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Other urls found in this thread:


done more poos than you've had hot dinners

Hate it that Christianity receives so much denigration. Ecclesiastes is more relevant than ever in our society

woa nice l-joint

Justice for this brave frenchmen

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belly full and a bitch on my dick
all a man needs to be happy

books which are good for a young person to read:
how to read a book
deep work
how to be an a grade student or whatever its called
make it stick
starting strength

was the rolling machine a gimmique on here or a different general



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can’t believe i share a general with these PLEBS. probably think plantinga is a type of tree, yet dare to formulate their worthless opinions on questions that have tested the greatest intellects mankind has ever produced. wish people knew their place

read what you want it's all luck of the draw anyway

lol shut off clean shirt

That I can't answer mate cause I have not experienced anything like it but who knows maybe in the future eh

going to become a practicer of zunism


books which are good for a young person to read:
how to suck a golfball
deep sucking
how to be an a golfball sucker or whatever its called
make it suck
sucking strengh

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what's that you say?

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microsoft stopped making em years ago lad


best /brit/ meme ever

Is dòiche agam a tha sibh a' faighinn bronnag

>spend most of lockdown toil-from-home in a complete malaise unable to focus and read
>suddenly got over it 2 weeks ago and litearlly read 3 books in a fortnight by waking up at 6 in the morning and litearlly just reading for 2 hours every weekday
>toil asking us back in over christmas and the commute will make it impossible

Mates are like a weird cross between Deano and Norf FC they have the personalities of Norf FC but their whole aesthetic right down to their tacky newbuilds and shiny white teeth are all Deano

>start reading the bible
>talking snake appears


wanna pig out rn lads

Death to all who insult Jacinda

Attached: New_Zealand_Prime_Minister_Jacinda_Ardern_in_2018.jpg (1479x1849, 532.99K)

>pig out
fuck off yank

I will not take the vax.
I will not eat the bugs.
I will not live in the pod.
Death to the bourgeoisie.

state of those gnashers

literally only care about the crazy religions that have mostly died out
that's where DA TROOF lies

smaoinich air na tha thu ag iarraidh an uairsin, lol

>Death to all who insult Jacinda

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You can either fit in, or spend time with spergs and losers online.

>start reading athiest book
>a rat turns into a person


Why am I so lazy?

there's this project where I was supposed to submit something 4 weeks ago and I still haven't even started it

>I will not take the vax.
>I will not eat the bugs.
>I will not live in the pod.
>Death to the bourgeoisie.

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>Angels don't have free will and must follow every order according to GOD exactly
>Some Angels fall in love with human women and mate with them creating Nephilim

Doesn't this mean Angels actually do have free will if they willingly chose to fall in love with humans? Nice plothole God

We should really establish a keyword for when skmeone is making a new ro avoid others making useless /new/s and posts after the new is posters. What are we fucking animals?

allez allez alleeez
allez allez alleeez

got dressed 12 hours and just realised i've got my boxers on backwards

i did read your reply alan i just chose not to reply to it x


Fuck Raycon

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I wish I were an animal

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you tit
you cretin
you fool

As if you could

Is it really such a bad thing that other believe in something and strive to be a better person simply cause you don't hold the same beliefs?

yah i didn't really understand it tbqh

Google translate

the gf

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At the gym but can't be arsed lol!

skipping bodyweight exercise toil and don't feel guilty because bodyweight exercises are a scam and i miss going to the gym but i dnt want to accidentally kill my parents by getting covid on them

50s, 60s, 70s and 80s (yank) culture was obsessed with worshipping Native Americans the same way modern 10s, 20s (yank) culture obsesses about worshipping blacks

won't be long till they find a new race to fawn over and treat as some sort of mythical super race of excellent, genius, talented, powerful individuals (yet somehow eternally victims)

Will you have sex?

You are really just homosexual and thats okay my dude. Stop shitting yourself and go suck real cock.

>gym runt is a coward
imagine moi surproyse

Wish I were a lesbian

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>changes my xbox location to new zealand
>can play my cyberprunk pre order one day early
huh cool

where's 190


very reasonable response

Good but "Converted to Catholicism first but now wants to convert to Orthodoxy because cooler aesthetics" should read "because he saw a picture of the Pope kissing a black person's foot".

had exactly as many hot dinners as this lad has had poos, if you catch my drift

Yeah upon rereading I think I wouldnt have understood it if someone wrote it too. These things are very personal.

((yank)) culture

It unlocks at the same exact time worldwide, 1pm in NZ and midnight here

reckon what you meant to say is that you were you were fucking animals

thoughts on CBT?

kek these are me

Mong boy btfo


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I hope its Algerians. When will our time finally come?

remember tim shaws asylum or kerrang radio?

fuck christoids

Like goth shit?
Like vampires?
Like hiphop/rap
Then listen to this amazing mixtape made by ELEVEN it is fire as fuck if you don't your mother will die in her sleep tonight thanks!

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Wish I had a gaslighting, abusive, cbt gf.

Laurence Fox has his own political party now

try it now, its working for me on NZ location

GOG version has had the unlock files leaked already
Zig Forums is playing it now

worked 12 hours today (same yesterday)
can't be fucked with it 2bh

bodyweight is such a drag i don't feel any enjoyment from doing it. it all feels like a chore. whereas i feel a genuine sense of accomplishment from doing a squat or deadlift

Fischia sempre più forte
Il vento dell'Occidente
Tra le macerie umane
Una bomba intelligente
Giustizia planetaria
Il mondo apre le porte
Pace totalitaria
Solo l'odore della morte
L'odore della morte
L'odore della morte

camel nose

literal negative chance i even hover over that link

Battle of Algiers is one of the best films ever. Your time was long ago old man.

chubby wubby

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I dont know anythjng about it. But I tried EFT once wasnt that great. And tries the Sedona Method. That one was actually helpful for where I was at at the time

Quite peng

Depends on face ofc


£150, should do it.

she looks amazeballs. give her a kiss on the fanny from me, lad.

al how do i become a transnational chad like you?

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Just did 1000 shikos, lads.

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o partigiano portami via,
o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao

North Africans, Berbers, Tuaregs, Arabs, and Bedouins inspired the sci-fi story Dune, which inspired Tatooine in Star Wars, which has inspired countless more sci-fi and fantasy settings. Every desert-dwelling fantasy people are a little bit Arab/North African.

suddenly smells like thai food in here..

Well start with the Sedona method as I just fucking said and see if it works. Download a pirate pdf of the book

>waiting for official releases
>paying for games
lol this place is full of literal teenage faggots

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Holy Wisdom Shit Balls.

all non-sport exercise is a chore. you just have to push yourself and keep going. if your muscles are sore then you're working them.

Gonna get the vaccine 5 times just to be safe

when is the aisha stream?

Oh my peng

If that was our time, it was really shit.

could be lemon-scented bleach.

is that a penis

I'll stick with Project Wingman, thanks

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make sure you send her a tribute

>50s, 60s, 70s and 80s (yank) culture was obsessed with worshipping Native Americans
was it?

A full bronnag wumman.

> 3 AM

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What do you expect when a million sheep pre-pay $60 for a game.

doing a winnie the pooh

are you meant to eat the fat from a gammon steak?


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7 or 8

nah but legit i feel a sense of euphoria after lifting.

whereas with bodyweight, i'm just glad that i got it overwith. i don't feel any excitement or joy about it.
also a lot of the exercises don't feel that good. like progressions to handstand pushups don't feel nearly as satisfying as ohp.

just want a sex simulator with AAA standard graphics

if you want
i wouldn't but then i'm posh


based knower

made a autistic map today

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Can you shag in cyberpunk?

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fatty watty

been on a 2 hour call with toilberg
still going on
might scream

need to upgrade me graphics card for cyberpunk de lads

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does it get better after mission 1 cause I played it and turned it off after that.

dads work mate was on naked attraction appaz

considering a relaxed, lowkeyq golfball suck session

watching The Last Emperor
never expected to see a movie where there is a poo, a toddler’s willy and a singular boob within about three minutes of footage

what's it supposed to show?

looks like these two balkan lads

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closest I'll ever get in my life as well aha