>Your genetic origins
>Your favorite countries
>Your most hated countries
Optional: You can explain why
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kys diaspora
I'm half white half paki living in America
Post the template first. The colour gets weird otherwise
Reasons why I hate
>Saudi: Obvious
>Turkey: Obvious
>Sweden: Cringy autistic enough to hate desu
>France: My anglo blood makes me hate them
>Southern Africa: they dindu nuffin my nuggin
Just use this
My genetic origins begin in northern India and stretch all the way to Europe
>Your genetic origins
German, Italian, Austrian. We think the Austrians might have come from somewhere else but we’re not sure where.
>Your favorite countries
Italy, Russia, Japan
>Your most hated countries
I don’t hate any countries
Nobody hates libya :3
I always defend Japanese when people call them bugs but then I see stuff like this and think maybe they’re on to something
weeb simp lmao
>like cuba
>hate portugal, nigeria, poland
>Favorite country
>Hated countries
Anything not Bosnia
Bosnia superior
OP is a huge fucking fag
provide a template faget
>Love the US, SK, LatAm (except Brazil) and Japan
>will gladly take part in a war to crush pakistan
Based japanon
Ok cool
We don't care about unibrow
the only decent in the region and anti-Amerimutt
shit history
criminal scums
criminal scums
Why do you project so hard? Imagine making an online identity around hating anyone who doesn’t say things overtly negative about Japan lmao what a loser
Why do you like India?
From the U.S.
>genetic origins
Irish, Slovakian, Polish and Ukrainian. Allegedly 1/16th Mohawk, too, although I've only seen the markers for my dad's side of the family
>favorite countries
I've been to about 50 countries. Of those I've visited, I'd list my favorites as:
1. India
2. Mexico
2. Turkey
4. Colombia
5. Nepal
5. Serbia
>most hated countries
I don't really hate any particular country. However, I'm not a huge fan of Central and Northern Europe, particularly the Scandinavian countries. While I think their efficiency and social welfare systems are admirable, I can't relate to the average person's borderline robotic personality. I remember once staying at a hostel in Nicaragua; I was invited to drink with a group of German girls. I asked them what they were talking about and discovered they were in the middle of a deep--and very controversial--conversation about the merits of varied cardboard composition, particularly in relation to its recyclability.
You moved from the US to Turkey?
You’re literally Mongolian
>I asked them what they were talking about and discovered they were in the middle of a deep--and very controversial--conversation about the merits of varied cardboard composition, particularly in relation to its recyclability.
How do you come up with these fucking stories naxalboo
>Irish, Slovakian, Polish and Ukrainian. Allegedly 1/16th Mohawk, too
100% without a doubt american
I was supposed to move to India for a language program, but I canceled and deferred until next year. I'm just working online and studying right now. Turkey's a genuinely beautiful country and has a fantastic exchange rate.
Well, I went to Nicaragua and talked to some Germans.
Is it weird that I want the French empire to return? It was the closest Europe came to a second Roman empire and then the Anglos had to ruin it again.
OP is a cringe diaspora
>tfw when whole world is your homeland