I dont get it, theyre all pretty much the same, why dont they just form into one nation?

i dont get it, theyre all pretty much the same, why dont they just form into one nation?

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brazil is not latin american


Uruguay is not Latin America.

you're right, we are most brown, short and ugly,
but we have many internal conflicts.
almost all countries hate each other, especially the southern cone, bolivia and peru

What are we then

Dunno about the islands, but it's to my understanding that the upper limit of consolidation would be GroB versions of Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina.

you should form one nation with canada and mexico first

Pretty :)

Brazilian therefore African

how would mexico join the latinx union if we annex them?

Argentina jr
Puerto Rican guy wanted to unite Spanish Carribean into a single nation

dude weed

>unite Spanish Carribean into a single nation

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You too :)

Why didn't you include the western region of US too, mutt? Ain't that region a Mexican vassal state at this point?

this shit again?

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For the same reason why you don’t merge with Canada.

thats just mexican cope, its american land and has been so for nearly 200 years

I dont see any reason we shouldnt, america and canada should be a single country

How are France and Haiti the same as the other countries?

FUCK NO! Like hell I want all those Chinese people becoming American citizens.

This is what LatAm would look like now if europ*ds minded their own business.

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Actually it would...I mean does...look like this

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The Switzerland of the south

I bet they are happier and healthier than your cucked overweight smog breathing society.

They all think they can be their own distinct little country when in reality they are all the same miserable third world brown filth shithole failed state

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very based post here
this is why argies are the best sudacas

We should unite and form the United Shithole Nations of LatrineX (USNLx) against MVTTISTAN

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I'm in favour of the Union of Latin America, and this includes a whole lot of American states... And Quebec.


Nah, more like the dutch of the south

Do they really?

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canada is latinx

Because of the weed and faggotry?

He's referencing a song

The opposite should happen, those countries are too big and they should balkanize