Who represents you in your country?

Who represents you in your country?

Attached: me_on_the.webm (648x576, 1.08M)

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is the guy on the left ok?

Why are his upper and lower lips different colours?

He will eventually learn that life isn't fair and he won't give a single fuck about that crap.

Yeah, that's definitely how a relationship is irl, lmao.

>among us

me on the left

Is Eric sad or moved? Why is he crying? Is he ok now?

He finna BLACK them and destroy the relationship tho

nah he is broken

He finna break in dey pink pussy

have sex

Me on the left


still not funny

me on the left if I was lighter

Attached: 1604086843063.jpg (1537x2046, 329.86K)

If the guy on the left hit the gym and got ripped he would have a horde of white bitches on his dick. He isn't even that ugly, I've seen much worse building families.
But it's much easier to cry instead of trying to improve himself.

You never went to a gym in your life and your garbage advice shows it

My dude is a virgin

Attached: Screenshot_20201210-185040_Chrome.jpg (720x906, 337.83K)

What the fuck are you talking about, Hans?

t. whinny fattie loser

Getting fit wont get you free pussy you fucking moron, stop giving out garbage advice, you know absolutely nothing about lifting and it shows.

What do the leaves mean?

dis nigga gotta chase the bag and not the hoes baka


Hitting the gym also improves your self-esteem, you retard.
Stop talking to me.

fuck off Hiro

weed i thin

baka desu senpai

Try again, insufferable retard. Stop it with the garbage fucking advice. Lifting will not get you free pussy, only underage retards who have never seen a gym from the inside think this. Face, height and even fucking personality are more important.
Post your body. I would choke you to death and rape your ass if I ever saw you irl, fucking dyel retard telling people to work out for women. Neck yourself.

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>that image
Every time

Attached: 1590627138140.jpg (640x645, 93.13K)

I'm sorry but you look like a manlet

Yep, me on the left

Looks like a regular German to me. What's wrong?

>that pic
Well, of course you think my advice is trash

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