotten a 500 shekel fine for not wearing a mask while walking on the street
Zig Forums is it true?
ITT High IQ Quotes/Proverbs
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Confess your sins Zig Forums
NNNNNOOOOOOOOOO my pike is supposed to be good against cavalry
French arrogance
Are they still friends?
Language thread
What do you call single women who never had kids/barren women in your cunt ?
/ita/ - il filo
Post desserts from your country
Why do Armenians and Georgians look so different?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How do you pronounce "VGH"?
Sverigetråden - Bastuupplagan
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Who will lead Europe after Macron ?
What are redditors from your country like?
/ಇಸ್ರೇ/ - /ישר/ - /इजरा/ - /isr/
What's your ideal burger made of, Zig Forums?
Is cheating common in your country? My girlfriend forgave me for fucking her roommate and jokes about it now
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
How to say in your language?:
Yes, we eat all of it. And we're proud of it
Why do women pretend to have a built in creep detector that helps them determine who's dangerous and who's trustworthy...
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine