>Sweden has never won a war
>Finland has never lost a war
Has your country won a war?
Sweden has never won a war
Other urls found in this thread:
42% of all threads about Finland were made by Finnish flags
We've never lost
like 5 of em
We won many wars.
Yep so that means foreigners make Finnish threads even more.
*blocks your path*
White Finland lost twice to the USSR
she looks like my ex dunno if i should text her
Dude,jokes aside,do you really think that countries lose their territories when they win a war?
to you
LMAO no we decimated them and they're are serious genetic deformities in the region today because of our ass whooping
Only war I know that Finland was in was world war 2 and you lost because you were nazi allies
Despite what people say, France. True warriors.
>LMAO no we decimated them
you killed 10% of them?
Vietnam is open to American capitalism, my shoes are made in Vietnam, we won.
Finland was Sweden once. You mean it lost without a war?
Finland mentioned)
yeah...its not that they were fighting italians or anything...
why can't I find the Battle of Pont Saint-Louis on Wikipedia? And why are the numbers on the Italian invasion on France totally different?
I agree with you btw
it's a travesty that France gets shat on solely for its performance in the first half of the XX century
yes all guys bailed out to sweden and russia just walked to the swedens border and did some raids and sweden was like "omg we surrender no sweden is endangered"
>kinship wars: lost
>winter war: lost
>continuation war:lost
>lapland war: hehe nice meme germans plz leave we shoot 2 guys to show we're serious
Never won a war
you that Turk that asked for Aino's ig in the now deleted coomer thread? I have it if you want it
>it's a travesty that France gets shat on solely for its performance in the first half of the XX century
france gets shat on for one reason and one reason alone: they opposed the iraq war. then amerimutts began to sperg about "saving" france in ww2
>finns think they won the winter war
do they really?
no but sure i love whores
this is female(female)?
I think I saw we've won the second most battles in history, after the french. Half of them were probably against each other desu
nah I think it goes before that
>france gets shat on for one reason and one reason alone: they opposed the iraq war. then amerimutts began to sperg about "saving" france in ww2