I miss him bros
I miss him bros
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When will he start streaming on youtube? Or is he too lazy for that
Who is this guy
A boring streamer with a cult following who recently got banned for showing a horse cock on stream.
Ok. Thanks
Is he redpilled or what?
He's horsepilled
He said he won't come back if the ban is permanent. It's just a temp ban.
lmao. I love it when latino donkey-monkey negro hybrids use alt-right terms to try to blend in with White people. You ain't white, Paco.
he just sits there, nothing about the stream is entertaining and chat spams nonsense. who cares
we got too cocky horse bros...
Hit a nerve, Mahmutt?
Identity crisis.
He also grows beard and he started to look like hobo. So his character improved. I like to watch.
meds quick
Projecting much, Ahmet from Konya?
I'll actually be mad if it's permanent. It was an accident. Also didn't that ugly moroccan titty streamer not get banned for something similar?
I think maybe his entertainment is something that only Europeans can understand. Every Euro seems to love the guy
>Also didn't that ugly moroccan titty streamer not get banned for something similar?
Thots can do whatever they want on twitch, lol
Massive amounts of zoomer soy detected in this thread
Sadly he's not banned forever
he just got unbanned btw
The defintition of the nordic cuck. While his women are being culturally enriched by mahmed, he sits at home and plays (((video games)))
he's so fucking boring nowadays literally who cares
t. watching since 2014
and his wife makes him food, while he's raking in cash from american viewers
hearthstone was fun
holy fucking based