Amongst the all time tragedies to befall humanity?
Where would you rank September 11
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Probably the worst thing since WW2 considering how it kickstarted america's horrible march of death across the globe for revenge against a few hijackers who I do believe were already dead.
Unless you’re American I don’t see the reason to see it as just any other attack the happened in another part of the world. I’d put the 2003 Invasion of Iraq a bigger tragedy personally than 9/11.
They deserved it though
Innocent accountants and office workers didn’t
Tragedy? I un-ironically celebrate 9/11 every year, in fact i remember when i was a kid in front of the TV my dad changed the channel from cartoons to news and when my family saw it they all started laughing.
This. 9/11 was a crime but invading Iraq was a much bigger one.
If I were afghan or Iraqi I would rank it quite high, at least for the past 100 years
about tree fiddy
Dubs of basedness.
It’s so sad here people still don’t joke about it
At least here in New York
Maybe they shouldn’t have fucked with the US
We have a saying in civilized countries - it’s better to kill 100 innocent people than let 1 guilty person go
The same place with the tragedy when a US warship got "blown up by Cubans".
In the "pathetic" category.
I hope you get an office job one day and someone decides to go postal and shoot everyone
See, not cool right?
Tragedies aren't pre-planned idiot
No 1 in "Spectacular" category.
Corona killed 10 times more people though. But its not very spectacular, so who cares
I have an office job. You realize you really have changes to get sacrificed by your cunt? They have experience in that shit. The entire world would think you died because of ISIS or Cubans or whatever.
I'd have "Will and Testament" document prepared on your place.
People like you are why people like me signed up for the military
I’m glad most of us only wanted to take out women and children
It’s different because corona wasn’t preventable
9/11 was
Imagine just being a janitor on the 115th floor when bam you get blown up for no reason
Hiroshima is like "Hold my beer, am I not even a tragedy"
They were enemy combatants
Innocent accountants and lawyers and CEOs weren’t
Can’t wait till the chinks nuke you
3000 Americans died of COVID-19 just yesterday
modern Titanic, somewhere down there after all the plagues, raiding primitives and massive volcanic eruptions.
No America deserved it.
Kek, jewnited cuckstates of muttmerica days are numbered, if you cant clearly see the incoming collapse due to all the built up tensions, the rotting and decay of your already sub-human society is very evident, its over for mutts.
I am quite sure people of Hiroshima weren't all enemy combatants. It was pretty much a city with people inside.
The """""""""""""""""tragedy""""""""""""""""" itself? Me dropping my youghurt on the floor 20 minutes ago was more tragic. The bad part of 9/11 was that it gave the Americans a reason to feel justified in doing some terrible shit.
Did you fight in Iraq to topple an anti-Israeli dictator or did you actually fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan?
>I un-ironically celebrate 9/11 every year,
>when my family saw it they all started laughing.
fucking based. I love you.
The only fight he's fighting is the battle against diabetes
Sorry to hear about your yoghurt Finnbro. No loss of a tasty treat cannot be remembered
love you too finnbro, mutt genocide world wide.
My condolonce.
Based. We used to build towers with Jenga bricks and throw things at it while shouting "WORLD TRADE CENTER" when I was a kid.
just below that time I was running in the woods and had to take a shit and it turned into explosive diarrhea
i can relate
Black Op/10.
At the very bottom.
Sorry to hear bro.
i cant remember the last time i heard reference to 9/11 from someone that wasnt in relation to a joke
No jews died because they didn't show up that day.
how do they keep getting away with it brehs...