what zero pussy does to a mf
What zero pussy does to a mf
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you become the most intelligent man of all time?
that sounds nice
The power of wizardom.
Now that's just cope, Newton was well accomplished by his early 20s
ypipo be like
>imma invent gravity n shit
no, it was one man. we know his name and how he looked like.
>being a virgin nerd is better than banging nice and hot wet pussy every weekend
keep telling yourself that incel
ooga booga to you too
>smartest person of all time was english
Not surprising
He was a Muslim heretic (denied the Trinity)
Based englishman that liked alchemy
you become a tranny?
Focus on self development
failed normalfag detected
In India we are taught Aryabhata discovered Gurutvakarshan (Sanskrit for Gravitation) but Newton gave the numerical formula.
In reality though, both Aryabhata and Brahmgupta in their texts write Gurutvakarshan as a force that binds the Earth and acts towards the centre. While Newton’s definition was far more wide reaching and applied to every single mass in the universe. Still, I guess it’s ok to mention their names.
He was asexual(so was Tesla). They didnt have any longing for sex
what's wrong with cold pussy?
nothing if it's dead
how old are those other two dudes?
is it true that he was gay?
Is mathematics just incels adding on to a persistent system of autism?
Ineffably based
Reminder that Newton was a member of the Parliament for several years and the only time he spoke was to open the windows of the building because it was hot
>doesn't waste mental resources on petty political shit
pretty based
He would just smoke weed and shitpost here about how awful women are if he had the internet
He lived in a comfy house too